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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @mikannohakoWe have fixed this for the next update. Can you share your project so we can verify that it's the same issue?
  2. @Percy Ferry This is'nt normal and we haven't seen it in any of our tests. Can you share a project that exhibits this?
  3. As Jon said you have not created an actual arrangement - you only have the section list. While you can move around sections all you are doing is moving chunks of audio data on the physical timeline. To make an arrangement you must drag and drop sections into the lower arrangement pane. Those are the virtual dynamic arrangements of the sections on your timeline. Arrangements in the arrangements pane are dynamic and you can at any time drop in new sections or reorder them during playback.
  4. We have tossed around ideas for this feature from at least 2006 and even made steps to implement it way back then. I'm very happy that we finally managed to finish it, since its something I was personally interested in.
  5. Set Now Time with Full Restart is disabled during arranger preview. Its not compatible with realtime playback.
  6. Delay is computed at playback start time so I wouldn't expect it to be impacted by this. Arranger uses similar mechanics to seeking on the timeline. If setting the now time during playback is not responsive then arranger preview will show similar symptoms.
  7. @Mark Morgon-Shaw would you be able to share your project so we can do some analysis?
  8. @Barry Seymour If you have a crash you can also send us the crash dump file that gets created. See this thread for details.
  9. @Anderson can you share a copy of your custom workspace?
  10. Workspaces are a superset of screen sets and can be used for this purpose.
  11. Yes its just an installer change the app is the same.
  12. @Home Studio Simplified thanks for checking out the arranger. A small tip - while you can certainly use the main sections pane to also audition arrangements its designed to primarily store and manipulate the master list of sections in the project. i.e. if you have 4 parts A-A-B-A for a song, you would only need 2 sections in the section list. Where you would create the repetitions would be in the arranger pane below by dragging 3 instances of A and one of B into it. IOW you do arrangements in the arrangements pane and manipulate blocks of data on the project timeline using the sections pane. Hope this clarifies the workflow. Also saving or making multiple arrangements in the arrangements pane has no effect on the sections pane itself. Its saving different variations or combinations of the sections themselves. You should normally not need to reorder sections in the sections pane unless of course you want to move the project data on the timeline. In any case everyone will have their own workflow to use this feature...
  13. If you are running at 128 samples you likely won't notice any perceivable delays. Performance is project specific however.
  14. Maybe you misunderstood. The arrangement can freely be modified during playback with no interruptions. You can add new sections, reorder, delete, duplicate, all on the fly during playback.
  15. You don't need to use ripple edit. Just commit the arrangement to the project and it will automatically make all the edits for you. At that point you may just need to fine tune the edits with slip edits or other transitions as desired. While arrangement preview is a very useful way to audition and A/B multiple arrangements the intent of the arranger is primarily as an editing tool. In most cases preview works seamlessly and transitions are as fast as they would be when you seek to regions on the timeline. In more complex projects with lots of effects if you perceive any discontinuities bypassing effects or running at a smaller buffer size will normally alleviate this. Otherwise you can always commit the arrangement at which time it is "flattened" to the timeline with no jumps.
  16. @Johnboy If you can send a link to the bundle I can take a look at it. Which version did you save it in? If It's from a recent version it's unlikely to be corrupted since we fixed many issues with reading and saving bundles.
  17. Hello this was an installer problem. It has since been updated. If you are encountering this issue you can simply rollback and then reinstall the latest update again. This should fix the issue for you.
  18. Yes Arrangement preview is dependent on the audio engine to drive it. This is by design.
  19. @Sean Aitken I'm not sure what bug you are referring to. SONAR did not support mono in / stereo out plugins and neither does CbB yet. This is not a regression by any means. You can easily try adding any Waves mono in -> stereo out plugin to SONAR or CbB and it will only work in mono, because input and output interleave is always symmetric today. Waves is also aware of this. As Jon mentioned, it so happens that we have been doing some extensive work with an overhaul of the interleave and bypass management and have addressed many longstanding issues. However I have yet to look at the mono - stereo processing case. While I definitely agree that its desirable for this to work there are a bunch of dependencies that complicate it. I'll know when I look into it further.
  20. @HIBICan you send me your text file? It definitely worked with some Japanese text we tried. Are you running an English version of Windows with the language set or Japanese Windows?
  21. @Percy Ferry that link isn't accessible. You should be able to zip the minidump and drop the size a bit. If you save from task manager for a hang the dump file will be big since its a memory snapshot.
  22. Arrangement Preview will not be sample accurate - that's why its called preview. It will improve though if you run at low latency. Can you verify that it improves? Depending on project load seeking to far apart sections may cause small discontinuities. Crossfades won't solve all problems. In general arranger is a tool for editing, experimentation and composition but before getting ready for production you typically need to render it and do some clean up.
  23. @IanCan you share this project so we can take a look at it?
  24. @iain mackenzieDo you have audio starting exactly at the start of the new section? Arranger preview is not sample accurate so you could miss hearing the start of the audio buffer where section jumps occur when running at high latency or if the project has very dense data. If you run at low latency the buffer loss is minimized and not perceptible in most cases. I tested this by recording a metronome click track and making sections at measure boundaries that deliberately jump around the timeline and it works perfectly with no gaps. The key is to run at low latency - in my test I ran it at 48 samples. See screnshot. Also note that once you render the arrangement to the timeline it is now linear and at that point you wont have any issues. We'll continue to improve preview in the future where possible.
  25. There are no known issues with freeze crashing. There are several freeze fixes in this update so please update and use it. Crashes if due to external plugins cannot be solved by Cakewalk of course.
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