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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Classic symptom of a plugin that has internally crashed and is now generating denormals or bad floating point data.
  2. Tip for the future. Open the project in safe mode by pressing Shift while opening. Then click Yes to All. The project will open intact with all plugins but with any open plugin windows will be closed.
  3. @Milton Sica try setting the StopEngineOnPanelOpen value to true in preferences / audio / configuration file and see if that addresses it.
  4. @David Baay in Preferences | Audio | Audio configuration you can reset the configuration to defaults. This is the preferred way to set the audio configuration to factory defaults. It will keep a backup copy of your current settings should you need to go back as well. No need for manually locating the ini file.
  5. Great to hear that we were able to help resolve this issue for you. A systematic process of elimination is the best remedy when you have system specific issues like this because it can be easy to draw the wrong conclusions. If you could contact the plugin vendors you were in touch with who claimed it was a Cakewalk bug that would be great, so that they don't continue to spread misinformation to other users We'll also try and put together a KB of known third party problems and troubleshooting techniques that might assist others. Now go make some music
  6. For the record this is a 100% third party problem that affects other DAW's on affected systems, not just Cakewalk. Future note to other plugin developers who are quick to blame Cakewalk @AxlBrutality were you able to verify that your Cakewalk LP plugins no longer need the ini file setting to override open GL after you uninstalled Nahimic?
  7. @Greg Wynn Ripple edit is definitely off by default so no change there and nobody else is running into this. Regarding export its likely something that locked the wave file and prevented Wavelab. Again please try and repro it and follow the steps I posted to troubleshoot further. Inputs and outputs reassigned its likely that you ran into the issue where the update was prompting for the first run startup onboarding dialog when you ran 11 for the first time. We've already fixed that in the hotfix. I suspect that your issues were related to your settings being set to default values. If you can still reproduce the dropout issue please note the error code that is shown in the engine stop message since that describes the cause. There is a numeric code listed there. If you press the help button there it will show all the code descriptions. There are no changes to rendering audio in this release so any issues with clicks you are seeing while seeking audio may be related to your buffer settings.
  8. @kagunmarxThis looks like your plugin itself is crashing. The crash is not in Cakewalk but inside the plugin. Also your dump file is from the 2019.09 release and not the latest 2019.11 release Unhandled exception at 0x00007FF8CA528CD7 (Multi Band Gate.vst3) in The One-R_12032019_220652.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000. Multi Band Gate.vst3 Multi Band Gate.vst3 *c:\program files\common files\VST3\Multi Band Gate.vst3 N/A Yes No matching binary found. 262 12/3/2019 4:10 PM 00007FF8CA4D0000-00007FF8CAA69000 The One-R_12032019_220652.dmp Please contact the plugin vendor and report the dump file to them. Try inserting one of Cakewalk's VST plugins in the effects bin or something from another vendor and check if its crashing. This is completely unrelated to the new release.
  9. Most ASIO devices will auto switch to the sample rate requested by the host when you load the project, but some require you to explicitly change it via the ASIO driver control panel or via a physical switch on the audio interface. Also note that changing the value in preferences only changes the sample rate for NEW projects. i.e if you load an existing project that is already locked to a certain sample rate, changing the default sample rate value will only affect NEW projects not the currently loaded one.
  10. @Greg Wynn Did you save the exports that don't open in WaveLab and can you open the same wave file in CbB itself? Were you doing a realtime export? The only thing I can think of is that somehow the file was somehow in use still and you opened it prematurely in Wavelab. What format and bit depth did you export as - was it wave64 or a 64 bit wave file? If you saved a version that won't open in other programs send it to us for analysis. >>I’d been encountering audio engine stops randomly What audio interface are you using, what driver mode and did you get an engine stop message? What was the error code listed when you get a stop.
  11. @Greg Wynn ripple is definitely not enabled by default by the application. Its may be that you accidentally clicked the button when trying to something else in that area of the screen.
  12. That's definitely a relevant observation thanks. It's likely what is triggering opengl to do whatever it's doing to hang the Cakewalk UI.
  13. @Martin Vigesaa thanks for your report. Have you updated to the latest hotfix yet? Also try setting the StopEngineOnPanelOpen value to true in preferences / audio / configuration file and see if that addresses it. We have not had any issues with other focusrite devices in our testing. Are you running the latest focusrite drivers?
  14. Noel Borthwick

    Tempo changes

    If all you want to do is interactively slow down the clip just slip stretch the end of the clip till it's as slow as you want. Hold down the CTRL key and then drag the right edge of the clip ahead of time to lengthen the clip.
  15. The message typically means that the sample rate of the project file is not supported by your audio interface. Are you running ASIO or WASAPI mode? The current project sample rate is displayed under the now time. It may be as simple as switching your audio device to that sample rate in case the interface has to be externally switched.
  16. @AxlBrutalityThis was fixed for the 09 release or one before. If there is a plugin that still exhibits this and there is a recipe to reproduce I would certainly like to investigate it further. Can you send me the contact for the person you had there so I can follow up? I don't believe we have their plug-ins in house. Could you please send me a small project file with some instructions on how to repro it? If they have a demo version of the plugin that I can use to repro it that would be even easier.
  17. Hi @Billy Buck you have 20 msec because you installed the original .11 release. New users going to this version will have it properly reset to 200. The reason for this flux is in all our testing 20 seemed sufficient. However a few user systems had dropped notes. There is a big internal change from SONAR (which had a bug with the MIDI buffer size interpretation) which is why we adjusted the value. In the new build for most people it should be fine at 20 or 50 but I've bumped it to 200 to cover more corner cases. Sorry for the flux. I may change the final release to reset it to 200 on first run once more.
  18. @Dr. Failure Audio slowdown and distortion while playing is a symtom of overload where audio cannot be processed in time for the driver. You can alleviate this by raising the audio latency. Which driver mode are you using? WASAPI shared mode is the best for devices like headsets but it has an upper limit of 10 msec which might be insufficient. Try using WASAPI exclusive mode and set the audio latency slider to something like 30 msec. Of course this will cause latency so you won't be able to monitor without delay. Please get the latest hotfix since it has some improvements with WASAPI when using different input and output devices.
  19. Sorry folks apparently a couple of users systems had issues with the value of 50 msec. I've pushed the default to 200 for the final to be on the conservative side even though it may be higher than it needs to be.
  20. It may be cheaper and a lot quicker to just try a new video card. Just buy a current gen card and try it - if it doesnt work you can possibly return it.
  21. FWIW here is a post from one of our developers on the JUCE forum regarding this very issue. It hasn't been addressed since 2017 Another thread discussing this issue. Have you experimented with upgrading to a newer/different graphics card? This could very well resolve the issue.
  22. I think you are reading too much into my text. I changed the wording to look more neutral if it helps I was trying to explain why issues like this can take time to solve when the problem isn't part of the actual DAW code. If it was we would have fixed it back in 2017 when we had an issue with our own LP plugins wouldn't we? It isn't a question of who's fault it is. Its system interactions between multiple third party components. In all these years we have only had a tiny number of customers who had the issue with the LP plugins and we provided a fix to not use opengl for those who did. Apparently some plugin vendors have done the same and others have not. When you talk to support at a company, the reps are typically not developers and the best troubleshooting they can do is run "black box" comparisons like testing in other hosts. Until an actual developer looks into the issue in detail there is no way to conclusively find a real solution. However most plugin developers are DSP engineers and opengl problems are likely not an issue that they may have expertise with. Couple it with the fact that many only work on Mac's (JUCE abstracts all the cross platform dependencies away) and its even harder for them to investigate deeply. >>Do you have any idea if JUCE would be working on a fix. No but its unlikely from what I've seen. They do not prioritize GUI issues and this is surely at the bottom of the pile since it impacts only a tiny number of users. @Ben Staton is going to try and look into it some more when he gets some cycles. What makes it harder for us is that we don't have any systems that exhibit this problem. I have NVidia machines and they all run the slate plugins as well as our LP's fine without any tweaks. Given the nature of this issue we can't promise any results but well try.
  23. @zaquria when you don't need the ability to switch view layouts on a per project basis, workspaces are a much better solution and part of the reason why we built the feature. You can create specific workspaces that apply to ALL projects and switch to a certain workflow specific layout at any time. Of course you can still save per project screen layouts. If the current workspace is set to "none", when you open a project it will open exactly the way it was saved. It may take a little experimentation to customize workspaces to your taste but once you do that its a simple and powerful way to quickly dial in a view of the application that is suitable to the task at hand. Its a lot more powerful than screensets since its a superset of that functionality.
  24. No worries, many users are just learning about the feature. Feel free to provide feedback on your usage of workspaces since we're always improving the feature.
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