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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Its already fixed for the next release.
  2. @Marc Bleuwart This is not normal behavior. How large is the project? Can you share the project file with us so we can try and reproduce this? When this happens do you lose mouse control - i,e can you continue to open menus in Cakewalk etc or is it just the transport that is blocked? Do you have console view open?
  3. This was the symptom of scheduling model 3 which was fixed in the latest release. Did you have thread scheduling model set to 3 earlier?
  4. @Helos BonosNo the 2020.05 release is one after the arranger release which was in April. Check your about box. There are lots of optimizations in the 05 release.
  5. Have you tried this again with the latest 2020.05 release?
  6. Can you be specific about which FX chains cause this issue?
  7. Right this is incorrect information. Of course audio benefits from multiprocessing. Turn off the multiprocessing engine and run a moderately large project and see what happens
  8. Yes please copy and paste the list of missing plugins from the popup message. Are these 32 bit versions, VST2 or VST3? If these are Cakewalk plugins and you send the project file we can try and reproduce it.
  9. @Rick Paul I'm not sure if you have read the feature overview.
  10. @CJ Jacobson the zoom was changed primarily for mouse users so it zooms about the cursor rather than the center of the screen. For users doing sample based editing its important to be able to zoom in close from the cursor not an arbitrary center of the screen. However when zooming remotely via a surface I can see that it may be desirable to have the prior behavior. We'll discuss it for next release.
  11. @Tim DavilaYou prefer it to modify controls? People found it very error prone because they were inadvertently changing values when they wanted to scroll the view.
  12. Are the plugins actually there but not visible in the menus? If so you may have a plugin layout loaded that doesnt include all plugins. Have you tried opening a project that references one of the missing plugins - does it load ok or do you get a missing plugin prompt?
  13. @Michal Mikulski I'm not sure what you mean by disabling making a track stereo. We fixed bugs where bypassing a plugin wouldn't remove its forced interleave. If you were using that you were relying on a bug. You can still pan a mono track so I don't see what the problem is.
  14. @Tim Davila both those plug-ins (we tried it from the version 9 suite) don't exhibit any issues here when opening the UI in CbB or bypassing them. Its likely something system or project specific. If you can reproduce it please provide a project file. We don't have any control over what happens when you open a plugin UI. If you have plug-in specific issues regarding that, its best you log a case with the plugin vendor. They will also require some steps to reproduce it.
  15. If you are getting noises when opening the plugin UI those are problems with the plugin and should be reported to the plug-in vendor. The same applies with plug-in load balancing on. If the plugin's do not support it properly you shouldn't use that feature.
  16. Please send the project file so we can investigate.
  17. Glad it's solved. There is also an option to allow prefader sends to be muted when the track is muted.
  18. There is no way that the bounced track can send without creating sends. Are you sure you dont have prefader sends on the other tracks? Mute the bounced track and check if you still hear it.
  19. Today the only way to pick the automation envelope is through the edit filter on the track or bus. We'll consider adding a shortcut from the parameter itself in the future.
  20. Send me a link to the dump file and I'll take a look.
  21. We should offer to auto switch the driver mode to WASAPI when no audio devices are detected.
  22. You have two choices. 1. If you are running in ASIO mode make sure that "Suspend audio engine when cakewalk is not in focus" is enabled. 2. Use WASAPI shared mode.
  23. Yes you can certainly do this. Its as simple as selecting source category = tracks. You don't need to change any of the bus enables since when you are bouncing with source as tracks anything downstream from the track is automatically disengaged. See the settings in the picture. There is no way for the sends on the original track to affect the newly bounced track. Perhaps what you are hearing is confusing you. Watch the track meters and they should be unaffected.
  24. @gamo sphereYou are overthinking it. Refresh activation is optional for the case when you need to reactivate the software. Similar to how many plugins allow activation.
  25. No it is not bypassed. The effect can be subtle depending on your project load.
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