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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Does it matter which fader is moved? Do you hear noise when moving a fader that doesn't control that signal, such as the fader for an empty track?
  2. Are you using ASIO mode and do other applications work on the system? Based on the video it looks like the driver is not processing callbacks properly. That could explain why there is no dropout if the frequency of the audio callbacks isn't fast enough. Any change with the latest release? Without having access to your machine there isn't a lot I can do to diagnose the problem further. Have you done any system troubleshooting? Try other audio programs and see if you can play without audio interruptions. If the same issue is happening in other apps then its a system or driver problem. Does the problem happen in only a single project or can you reproduce it even in a test project without virtual instruments?
  3. You can look at the data being stored in the BLX (BandLab project interchange) files. They are JSON files with the properties embedded.
  4. This question has come up a few times so I I am sharing some info I got from Celemony. This primarily applies to SONAR users who are now using Cakewalk by BandLab. As part of SONAR Platinum users got a license of Melodyne 4 Essential. (If you are a new Cakewalk by BandLab user you are offered the trial version of Melodyne) Melodyne 5 has many advantages over Melodyne 4, including ARA 2 integration and workflow improvements. As far as Melodyne 5 Essential goes the biggest advantage is that unlike version 4, it supports polyphonic pitch to MIDI out of the box. In version 4 you had to purchase Melodyne Editor to get this. To get your free Melodyne essential update to Melodyne version 5. a. Login to your Celemony user account and find Melodyne 4 Essential b. Click License Options c. Click the Download button for your free update. d. Install Melodyne That should be it. If you have any issues transferring your license contact Celemony support.
  5. There is nothing stopping you today from using workspaces for that purpose. A workspace with all of the checkboxes turned off apart from "View Layout" is essentially a global screenset.
  6. To clarify, I meant that Workspaces save the same DATA that a given screenset saves. However the workspace wont save the set of screensets themselves. Screensets are intended to record per project view configurations. Workspaces are wider and only store settings and view configurations at a global level. In the 2020.05 release we fixed some problems where screensets and workspaces were affecting certain global settings, causing problems. No. Screensets have a different function in that they allow you to store 10 view snapshots at the project level. So you can have different view layouts zoomed in views etc, customized to that specific project. Edit: That said, a workspace with all of the checkboxes turned off apart from "View Layout" can is essentually a screenset. So you could save multiple "screensets" this way as workspaces.
  7. Tempo is already being transferred. In the future we will do automation and MIDI as well obviously. This is the data currently being transferred: Project appId appName projName title author copyright keywords description bpm signature (time signature) metronome Track: id order type name color volume pan isMuted isSolo Regions: file fileHash startPosition endPosition
  8. Hi @Doug Osborne, Can you share one of the projects that exhibits this? Also does this happen with all your projects - are there any specific view's open in these projects that exhibit the issue? Also can you check in help / About that you are running 2020.05 build 039
  9. Thanks for your feedback. We plan on improving this workflow. We'll look into transferring the project info as well. Track comments and markers are not available in BandLab so this isn't something that is planned.
  10. @SpielerAre you using a mono to stereo plugin? That is a completely different issue and is not a bug but rather that we don't yet support this configuration for VST plugins. These changes in the 05 release apply primarily to compatibility with pure mono plug-ins (mono-in, mono-out). Mono in stereo out plugin compatibility will be addressed in a future update.
  11. Hopefully the massive update would have been worth the wait
  12. Its a back end issue. We're trying to get it resolved.
  13. The bug that they apparently fixed in 1.0.3 was due to faulty processing of calls from the host in response to parameter changes sent to the plugin.
  14. Are you running the original 04 release or the latest early access build? What is your thread scheduling model set to?
  15. What version of cbb are you running? Can you share the project?
  16. He's talking about the early access 2 release. It's not officially released yet. I'm not sure I follow. If you get a dropout there is always a toast message displayed telling you that.
  17. Putting melodyne as a clip effect would certainly cause doubling of audio because its playing the clip audio as well as Melodyne. Its not intended to be used that way unless you like doubled audio
  18. This also has been addressed for the upcoming release.
  19. I was referring to your export audio issue. Ilok issues would have to be addressed by the plugin manufacturer or ilok itself since that is out of our control.
  20. This has been fixed for final release thanks to @Max Arwood assistance.
  21. We've also contacted them but have not heard back yet.
  22. @Billy Buck That stack was captured from the 04 release not 05. However the crash is in the plugin itself. There is nothing in the stack that shows the cause to be from Cakewalk. Please forward the dump file to the plugin vendor since only they can fix it. ------------------------------- Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA1DE909A0 (BBC Symphony Orchestra (64 Bit).vst3) in Untitled_05262020_100755.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000. APPLICATION_FAULT_NULL_POINTER_READ_INVALID_POINTER_READ_ STACK_TEXT: 00000000`0014ca10 00000000`3f1ca828 : 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f94ba60 00000000`0000e104 : BBC_Symphony_Orchestra__64_Bit_+0x7109a0 00000000`0014ca18 00000000`3f1ca4e0 : 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f94ba60 00000000`0000e104 00007ffa`1de90641 : 0x3f1ca828 00000000`0014ca20 00000000`3f1ca9d8 : 00000000`3f94ba60 00000000`0000e104 00007ffa`1de90641 00000000`3f1ca828 : 0x3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014ca28 00000000`3f94ba60 : 00000000`0000e104 00007ffa`1de90641 00000000`3f1ca828 00000000`3f1ca4e0 : 0x3f1ca9d8 00000000`0014ca30 00000000`0000e104 : 00007ffa`1de90641 00000000`3f1ca828 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`3f1ca9d8 : 0x3f94ba60 00000000`0014ca38 00007ffa`1de90641 : 00000000`3f1ca828 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1ca4e0 : 0xe104 00000000`0014ca40 00000000`3f1ca828 : 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014cb20 : BBC_Symphony_Orchestra__64_Bit_+0x710641 00000000`0014ca48 00000000`3f1ca4e0 : 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014cb20 00007ffa`1e1fbd3d : 0x3f1ca828 00000000`0014ca50 00000000`3f1ca9d8 : 00000000`3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014cb20 00007ffa`1e1fbd3d 00000000`00006000 : 0x3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014ca58 00000000`3f1ca4e0 : 00000000`0014cb20 00007ffa`1e1fbd3d 00000000`00006000 00000000`3f1ca9d8 : 0x3f1ca9d8 00000000`0014ca60 00000000`0014cb20 : 00007ffa`1e1fbd3d 00000000`00006000 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1caa18 : 0x3f1ca4e0 00000000`0014ca68 00007ffa`1e1fbd3d : 00000000`00006000 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1caa18 00000000`00006000 : 0x14cb20 00000000`0014ca70 00000000`00006000 : 00000000`3f1ca9d8 00000000`3f1caa18 00000000`00006000 ffffffff`fffffffe : BBC_Symphony_Orchestra__64_Bit_+0xa7bd3d 00000000`0014ca78 00000000`3f1ca9d8 : 00000000`3f1caa18 00000000`00006000 ffffffff`fffffffe 00000000`ffffffff : 0x6000 00000000`0014ca80 00000000`3f1caa18 : 00000000`00006000 ffffffff`fffffffe 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`4859ba40 : 0x3f1ca9d8 00000000`0014ca88 00000000`00006000 : ffffffff`fffffffe 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`4859ba40 00007ffa`1e10e50c : 0x3f1caa18 00000000`0014ca90 ffffffff`fffffffe : 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`4859ba40 00007ffa`1e10e50c 00000000`00006000 : 0x6000 00000000`0014ca98 00000000`ffffffff : 00000000`4859ba40 00007ffa`1e10e50c 00000000`00006000 00000000`ffffffff : 0xffffffff`fffffffe 00000000`0014caa0 00000000`4859ba40 : 00007ffa`1e10e50c 00000000`00006000 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`ffffffff : 0xffffffff 00000000`0014caa8 00007ffa`1e10e50c : 00000000`00006000 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`2c7ba010 : 0x4859ba40 00000000`0014cab0 00000000`00006000 : 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`2c7ba010 00000000`00003841 : BBC_Symphony_Orchestra__64_Bit_+0x98e50c 00000000`0014cab8 00000000`ffffffff : 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`2c7ba010 00000000`00003841 00000000`00000000 : 0x6000 00000000`0014cac0 00000000`ffffffff : 00000000`2c7ba010 00000000`00003841 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0xffffffff 00000000`0014cac8 00000000`2c7ba010 : 00000000`00003841 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0xffffffff 00000000`0014cad0 00000000`00003841 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`fffffffe : 0x2c7ba010 00000000`0014cad8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`fffffffe 00000000`00000000 : 0x3841
  23. I'm not sure why the GPU spike would affect Cakewalk's engine but one thing you can try is raise the value of DropoutMsec in the settings you listed above to something like 200-300. While that seems high it may get you past the fallout from the spike. You want to try and diagnose what is causing that however, esp if nothing much is happening in Cakewalk at the time.
  24. Thats interesting. Do you see the same dropout even when not using Kontakt? It could be something interfering with Kontakt Cakewalk doesn't directly utilize the GPU so I wouldn't expect it to be affected but if a plugin depends on it its possible that it could trigger a dropout.
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