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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. Bapu, Softube is offering to bundle your bundles so you can bundle even more!!! ?
  2. Too many deals are poping up in my email and it's overwhenling!!! I want to buy all of the great plugins and studio hardware I see but I am afraid my wife will divorce me. I need to take out a loan to pay for all of the stuff I want. !! HELP SANTA!! ?I've been a good boy this year.
  3. Hello Folks, This was a find that I had to share, The IK Multimedia T-RackS Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip sells for $149.99 regulary and doesn't go on sale, or at least I haven't see it on sale since it came out. Now it's a Christmas sale item for only $39.99. I love this plugin and purchasesd it when it was first released as with an introductory discount offer. Get it now while you can for only $39.99 as the price will definitely go back up. ~~> AudioDeluxe IK Multimedia T-RackS Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip - $39.99 FREE Softube Dirty Tape included - $59.99 value
  4. Yes, S1 Artist can be had with the purchase of of the Presonus Audio Box 96 Interface. You can go to Amazon and purchase the Presonus Audio Box 96 bundled with Studio One 6 Artist for $99.00, with a free upgrade to the latest version. Amazon and Studio One 6 Artist Check out the Bundled Studio One Options
  5. Buy three plug-ins and receive the cheapest FREE SSL Plug-in's are often regarded as the best kept secret in audio production. To help spread the word we're offering a 3 for 2 custom plug-in bundle across the entire range. You could add some console style saturation, advanced dynamics processing or any of the console grade plug-ins within the SSL Native range and beyond to create your perfect custom bundle. 3 items $82.97 Discount(s)- $24.99 ShippingFree Total (tax excl.)$57.98 Total$ 57.98 Taxes: $0.00 3 for 2 -$24.99 (Savings) SSL X-Limit
  6. Straight from the Solid State Login site, will be great for the 3 for 2 purchase option. SSL X-Limit 24.99 SSL X- Phase 9.99 SSL X-Gate 29.99 SSL X- Echo 27.99 Purchased Gate, Echo and got Limit for free.
  7. NICE!!!!!!! Thanks Santa Larry ?
  8. I just watched this video and now my plugins organized the way I want to see them. Studio One Plugin Organization
  9. Hello all, I found a great deal on Studio One 6.5 professional as a crossgrade for only $180.00, that's 30% off of the regular price. Sorry, the crossgrade won't work for free DAWS, only paid version like Sonar X2 forward onto Sonar Platinum. I am not sure if this is the lowest price out there at the moment, however, this deal was great and will only last until December 31, 2023. I made the purchase from the link included above. They sent me an email telling me I would receive an email soon confirming my purchase. When I received my email I sent them back a copy of my original receipt from Clevebridge for Sonar Platinum, HERE, and the next day I receive my Serial key and the information to create or log into my Presouns account, where I found all the items neccessary for me to download, install and start usong Studio One Pro 6.5. If you are thinking about getting any version of Studio One, 6 Check the wesite as all of Presonus Studio One Crossgrades and updates are 30% off until December 31, 2023.
  10. I watched Studio One 6 videos until I fell asleep. There are sooooo many asweome features and the drag and drop is crazy efficient. I quickly created a mix template for use and added my external hardware. I do need a better way of organizing my plugins, but that will come as I learn more about the software. I am loving the number of tutorials that are available about S1 in general, and the new features in S1 - 6.5. Like I said, I love my Cakewalk by Bandlab, but Wow, Studio One Pro is so much butter. Like an FX Channel/Buss can be created by dragging a plugin onto the send area of a Channel. This happened automatically without me doing anything else but dragging and dropping!! That's just mind Blowing
  11. Mettelus, I been investigating Dolby Atmos for a while now. I have checked out some of the so called low cost Dolby Atmos system like Kali Audio has and I've cheeked out the make shift ones from using KRK monitors. Thanks for the info. on expecting lots of GOODIES!! ?
  12. Thanks all for the comments, I guess ?. I will be installing Studio One..., did I say Studio 1, or did I say Studio Wun... ooops I think you can tell I am an owner now. Install is happening tonight after work. Thanks for all of the great suggestions and things to look out for. I still love CbB, but I am tired of waiting for the new Sonar to come out . If I am going to pay for a DAW, I think the one with an excellent External Hardware Insert structure is what I'd pay for. "Pipeline XT" is awsome. and it it only cost me $180.00 wrapped up in a nifty DAW called Studio One 6 Pro. ?
  13. Whooo Hooo, I am a proud Owner of Studio One 6 Pro ============================== 1x Presonus Studio One 6 Pro Crossgrade Available immediately $180 Shipping Costs: Total Price: $180 Thomann GmbH, Hans-Thomann-Straße 1, 96138 Burgebrach, Germany Phone: (+49) 9546-9223-55, Fax: (+49) 9546-9223-24, email: international@thomann.de
  14. Hey all, You CbB users who also have Studio One Pro 6.5 installed on along side of Cakewalk, have you had any problem with the two together ?? Thanks for any information you can provide on things to look out for. BAPU ~~~> I am pulling the trigger today.
  15. Folks, PluginFox is running a sale for Studio One 6 crossgrade Purchase. There are only a few days left to purchase Studio One 6 at the crossgrade price of $209.99, as the sale ends December 31, 2023. Delivery is electronic only. Other places are having a similar sale. Crossgrade from eligible DAWS: Cubase 5 or higher Pro Tools 9 or higher Nuendo 5 or higher Logic Pro 9 or X Sonar X2 or higher Ableton Live 9 or higher Digital Performer 7 or higher Acid Pro 6 or higher Reason 6 or higher Reaper 4 or higher Samplitude 9 or higher Mixcraft 6 or higher FL Studio 11 or higher Bitwig Studio 2 or higher Tracktion T7 or higher Thomann has studio One 6 Pro Crossgrade for the price of $180.00 as a download. Requirements: crossgradedable DAW: from Live 9 Logic 9 Pro Tools 9 Cubase/Nuendo 5 Sonar X2 DP7 Acid Pro 6 Reason 6 Reaper 4 Samplitude 9 Mixcraft Pro 6 FL Studio 11 Bitwig Studio 2 Tracktion T7
  16. L?L, it's coming Bapu, it's coming!!
  17. Throw them both out at the same time and they will surely be intergrated in the trash can! ? Just kidding Latief,... just kidding.
  18. Michael, Sorry, I just saw this and it is EXACTLY what I was talking about. You are the Man!!!!!!! Thanks.
  19. I am seriously considering moving over to Studio One Pro because of the Pipeline XT. I love how it connects and using hardware is ten times better that using it in Cakewalk. I hope the new version of Sonar has been created with Pipeline XT in mind.
  20. Thanks, Will update when I get home tonight ?
  21. Mira, I hope you feel better and Merry Christmas as well. Think positive and use that positive energy well as it will help heal you. Keep all negative thoughts in out of your head and soon you will be out of the hospital soon and back to makeing music.
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