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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Peter Stiens thanks for the dump file. Its crashing when creating the step sequencer view which is odd. Did you change the Empty Project.cwt file accidentally in the templates folder? Its normally here C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Project Templates I can prevent the crash but it would be worth finding out why the template is referencing that view at all since its supposed to be empty.
  2. There are plenty of uses for conventional music and composing in general. Some are listed in the notes.
  3. There is no way to speed up the load of a plugin from the host side. Its up to the plugin to get more efficient. Talk to the plugin vendor who are the ones who have the power to do that
  4. There is an additional installer issue that we'll fix for the main release. For now run the installer as an admin and it should hopefully work.
  5. Its not expected. Something is likely consuming more memory than it should. Did you try removing some plugins and retesting it? Also make sure that you are not using scheduling model 3 since its still under development and there are some memory leaks.
  6. @Craig AndertonWhen you select entire mix, exports are captured from the hardware mains rather than the buses. There is no hardwired logic to favor the master bus - its all based on the signal flow. i.e. if your selection has tracks and buses that route to a specific set of mains by default they will be shown in the dialog. If there are multiple hardware mains selected when you export, then we internally create a bus to mix down all the mains selected and export that bus output.
  7. @markrounds what specific issue are you referring to? I'm not aware of any Maschine problem that came my way. Do you have a case number for this?
  8. No current plans to make Cakewalk itself cross platform. We're working on other cross platform apps and our efforts could ultimately help facilitate a full cross platform port but its very unlikely to happen in the near future. Staff view is a lower priority since it is one of the least used features. We try to make incremental updates to it but it was never intended to be a full blown score editor.
  9. We are working on a solution for overlapped notes across sections. @msmcleod already has something that improves this a lot.
  10. @Jean-Philippe ROGER I am unable to reproduce this even with the project you sent. i.e not seeing audio stop playing. Can you report back on some of your settings? Audio Driver mode Audio buffer size (latency) MIDI Playback buffer size Playback I/O buffer size (Sync and caching) Also if you start playback normally on the transport from the beginning of the project does it play normally?
  11. Hi @RBH as shown in your screenshot the crash is in Direct3D. The dump's you sent verify this. The crashes are not in Cakewalk code unfortunately. Looks like something is crashing your Direct 3d system. Its video related. Unhandled exception at 0x000007FEEC8AE354 (d3d11.dll) in Awake_04112020_085330.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000. Unhandled exception at 0x000007FEE973E354 (d3d11.dll) in Untitled_04112020_185511.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000.
  12. @Keith Lane you can save and load multiple arrangements within the same project. If you click the dropdown in the arrangements pane in the inspector you can create as many arrangements as you like. When you select one of them from the arrangements combo box it loads all the sections in that arrangement. Arrangements can duplicate or reference sections that exist in the section pool.
  13. Many people used markers as a poor man's arranger. No need for that anymore
  14. Yes this is because we updated our signing certificates. The lame thing is when you do that your have to build trust again so it will take a few hundred people to download and run before the warning goes away. Unfortunately this is out of our control.
  15. Those seeing no presets installed can you specify what version of Windows you are running and anything that may be relevant that could prevent registry access by the installer? such as AV software or restricted account permissions...
  16. You are missing the presets. Something may have prevented the installer from installing them - maybe a permissions issue. Reboot your system and rerun the installer (you may have to first run the rollback). You should see a few hundred presets there if it properly installs.
  17. @Carl P Clovis only thing that comes to mind is that somehow the installer failed to update the presets. Open the registry editor app and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\ActiveMovie\Presets Take a screenshot of what you see there. You should see more than a page of presets listed.
  18. @Jean-Philippe ROGERCan you send a link to a zip of the project file. Its hard to know what you are running into without being able to see and reproduce it.
  19. Arranger is fully integrated with MIDI. What Mark mentioned has to do with certain generative VST instruments that have their own internal timeline (EzDrummer, etc) If you sequence something within the VST to play based on the original project timeline, of course the VST will playback using that timeline as a reference. So if you make an arrangement that splits up the original project into different sections the plugin will be unaware of this and will continue to play based on the original project timeline. You have two ways to handle this: Don't use the plugin's internal timeline to sequence things Freeze the plugin before rendering an arrangement Note that arrangement preview will always work since it hasn't committed the arrangement yet.
  20. We just posted the 2020.04 early access release. Please post any comments or feedback directly in the linked thread. We're very excited to get this major update of Cakewalk out. We plan on releasing the final build next week which will include a few more tweaks.
  21. Will look into it thanks for the heads up
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