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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Voices of the Empire. Couldn't pass it up at this price and additional $13.16 cheaper with code FORUM. (Thanks Larry) 18 GB download. Had to create new acct with soundsonline. Installer wanted to download another app, OPUS, which I passed on since I didn't know what it was. Apparently it replaces Play? I auditioned a few patches and it sounds very good.
  2. Congrats. Nice to get listeners from all over the world! Still blows me away to see that someone in, for example, Jakarta listened to a song of mine.
  3. John, I thoroughly enjoyed the song, partly because I can relate to the topic (and more so every year). The metronome angle works really well here. Great idea to leave it in like you did. ? -Bjorn
  4. Well done Tim, especially the 2nd song. Very professional sound to it. -Bjorn
  5. bjornpdx

    Life *remixed*

    It really is only piano and percussion. Really like the panning and delay fx of the percussion. Very well done. -Bjorn
  6. bjornpdx


    I posted this song 5 years ago. I recorded it again today hoping my voice would sound better. It doesn't sound better but I like the lyrics so here it is again. Thanks for listening/commenting. -Bjorn I read the obituaries all the way thru They're a story of a life in a paragraph or two Your name is in the paper and your picture's in there too There's some really nice things said about you I'm checking out the names, cause maybe I knew them And I'm checking out the ages, maybe I passed them Obituaries. Something there to learn The main thing is you're gonna get your turn Well here's a lady she was 99 Made it that far cause she drank a little wine She said Live your day like it's your last Cause that final one is coming up fast Here's a man he liked to go fishing There's a picture of him with a really big salmon He caught that fish maybe 30 years ago Guess his life after that was only so so Here's a picture of a guy when he was in the Navy He came back home and married sweetheart Mabel She passed away just last May They weren't apart long, now were they Well everyone here was so much admired They were always successful whatever they tried They went from ordinary to toast of the town When all they did was exit the here and now In lieu of flowers Send some money instead To the charity named after Whatever made you dead And here's a lady her name was Nadine She outlived everyone at a hundred thirteen She must have been happy there at the end She'd become a teenager again Now I don't mean to be insensitive You know I've lost some friends and some relatives It's just my way of facing the fact That my time on this stage gonna fade into black I'm checking out the names, cause maybe I knew them And I'm checking out the ages, maybe I passed them Obituaries. Something there to learn The main thing is you're gonna get your turn
  7. bjornpdx


    Sounds real good, Barry, and I like the story behind the song too. You and the band should play it at your high school 50th reunion. -Bjorn
  8. So nice! That Acadian sound is really distinctive. Few years ago my wife and I were in Quebec city and came across a couple of street musicians playing guitar and mandolin. We had to buy their CD they were so good. Anyway, your song reminded me of that day. -Bjorn
  9. Steve, I appreciate your take on the video. My intent was to show the seeming randomness of dreams and not for a story with a clear beginning and end. And then there's the fun I had with special effects and probably going overboard with all that. -Bjorn
  10. An old man relives life's experiences through his dreams, the good experiences and the bad. The story, such as it is, is open to the viewers' interpretations. The still images were generated from the AI site, MidJourney. Videos from Pixabay. Video editing in DaVinci Resolve. Analog Lab V Futuristic Voices -- Just bought this library. Very nice vocals. Diva Repro 5 Omnisphere NI Grandeur Piano Arturia Mini V -- love this vst Thanks for listening and commenting. -Bjorn
  11. Hi Rex Very nice! I was reminded of Chris Isaak's Blue Spanish Sky on first listen. I had pegged you as country western but lately you're more into pop or some sub genre of pop which I think works better for you. I really like your C&W songs but they seem to be more in the classic style of CW (and which is why I like them) and maybe aren't so popular today? Anyway, just 2 cents from a fan. -Bjorn
  12. The camera work is really good! Having tried some of that myself I can appreciate the effort it takes in getting all the camera angles and tracking just right. And the music fits really well too. Great job! -Bjorn
  13. Really like the sentiment in the lyrics. -Bjorn
  14. bjornpdx

    Prairie trail

    Really nice melody and well played. Enjoyed it. -Bjorn
  15. Very well done. Sounds like traveling music to me. I like that theremin-like instrument in front and there's some really nice stuff going on in the background too. -Bjorn
  16. Great lyrics Steve. I like how the lyrics and music work together to make a fun song. Not sure what it says about me but I thought the Sharon Tate part was funny. Kind of unexpected lyric I guess. -Bjorn
  17. Hi Lynn You got the fx just right. Would make a good Halloween vid, all those creepy red colors and all. As always your voice makes the song (IMO) Good stuff! And wow I'm impressed by your studio, from what I could see. Hope you're doing well. -Bjorn
  18. bjornpdx

    Free Fall

    Xoo Thanks Appreciate the comment Nigel Kraftwerk? Had to listen to a couple of their tracks and yeah I see what you mean. Yep very good thing. Thanks
  19. Cool song and video. I really like it. I wanted to hear a couple new verses in there. Seems like you repeated the 1st part too soon. The outro might be a bit too long. The lyrics are great. They sound like they come from real experiences eg "I forgot something. You know me." Been there. ? -Bjorn
  20. bjornpdx


    Wonderful song, Rex. The guitar accompaniment carried me away to some tropical place and stayed with me for a while. I think I would have used a bit more reverb on the voc but that's just me. -Bjorn
  21. Jeff I'm loving that bluesy piano tune and your performance. Really really good! -Bjorn
  22. I'm blown away by the performance and sheer musicianship. Just excellent! -Bjorn
  23. bjornpdx

    Free Fall

    JohnB, KSband Thanks for listening and commenting. Appreciate it -Bjorn
  24. Larry, well done! The timing changes keep the listener on their toes. Cool harmonica ending . The quiet parts were perhaps a bit too quiet? -Bjorn
  25. John, your usual excellent lyrics and I'm impressed. I like how the instruments interact with the vocal and with each other. This might be the best vocal I've heard from you because your voice seems more controlled or something. I just noticed the voc part that begins "How recklessly you use me..." seems to have been recorded in a different environment? Not a biggie though. -Bjorn
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