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Everything posted by husker

  1. Link looks rather "scammy" to me. One can only buy Musio directly through Cineamples at musio.com. They recently removed the ability to get a lifetimee sub from their store; according to the "official" sources, you can still purchase one only through their support, and for $999. That being said, I'm a big Musio fan. I jumped at the lifetime for $499 when they offered it (and a rather impulse buy that was), but thus far, its been the best money I've spent on orchestral libraries.
  2. husker

    Musio 1 for $299

    I had the same thing happen to me on a clean install. I had to go through and hit the download button on each instrument, but realized it wasn't actually downloading them again. It was simply relinking them. It was a pain for sure.
  3. My too. I love just exploring and playing those patches.
  4. Meanwhile the son uses a cracked version of FL studio, some samples strung together, and gets 10,000 views on Youtube.
  5. You should getsit. It's pretty pretty good. All kidding aside, it is a unique take on FM synthesis.
  6. Musio may end up being the best $499 I've ever spent on my music hobby....
  7. Twas the best mag on the net.... ?
  8. Actually, that isn't technically true. You could use the Opus Mix section to assign a filter to each section.
  9. Can anyone confirm a mod wheel issue for me? Moving the modwheel with a mouse clearly moves the wheel (at least in the GUI), but does nothing to the sound. Moving on the mod wheel on my midi controller moves both the wheel and modifies the sound. Bizarrre.
  10. You convinced me. Downloading now!
  11. husker

    Office 365

    I bought a lifetime license for a DAW one time. Ask me how that turned out.
  12. Oddly enough, there is no mention of Guitar Rig 7 on the NI site. Still at 6.
  13. My absolute favorite Floyd album....
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