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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Even if you use melodyne as a track effect it utilizes data from the track. I restoring a scene simply restores the melodyne effect state. If the track data has changed since then it will be out of sync.
  2. @Vyacheslav @glen dale If you can reproduce a hang please send the dump based on the instructions above. Maybe some timing changed on your systems that is exposing a previously unknown issue. Do you have plug-in load balancing enabled by any chance in preferences | Audio | Playback and recording?
  3. No as explained, Melodyne is not a track based plugin, rather it is region (clip) based. Mix recall presets do not save the state of clip based plugins only track/bus effects. If you got a crash while changing scenes please send me a link to the dump file so we can investigate the cause.
  4. Its not a bug - that's how floating windows work. It would be far worse if minimized floating windows continued to be visible since they would obscure areas of the app. This behavior has existed in every version of Cakewalk. You can either double click on a synth icon to make it visible again or use CTRL-TAB to tab back to a floating synth window and make it visible again. If you don't want to use floating windows you can also turn it off in the system menu by selecting disable floating. It would be nice if floating windows also appeared in the Windows menu in Cakewalk. We may add that sometime.
  5. Mix scenes are saved externally in the per project mix scenes folder. However if you add new scenes you should resave the project since the list of scenes is stored in the project file. Please note that mix scenes will not save melodyne region effects. Only track and bus effects and synth settings can be stored in mix scenes, no clip based effects...
  6. Phew thanks for clarifying Re TTS1, its really sheer coincidence that you are seeing it work "better". Known crash bugs are like playing russian roulette - sometimes you get lucky and sometimes the trigger will get you! There is nothing special in CbB other than it has more code than older versions and as a result a greater likelihood of tts1 corrupting something more important. I can assure you that we had several reports of it crashing old versions of SONAR as well. If you have a simple project that can reliably crash CbB with TTS1 there is a remote chance that I could work around whatever damage its doing so let me know. TTS1 code was written by Roland developers and Roland themselves abandoned it many years ago. (The original devs from Roland who did it are long gone) We have a very old version of the code - however even if we had the current code it would be impossible to fix since it was machine generated from their synths and is next to impossible for a human to understand let alone fix! We're considering an alternative a replacement for TTS1 for the future, but if you really want to get something now, Roland has a SoundCanvas VST plugin that you can buy. I've have not tried it myself.
  7. And Merry Christmas to all our hard working users too Its not Christmas just yet here so still chasing down some gremlins here!
  8. @JohnT6794 and Чело Век which release of CbB are you running? This message was posted back in May and many things have changed since then. Please run this release that we plan to publicly release soon and report back. Also when did you first notice this specific issue? Have you directly compared the settings you have in SONAR to CbB? If so please contact me and we can troubleshoot it further with you. If you can reproduce a difference there is likely a simple explanation. Most drivers will have a hard time using a 32 sample buffer and do it by using internal buffering. In all my tests I see better performance at low latency in Cbb than SONAR. However perhaps the issue you are having isn't performance related. @Terry Kelley I'm not aware of several things that work in SONAR but not in CbB. More the converse situation - we've fixed hundreds of issues that preexisted in SONAR. Can you be more specific?
  9. Grouping applies to widget fader movements not automation envelopes. i.e automation is independent of any widget grouping set up.
  10. Clip envelopes are completely non destructive and can be used to change clip gain or other per clip plugin properties with clip based plugins. The usage of VCA's as demonstrated, can be done using control groups, and using absolute, relative or custom grouping of parameters. VCA's can be convenient but grouping will do a large segment of what they do for most people.
  11. When in the effects bin you aren't using it as an ara plugin since it's not a region based effect anymore.
  12. Hi @treesha yes you must apply it to all clips since in it is a region effect and not a track based effect. Here is a video from Celemony's site that shows the process. Though its made using Studio One its a similar process in Cakewalk. Select the clip and press CTRL-M to turn it into a region effect clip for editing in Melodyne. As the video states if you intend to use Melodyne for comping its best to start using it early in the comp process so convert the entire take lane clip into a melodyne clips and then start using the comp tool or smart tool to isolate sections. It will automatically create sub regions for editing in Melodyne.
  13. @Rajeev Vijan as discussed contact us when you are available and support can try and walk you through some steps. The fact that you aren't getting any error messages and the problem occurs even in the last 09 release seems to indicate that there may be something else going on. The first steps you should take is to eliminate a routing issue. Try recording in a blank project and see if you get meter activity. Then playback and look for meter activity on hardware mains in the console view. Also check the lynx console.
  14. Not at all related. The user has the same issue in the 09 release and had some system config changes. Its a new PC. Will have to trouble shoot further before drawing any conclusions. As can be seen in his screenshot the drivers are listed. He gets silence on playback.
  15. @Andrew Betzold what version of Cakewalk are you running? Please install the latest 2019.12 release. Are you using WASAPI shared mode? This is the normal way to handle USB microphones since you need to route it to a different output audio device. There was a fix for a similar problem with WASAPI shared mode. There is also a new release with some more WASAPI fixes so please try it out.
  16. Early access releases are to validate specific fixes. We typically do not add new ones to that release.
  17. @Heinz Hupfer Today full screen mode is not saved so it has to be set after the program starts.
  18. @rv729 Please install this build and report back if it addresses your issue.
  19. Thats really odd since I have that file set and it has no effect on toasts timing out at all.
  20. @razor7music what display timeout are you referring to?
  21. Load balancing should be used with discretion. Here is some information from the release notes when the feature was originally released. WHEN TO USE, OR NOT USE, PLUG-IN LOAD BALANCING Load balancing uses CPU power more efficiently, but it also requires some CPU power because it processes the plug-ins at smaller buffer sizes. If the loads aren’t unbalanced in the first place, any benefits of balancing may be offset by the extra overhead. So, first check out the existing performance status with the new Performance Meter modes (described in the next eZine section). Right-click on the Performance module, choose CPU Meter Display Options, then select Audio Processing Load. The Performance Meter will show whether the load on the CPU cores is balanced or not. Enable plug-in load balancing if: • There is CPU spiking, or one core is significantly higher than the others • The project uses a high audio latency setting • One track performs most of the effects processing Do not enable plug-in load balancing if: • The CPU load is evenly distributed (i.e., there is no excessive core spiking, and no individual core works significantly more than the others) • The project uses many lightweight plug-ins with a similar load • All tracks use about the same number of effects, or have a similar load • The project uses a Mixing Latency Buffer Size setting under 256 samples in Edit > Preferences > Audio - Driver Settings For information about how plug-in load balancing works, as well as “under the hood” tweaks you can do to alter the smallest internal buffer subdivision used for plug-in load balancing (which allows for more aggressive load balancing), please see the online help.
  22. All Sandboxing does is crash a different process We've experimented with sandboxing - after all bitbridge is exactly that, except it only sandboxes 32 bit plugins. Doing it well is a very complex endeavor and potentially introduces a different set of problems. Workarounds are presently the only way most DAW's make plugins work but it takes cooperation and a willingness to work together between vendors.
  23. Also ensure that your power scheme is set to High Performance. Even on desktop PC's this is important to ensure that.
  24. The US-600 is a discontinued device and drivers are not maintained by TASCAM. Did you ever have this device work properly with any prior version of Cakewalk? We have not heard any information from you confirming this. Without knowing this there is really not a lot we can do to work around problems with faulty drivers. Yesterday we released an update that addresses a problem with certain buffer sizes that affected one TASCAM user. You can install that update and see if it helps you. See this announcement in the early access forum. PS: Please translate your messages into English when posting here since you are more likely to get responses from other users that way.
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