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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Amazing Technology video 2 min I'm switching video editors from Vegas to Davinci Resolve. This is the first project I finished while learning Resolve. I got a lot of free (and legal) images from Pixabay and I used some of my own photos. Audio track by me. Just noticed the volume isn't consistent so there's something else to go back and fix. Thanks for watching.
  2. bjornpdx

    Fe (Faith)

    FJ Excellent. I could definitely hear an African influence in the music. Good production all around.
  3. Jesse I like it. Pretty sure most newcomers to your music are thinking, wtf is this?? But then they move over to the other side and they start liking it. Always wondered how you do that, but gotta say that's pretty cool. +1 on item 6 on your list above. I think I'm a musician even though I can't play an instrument very well, but I can move notes around in PRV.
  4. Rexred You have such a great country voice tho the song isn't necessarily country. Can't find anything to critique - it's a great song and I like how the lyrics could be interpreted in different ways. Wish you luck with all your ambitions.
  5. bjornpdx

    Hey There

    Freddy I'm putting this one in the top 5 of your songs I've heard. Good bg vocals - is that you too? Good balance of sounds, bass stands out well, voc are clear - not too much reverb just right. Good story too - not sure how I'd handle meeting an old flame. Living well is the best revenge as they say.
  6. bjornpdx

    Swedish Song

    It just sounds Swedish to me. I tried different instruments for the lead - guitar, violin, viola - none of which I liked much. Decided to use one of the presets in Zebra, kind of a brass sound. The guitar accomp is Ilya Efimov's Acoustic Guitar. I played the basic melody via keyboard then filled in more midi notes by hand. And made a lot of corrections. Thanks for listening.
  7. Jesse Couldn't make out the lyrics but I thought the falsetto treatment was pretty cool. I too liked the guitar groove.
  8. David Pretty and somber. I kind of expected something else to come in at the end, maybe a slightly different version of part A. Had to google rubato. I don't think it's too rubato.
  9. Paul Nice tune and effects on the piano. I'm not the most highly qualified to comment on vocals but I think yours could benefit with a little Melodyne treatment here and there. I didn't get the dangling "now for.." phrase unless you meant the sentence to be completed by the listener?
  10. bjornpdx


    jerrydf, daryl, FJ, amiller, paul, Steve, Joad Thanks for listening and commenting Daryl I've been re-learning the guitar and making progress but don't think I'll ever get as good as what can be done with a fingerpicking VST. Steve, I used Picked Acoustic Countryside D Voicing 1 It followed the chord changes very well. Paul ? on the Brahms comparison.
  11. bjornpdx


    I wrote this for my niece's twins a couple of years ago. I made a few changes and then used different instruments. NI Picked Acoustic (Countryside) I really like this VSTi. u-he Zebra and Diva Thanks for listening.
  12. bjornpdx


    Leizer I like started off with a preset and having things develop from there and you got a real nice result here. I have AAS stuff but I always forget I have them for some reason. Kind of got into u-he synths lately I guess.
  13. Bajan Blue Impressive video tho I didn't get what was going on, but what else is new. The singer is really good, love her voice.
  14. Tom Very nice exploration of a theme with melodies developing here and there. Excellent performance.
  15. Jerry Toe tapper for sure. Really nice arrangement of traditional and rock. I wouldn't have guessed there's a polka in there.
  16. Douglas Interesting chord changes and unexpected notes makes for a captivating song. I always like your guitar performance and vocals.
  17. Daryl I always like your slice of life songs. The Next Level discussion is right up there with We Need to Talk About Our Relationship. Aaaaugh. But you gotta go through it.
  18. ATTENTION EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET!! Don't loose your passport. WRONG! Don't lose your passport. CORRECT! Thank you.
  19. I don't understand jazz but I do recognize great musicianship. Really like the Brazil flavor to this!
  20. bjornpdx


    Freddy Reminded me a bit of Roy Orbison somehow Nice chord changes Love the backing track Always smart to write a song for your wife!
  21. kenny I just shake my head every time I hear you play and think, man this guy is good.
  22. I like the recorded airport PA announcement (I have to remember to do that next time I'm at the airport) Cinematic for sure to the point of epic-ness. Reminds me of Celestine Prophecy by Christopher Franke (and how obscure is that?) Might be a bit too episodic but probably your intent. I like your comments on soundcloud explaining what's going on. Really good instrumentals and good handling of dynamics.
  23. Tom Another one of those songs in this forum where I think, Why is this guy not famous? Great mix of story line and song. Really really like the harmonica.
  24. An alternate product is Realitone Fingerpick https://realitone.com/products/fingerpick-2-0 You can extract the MIDI and change the patterns if you want. I don't think you can do that with NI Picked Acoustic. Have to say NI Picked Acoustic sounds pretty darn good and is only $10 more than Realitone.
  25. Freddy Just love your bluesy playing. Haven't heard a song about cars and racing since the Beach Boys days. The lyrics get stretched bit too much to make them fit the music but that's OK. You have a knack for creating fun songs.
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