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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. Is there a noticeable difference when viewing the Fairfax edition?
  2. One of the major advantages with these newer monitors is, they allow you to hear sounds clear and more distinct than you did 10 or 20 years ago because the technology is more advanced inside of them. I listened to my KRK's and older Yamaha and the clarity the Frontier monitors were remarkable and what I heard was cleaner and much better because of the technology that didn't exist 10 or 20 years ago. I don't blame him for upgrading his 23 year old monitors because the inner parts are 23 years behind the current time.
  3. So I was informed that I was looking to place the MCU in Demo Mode. This is initiated by holding a set of buttons while powering up the MCU. This makes all of the fader moves, the pan posts turn left and right and the rest of the device provides a light show. This then goes through every button, every combination of button presses, fader movements and pot movement and then provides an on screen report of what failed. I saw a YouTube video of this years ago and never saved the location, now I can't find the video or remember the combination of button to press. I tried it once an it worked, but for the life of me I can't remember how it's done. I called Mackie and the guy on the phone had no idea of what I was talking about because the instructions are not in the manual, but for the Mackie HUI, the instructions are in the manual. I am going to send an email to Mackie to request the the instructions for placing the MCU in Demo Mode to see if I get someone with knowledge.
  4. Mr. Toture, Take a look at these Frontier by Barefoot Monitors. Barefoot is a well known monitor company in the music industry and I had the chance to listen to a pair of these in person. I had to save to get these because it was worth it. The company will allow you to test a pair for 30 day but you have to either buy them or return them. I bought them before the 30 days were up. ? Check them out on YouTube when you get a chance.
  5. Yea Bapu, I know, but for the most part I think the ones that really like to get the work done, will stick around.
  6. John, Yes, my failed message doesn't show always, but the fader 8 movement in CbB is always off a few db off on the screen. I had the problem with my fader 5 and 6 two years ago, I believe someone from the forum told me to get DeoxIT Fader F5 Fader Lubricant from Sweetwater and after taking apart the MCU and spraying the faders inside, it stopped the sticky fader movement.
  7. Thanks Zargg, That example is for the Mackie HUI and I have the Mackie Conrol Universal. Plus, I can't see the button names he pressed.
  8. Tim, Client and customers are no problem, I've been recording folks and groups for years. I just figured it's time to benefit from my services and space, and stop considering this journey a hobby. I shared the YouTube video to show others what to conciser when pricing out your services.
  9. How many of you have or have had a Mackie Control Universal in their studio? would you happen to recall how to run a calibration test, or whatever it was to get all of the faders, pan pots and flashing lights to move in sequence? I am trying to test my MCU because my master fader is sitting higher than the rest of the faders on my unit and it doesn't keep the same movement as my master fader in CbB. I am trying figure out what is wrong with it. I know the QCon Pro G2 is calling my name, but not this early. LOL
  10. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have the Waves Maserati VX1 Vocal Enhancer Plug-in. I don't use it much but it is one to consider for $29.99 at Waves.
  11. Here is a great review of the Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip
  12. The price of the plugin was $129.99 as an introductory price until May 31 arrived. Now the price is back to the original price of $159.99. if you hang on a while, you could see the price come back down again or if you have an IK Multimedia account, use saved Jam points like I did.
  13. This is the Patch-bay I am using, It's a Samson S Patch Plus. I like it because the modes are on the front and I don't have to remove it or get behind the rack to change the mode.
  14. Whosip, As I said, after using the trial version of it on several previous mixes I did in the past, I immediately purchased it from IK Multimedia using some of my Jam points and added it to my vocal chain of plugins. It is an extremely good plugin to have in the arsenal. I haven't really focused much on obtaining a bunch of vocal plugins besides the standard compressors, reverb, delay, eq's and saturation plugins, but that Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip is the one. Truth be told, I used the Joey Sturgis (Howard Benson Vocal Plugin) a few times and I just let it fall by the wayside because I was not really feeling it. Thanks for introducing me to Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip!!!
  15. This is the Patch-bay I am using, It's a Samson S Patch Plus. I like it because the modes are on the front and I don't have to remove it or get behind the rack to change the mode. I do however have and excel spreadsheet with it's connections and layout, but I am getting tired of looking at the spreadsheet to see which connections go where. I need to label this puppy. The white spacing on the front is way too small too write the description of the equipment.
  16. Tom, Take a look at the video from Creative Sauce YoutTube Channel. Mark gets an honorable mention in this video.
  17. Craig, I mean, did you label it similar to the image below with cut our names, (in this case pictures). or did you use a labeling software?
  18. Whosip, ???? I downloaded a trial of the Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip and fell in love with it. Oh my goodness, it sounds wonderful with the IK Sunset Sound Studio Reverb and the IK Tape machine 440. That combination after some gentle compression and subtle EQ, depending on the vocals, will be part of my my NEW Vocal Chain. Purchasing now using whatever Jam Points I am allowed to use for part of the purchase. ?
  19. Craig, How did you label the patchbay? I am trying to get away from the cut away labels and I am thinking about purchasing Patchbay software. I found the following: PatchCAD 3 Aztec Patchbay Editor Pro
  20. I think he helped me wire my studio patchbay.
  21. Hello All, I work full time and usually after work I used to go to my home studio and dabble in mixing. The longer I did it, the better i became and started purchasing more equipment to go along with the studio. I would then start-recording friends and relatives for free as I have keyboard workstation, Midi Keyboards, Acoustic and Electric guitars and basses in my studio. I then wondered about charging folks as I was using my time and electricity on helping them over the years and how I could benefit. Now, I am no where near an Andrew Scheps, however, I have taken engineering classes at the University of the ARTS in Philadelphia, PA and have done an internship at Philly International Records, a few decades back, LOL (That Major Studio has been closed for several years now). ? This video helped me in determining that I needed to begin charging for my services.
  22. Ooohhh Looks interesting. ? I was going to recommend the CLA Waves Vocal plugin. Also, I have used the Joey Sturgis (Howard Benson Vocal Plugin)
  23. Yea, It's my Firefox browser. I can access the Magazine from Google Chrome and MS Edge. I guess it's time to clear my cache and the rest of Firefox... Thanks Larry.
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