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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @Philip G Hunt please send me the dump for the crash and we'll look into it. The message shows the location of the dump file.
  2. You can also add clip effects from the clip inspector on the left.
  3. So by extension if someone decided to arbitrarily name .wav file .wave we should support it right and it's a "bug"that we don't? ? Well verify if this is indeed coming from established Mac apps
  4. MIDI only VST plugins are not supported. We may handle these in the future.
  5. The MIDI specification doesn't list .midi as a valid extension. Standard MIDI Files ("SMF" or *.mid files) https://www.midi.org/articles-old/about-midi-part-4-midi-files
  6. Where are you getting .midi files from? the standard extension is .mid not .midi. And CbB sees .mid files fine in the file open dialog if you pick "files of type MIDI"
  7. @Skyline_UK you can't change science There are solutions to problems like this but the solution has to be implemented at the plugin level. Plugins are serial processors from the point of view of the DAW - i.e their buffers have to be processed in sequence so a single plugin must be processed serially. So other than introducing techniques that utilize larger buffers in the DAW there isn't anything further that can be done. The plugin needs to partition its work across different cores to have the most impact. Talk to the plug-in vendor and ask them to improve their CPU efficiency.
  8. @Max ArwoodI'm glad its working well for you. Multiprocessing very system and load dependent and requires a lot of testing on different workloads so thanks for trying it out. If you can reproduce the problems you had with export please contact me and send a dump file since I was unable to reproduce the problem.
  9. Ha then I bet they are not using the low latency size at all
  10. Seeking to a different offset is not quite the same thing as actually trimming the vide because that is implemented at the video engine level and is reflected in video exports, looping, etc. Also you can relocate the trimmed video anywhere on the timeline and the thumbnails will show the correct video frames. If all we did was seek to a different frame this wouldn't happen automatically. Media foundation is rather complex - all the video playback is handled internally in the MF engine. The host sets up a video track with the clips and trim points and then all the playback is handled by the engine which we slave to our audio engine clock. The bug with trimming is Media foundation hangs whenever we set trim points. I had a lengthy thread with MS years ago and they were unable to figure it out at the time. I don't think they have many people who even know this stuff there! They seem to spend more time changing sdk's then actually fixing the stuff that has been broken forever. I'll follow up again and see how it goes
  11. @Matthew Sorrels Very strange I can run it here with no issues at higher sizes. Tried 1024 and 512 with no issues. Does it happen with any project? May have to troubleshoot this on your system.
  12. Our video support isn't the best, but I don't fully agree that not having an offset makes it unusable for use with film scoring, since there are options to make it work. I do a lot of video work myself and its a simple task to export a video from any video editing application that is aligned with the music in Cakewalk. From that point on there is no need to offset the video in Cakewalk. We've explored many options with video and have yet to find something that works across the board. Sadly video at least for desktop apps is one area that Windows is sorely lacking and Microsoft has yet to address it cohesively. This shouldn't be an area where companies have to reinvent the wheel. Video is enormously complex to implement from scratch and even worse to support with the moving targets of video formats. We have considered using FFMpeg and may try and revisit that - it is also not a panacea for everything since it requires a lot of integration work.
  13. Right because directshow doesn't support mp4 out of box on windows. So catch 22. Video support on windows is problematic unless you roll your own video support. Something we don't have the time or resources to do. Well loop back at some time and try and work with Microsoft on solving the MF issues which is really the only option available at this time.
  14. Hmm are you sure that you are running with identical settings in Wavelab? If all you have is a single plugin in a track there isn't anything the DAW can do to parallelize the load across multiple cores. That work would have to be done by the plugin itself. I know that some DAW's process internally at a higher buffer size but stream at a lower size so perhaps that is fooling you into thinking the plugin is running at lower latency than it is. Even our plugin load balancing wont help with a single plugin in a bin. Please do your test in a minimal environment. One track and just the single plugin in the track to eliminate false positives. Watch the core performance with the plugin bypassed and with the plugin unbypassed.
  15. Thanks for the update. Plugin load balancing might help a bit assuming that you have more than one plugin in the bus where Lurssen is but it sounds like its processor heavy and starving the realtime threads.
  16. Is it only in Cakewalk that you have this issue or do you see it on other DAW's as well?
  17. Interesting, that mode isn't a panacea for all performance issues since it only improves scheduling efficiency. We are continuing to research performance improvements and this was one experiment. What latency are you running at when you see this - does it improve if you raise the latency? Contact me via PM and we can try and triangulate it.
  18. Quicktime video definitely works in Cakewalk using the Media Foundation engine in Windows 10. See image where I am running a QT video in the latest release. Keep in mind that the MOV extension is just a container for a video format so just looking at the file extension doesn't mean anything. If stock Windows can play the video then Cakewalk, should be able to load it since we rely on Media Foundation for all our video support. For it to be compatible with Windows the video must be encoded in a compatible format such as MPEG4 or you must have the appropriate codec installed. Generally a thumb rule is if the Windows video player can play it then it should be ok to import. I loaded up several MOV files on my computer and they played fine here.
  19. Yes its same requirements as online activation - every 6 months or so an activation is required. If you haven't updated in 6 months you are probably missing out on a lot at our pace so its a minor inconvenience
  20. 2048 is excessively high. Most drivers won't even allow that. When you click with the mouse the same thing occurs except that it continues to play the old audio until the seek occurs. This fools your ear into thinking that it happens within a tick. We can't do that with the arranger or we'll "leak" data from outside a section boundary. Hence silence is streamed until the seek is realized. Running at lower buffer sizes greatly improves this.
  21. So you just launch Cakewalk and the app shuts down when in this state? Do you get a crash dialog - if so we'd like to look at the minidump file. Are you using a different language setting in Cakewalk by any chance?
  22. @Maxim Vasilyev We have not observed this issue. Can you please provide a project to reproduce it?
  23. Hi @Josh Wolfer incidentally we have already fixed this issue for the next update. Fortunately the problem isn't that the gain is incorrect. Rather its an inaccuracy in drawing the gain ruler in the bus pane. You can verify this by looking at the VU meter - it should still show a 0dB value indicating that no gain was applied by the drawn envelope. You should see the fix in the next update.
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