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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. This question has been answered several times. A workspace is like a template/preset of configuration settings. Its normal for it to be restored to the state when the workspace was saved. If you want to customize a workspace you must make your changes and then save the workspace under a new name. Also make sure that the workspace is configured to save the settings you want. More info about workspaces is in the help. Alternatively set the workspace to "none" if you don't wish to use any customization presets at all.
  2. Hi @Andris Rinkis please contact me via PM and we can do some troubleshooting. Yes uploading the project will be useful. You can also capture a dump file when it hangs that may show what's going on. Which version of Windows are you using? If it doesn't work after rollback, then it typically indicates a problem on your specific system installation since rollback reverts Cakewalk to the prior state. (check that the version in the about box says 2020.01 post rollback) Have you already done basic troubleshooting using safe mode? Hold down shift before opening the project and it will prompt you.
  3. This issue should be fixed in the 2020.04 release that was posted earlier today. The issues below were related. Please verify that it is fixed and no longer occurs. Unexpected behavior with Instrument tracks when adding MIDI ports. Adding or removing MIDI devices can cause soft synths to be assigned to incorrect ports.
  4. Hi Folks, The final 2020.04 release is out. Please download it from bandlab assistant. It should resolve any language issues observed since it now contains all the latest language updates. Please note that due to a bug in the early access release you may not receive a notification of an update in Cakewalk. It should be visible in BandLab Assistant, however. Thanks to all of you for your great feedback and participation in the early access. It has helped us make this one of our strongest releases.
  5. @JM2 we've changed the mod keys for the arranger so that it wont collide with the Event view for next release.
  6. @Ashley MillerProchannel module copy paste is already available. Do you not see it in the context menu? Click on the preset picker to view the presets and you should see Copy Settings and Paste Settings in the menu. Regarding scrolling painting in windows can't be done async since its all on the UI thread. However generally it shouldn't be that slow. Can you share a project that exhibits this very slow behavior so we can repro it here?
  7. Just to clarify for this thread, the problem RBH was having has been resolved. He has a broken DirectX installation that causes even the Microsoft DirectX diagnostic tools (DXDiag) to crash. The new version of Cakewalk uses Direct2D for some drawing optimizations for the arranger UI and this is what triggers the problem on his PC. Normal Win7 systems are unaffected by this problem.
  8. @User 905133 Can you send me a project that repro's this behavior? Don't save the project in the new version - send the original project file. If you load the same project in the prior release do you see the screensets working there?
  9. The basic workspace has screensets unchecked. If you want to use that workspace with screensets you can save a copy of it with screensets turned on again in manage workspaces.
  10. @Toy can you please capture a dump file for the hang and send me a link to the file? There are instructions for this in the FAQ but you can save a dump for a hung application from task manager. The file may be large so you will have to upload to a file sharing service like Google drive, OneDrive etc
  11. @foldawayCan you post a detailed recipe for this and also include a link to a project with the problem? Is this something new you have observed and is it project specific - can you reproduce it in a new project?
  12. @marled I'm not sure what you mean by "If a note starts a tiny bit earlier I want that it is included as a whole, not partially!" When you mark a section in an arrangement its up to you to set the section boundaries as you expect it. Why not set the boundary of the section such that it included the lead in notes? Then it would include the original note ons when you render the arrangement. I don't think the program should second guess and arbitrarily include earlier notes.
  13. I get people getting worried about updates esp with all the crazy stuff that has been happening with Window updates over the last year or so. However one sanity check to keep in mind is that this is DAW software not an operating system with a million components and dependencies. When we update there are typically very a few things installed. The app exe, a few dll's and perhaps some content like this time. Rolling back is very safe and painless since all its doing is reverting a few files on the system. In theory a user would be able to do it manually for most updates by just reverting the contents of the Cakewalk Core folder in Program files. i.e. its not something to worry about too much.
  14. Every installer starting from this release will have a rollback to prior version. So you will only be able to go as far as 2020.01 by rolling back successively. We don't plan to have rollbacks to earlier than that.
  15. Thanks for the update. Thats bizarre. So now launching cakewalk doesn't impact audio from other apps?
  16. @Nicault what exactly is the problem you are having? If anyone on this thread is having a specific Win7 problem with the early access release please get in touch ASAP.
  17. Currently the rollback will only go to the immediately prior release.
  18. @mgustavo please report back if this is new to EA. AFIK there are no changes to this. Which release were you running prior to this? Also what driver mode are you using?
  19. @RBH I tried to contact you today by PM but didn't get any response. To get further with this we need to do some diagnosis on your system since we cannot repro on any Windows 7 systems we have. It appears to be system specific. I was able to extract some further information from the minidump which appears to indicate that the crash is triggered by Intel IPP software that is used by Cakewalk. See the stack below. When does it crash for you - On app startup itself, when opening a specific project or when opening a blank template? This could be caused by incompatible components. Keep in mind that other vendors are also not testing Win7 so it could be something else indirectly triggering the crash. I realize that everyone has their own constraints but please stop using Win7 asap. X64_APPLICATION_FAULT_NULL_POINTER_READ_INVALID_POINTER_READ_d3d11!CCreateDeviceCache::CUMDAdapterCache::Load+bc
  20. @RBH yes we plan on releasing rollback installers going forward with every release.
  21. For the record Windows 7 is end of life and we do not have the resources to test or develop custom workarounds or hacks to keep CbB working on Win 7 anymore. Though we try to remain basically compatible, problems like this will continue to happen because nobody is testing it anymore. That said, if there is something fundamentally broken and we can find a cause we do try and address it when possible.
  22. This has already been addressed for the next release.
  23. Thanks to help from @Jean-Philippe ROGER via a remote session, we were able to fix this issue. The root problem was this: Arrangement does not preview properly when "Set Now Time With Full Restart" enabled in Track View options. A fix has been implemented for the next release.
  24. @Peter Stiens Indeed. I found the source of the problem yesterday and we have a fix. Its quite a bad longstanding bug related to applying workspaces (or screensets) referencing views to an empty project. In your case the workspace referenced the step sequencer view. Since a blank project cannot have a step sequencer this was running into an issue when loading the workspace and crashing. This is already fixed for the next release but to work around your crash just remove the step sequencer from your custom workspace for the time being and it should resolve the issue. Thanks for reporting this!
  25. @foldawayAh I see what you are saying. I'll look into the feasibility of this.
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