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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Matt Dunn what audio device are you using? If you were using WASAPI earlier this hotfix should address your problem.
  2. Please post feedback on 2019.11 in the main feedback thread to make it easier for us to monitor. Also regarding the crash when disconnecting ASIO devices please try the hotfix that was posted.
  3. Please post feedback in the main 2019.11 feedback thread rather than making new threads.
  4. Its unlikely that anything in 2019.11 would adversely affect ASIO performance. In fact some users reported improvements in the early access program. Were you able to revert to a backup to verify this?
  5. @HIBI can you check if this works in the hotfix?
  6. We've posted a hotfix for those who had glitchy playback with WASAPI. Please download the hotfix installer and let us know if this addresses the problem. This will update the 2019.11 to build 59. @Funk @deepseasquid @Matt Dunn @Meg Aedu and others who reported this please try out this update and report back.
  7. 2019.11 Hotfix Early Access 1 (HFEA1) installer now available! Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback on the official 2019.11 release! This hotfix addresses some key issues based on field reports and user feedback. We're releasing this early to unblock any users who rely on onboard audio devices using WASAPI mode. The public hotfix will be released soon but we're waiting for more feedback before final release. Please report any issues in the 2019.11 feedback thread. Note: The HFEA1 installer will only update the official 2019.11 release. Download Hotfix EA1 What's New Glitchy audio playback with WASAPI on some devices - particularly with onboard audio since updating to 2019.11. Crash if an ASIO device was disconnected while in use by the application
  8. Hi folks, We've identified an issue that can affect users who are using WASAPI for audio at 44.1K leading to crackle. We'll post an updated installer soon in the early access sub forum. A hotfix will likely go out next week since we're closed for thanksgiving.
  9. It would be very unexpected for double clicking to turn a clip into a melodyne clip automatically. There is a specific command CTRL-M to do that. Double clicking only opens the related UI. If it is not a melodyne clip it opens the clip properties by default but it can also be configured to open the loop construction view.
  10. If they show up in your VST2 menu then there is definitely a VST2 plugin in your path. You can check the registry key to see what dll its pointing to. For example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/Cakewalk/vstplugins/SI-Bass Guitar/SI-Bass Guitar.dll The FullPath value in this case shows "c:\program files\Cakewalk\vstplugins\SI-Bass Guitar\SI-Bass Guitar.dll" You can also look at the path by viewing the plugin properties from the effects window after inserting the plugin (from the VST2 dropdown).
  11. As mentioned before we don't test anymore on Windows 7 or support it actively. Having a separate install for Win 7 isn't something we plan on doing so I highly recommend that you plan for an upgrade.
  12. That's a one time setting so you will have to manually set it to 50 if you had the early access.
  13. @User 905133 thanks a lot for your detailed feedback. We are aware of some of the issues you point out and will try and improve it over time.
  14. We don't have time based deadlines for updates. In fact we delayed some of the prior updates due to test concerns and implemented the early access program for this reason so that we can get more end user feedback. We had over 100 users try our early access last time around and it led to a much more solid release than would could have hoped for with just internal testing. The two month release is a sweet spot for putting out a release of moderate size. Any longer than that it gets progressively harder to test since the scope gets much larger.
  15. We don't release unless it has been tested as much as we could internally as well as in beta test. Smaller releases are much preferable to monolithic large releases that are much more likely to cause problems and harder to troubleshoot. We switched to this model many years ago and many other companies follow the same. I would dispute your argument about users not caring about our releases. We have got direct feedback from many users who are very happy that we are addressing long standing stability issues in every release.
  16. @Tommy Byrnes what is your midi buffer size set to in preferences MIDI? please check asap since we plan to release soon.
  17. It has always been possible to disable the quotes without turning off toasts altogether. "To turn off affirmations, leave the text file empty."
  18. Some of the most common and complex problems that arise when using a DAW (digital audio workstation) are issues relating to plug-in compatibility. At Cakewalk we take plug-in compatibility problems seriously and all reported issues are investigated. It is however impossible for us to test thousands of plug-ins in Cakewalk. While we follow best practices for VST compatibility, handling plug-in's can be complex since many vendor's do not test their plug-ins in all hosts, and there can be subtle or not so subtle (crash) behavior changes across plug-ins running in different host's. Before drawing conclusions on the cause of a plug-in related fault, its important to properly collect information that can assist with diagnostics. If you encounter an issue with a plug-in here are some tips to diagnose it. Identify the kind of problem. There are a few kinds of issues: Compatibility issues. While this can be wide its important to try and isolate whether the problem appears within the plugin or the host. e.g do you notice the problem in the plug-in UI, does it occur with only certain presets, does the issue occur when loading the project or when exporting audio, etc. Crashes. This is self explanatory but its critical to observe whether the crash report indicates that the crash in within the host program or within the plug-in DLL. The crash dialog will typically list the module that the crash occurs in in the title. If a crash occurs please save the Minidump for the crash since it is the only way for developers to diagnose the issue. Hangs. In a few rare cases a plug-in can cause the host to hang. If a hang occurs you can still capture a dump file while the app is hangling, though it may be a lot larger. Project specific problems. These are cases that result in unexpected behavior only with certain project files. Diagnostics and action If the plug-in crash is listed as happening within the plug-in DLL the first course of action is to contact the vendor of the plug-in. The reason for this is in many cases the the issue is caused by the plug-in running into an unexpected operation from the DAW that can only be fixed by the plug-in vendor. Every DAW is different and unless the plug-in has been specifically tested with a DAW there is a potential for unexpected bugs being discovered. If the crash occurs in the host program (Cakewalk.exe is shown in the crash title) then one possibility is that the host ran into an unexpected condition. This should be reported to Cakewalk. It's important to note that not all crashes in the host are caused by the host. Plug-ins share the same memory space as the host program and as a result of buffer overwrites can corrupt memory, leading to random crashes or app shut-downs. In all problem cases the best way to report it is to provide the following details to all vendors concerned. Write a detailed description of the problem Include a zip file containing the project in which the problem occurs Include all minidump's if the plug-in causes a crash. Please read this for more information on how to capture a minidump In some cases Cakewalk will assist and work with the plug-in vendor to get a resolution to a problem. If you send a problem report to a third party vendor you may also refer them to contact us through our support channel at support@cakewalk.com should they have technical questions or require internal follow up with us.
  19. USB mics do not work in ASIO mode because on l they are single endpoint devices. Ie there is no output just an input. since ASIO only supports a single device you must use WASAPI mode to select both an input and output device. Choose WASAPI shared mode and pick both an input and output and it should work. Endure that you pick a sample rate that is supported by both the input and output devices.
  20. @petemus please send a link to the dump file. It is probably instability with the Sonarworks driver if you are using that. Please use the Focusrite driver directly and report back we have been testing with the Focusrite drivers and they have been very stable with the ASIO changes.
  21. @Lemar Sain the plugin crashes are in the plugin code and not related at all to Cakewalk so there is nothing we can do to solve it from our end. Please contact the manufacturer of the plugins for support with those crashes. You can send them the crash dump files. The other issue is also unlikely to be related to Cakewalk. Did you try restarting Cakewalk and playing again - do you still get the silent spots? Try bypassing your plugins and see if it still happens. Is this a MIDI project? If so try raising the MIDI playback buffer size to 50 msec (Prepare Using: in settings | MIDI | Playback and recording)
  22. @RBH does the Apollo respond to latency changes made via the slider when you click ok even if playback is underway?
  23. Yes I think you have been over thinking this Just put the ampsims in the mono tracks and output to the guitar bus. You can use simple track gain and pan to adjust the exact blend of the two amp sims and add other common fx if needed directly in the guitar bus.
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