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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @mgustavoIf its failing on simple wave files something is preventing Cakewalk from opening them. Check if you have some other app using the same files. Nothing has changed in that code for decades
  2. @mgustavo works fine here with wave files, mp3 files etc. What file type are you clicking on?
  3. @Jon White I understand frustration when things dont work right, but you are making some pretty wild assumptions here. Because something doesn't work as expected the problem isn't always the DAW. DAW's live in a complex ecosystem of hardware, software, plugins and drivers. We have thousands of users (including complete noob's) with no issues like what you describe. This is not to say that the problem may not be in Cakewalk, but your troubleshooting so far isn't conclusive at all. Many plug-in and driver vendors test their stuff exclusively on Mac's, and perform poorly under certain conditions in Windows. They also choose to test in only a subset of DAW's out of familiarity or resource constraints. As a result a symptom that shows in one DAW may not show up in others depending on how the DAW communicates with the device. This doesn't automatically make it a DAW problem does it? You mentioned using Lynx. Are you running their latest drivers? Very recently they had a bug with MMCSS which would cause major issues when the DAW had MMCSS enabled. I reported this and it was fixed by them. Turn off MMCSS in preferences and see if that helps. If not, try playing the same project with a different audio interface (preferably USB) if you can find one. You can also use the onboard audio device for the test. If the problem goes away that would typically isolate the issue to the audio interface driver. If you indeed find this, let us know and I can follow up with Lynx who we communicate with often. PS generally, don't use WASAPI mode with pro audio devices. Most pro audio drivers completely suck with WASAPI since they never test with it.
  4. @JoeGBradford thanks. I looked at the crash dump and it appears to be a different issue. Iris is crashing independently of the app since the crash dump doesn't even implicate Cakewalk. As far as I can see it has something to do with Iris crashing when loading its resources. It may be an install problem. You should follow up with iZotope on this since its not within our control. ------------ BUCKET_ID_PREFIX_STR: APPLICATION_FAULT_INVALID_POINTER_READ_ FAILURE_PROBLEM_CLASS: APPLICATION_FAULT FAILURE_SYMBOL_NAME: iZIris2.dll!Unknown FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: um:invalid_pointer_read_c0000005_iziris2.dll!unknown FAILURE_ID_HASH: {118841e1-6bcb-ef9d-fb0e-9ac068247613} Followup: MachineOwner --------- 0:000> kp 20 # Child-SP RetAddr Call Site 00 00000000`00147258 00007ffd`538376ad ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0x14 01 00000000`00147260 00000000`22f700b8 ntdll!LdrpLoadResourceFromAlternativeModule+0x2bd 02 00000000`001473d0 00000000`00000028 0x22f700b8 03 00000000`001473d8 00000000`00000000 0x28
  5. @billp your scan log looks OK. I'll troubleshoot with you via PM since its do difficult to do on the forum. Please check for a message.
  6. I didn't realize you posted a video. The app is closing when trying to load TyrellN6 so try skipping that synth in safe mode and see if it loads. Also check if the default sample rate matches the project sample rate as suggested earlier.
  7. @Stephen LathamWhich synths are you loading in the project? Does the application crash or does it appear to hang? Also what sample rate did you create that project at - is it different from the default sample rate for new projects that you have set in preferences | Audio?
  8. @JoeGBradford what is your case number? I can look at it.
  9. Some clarifications. There is nothing wrong with your VST scanner version. is the correct one. If you have the scan button grayed out its likely because something (antivirus, registry corruption, or personalization failing) has messed up the app install and the app doesnt have the path to the VST scanner anymore. Look in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64 for a value of VSTScanPath. It should point to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\VstScan.exe If not, you can redo the personalization for Cakewalk. To do that, launch Cakewalk while holding down the CTRL key. This will show the personalization dialog. Click OK and let it finish. After that VST scan should be accessible again.
  10. Is your default sample rate set to the same sample rate that the project containing Iris is set to? If not, loading the project will crash Iris. This specific issue is a bug in Iris. Cakewalk first initializes iris at the the default sample rate and later changes to the project sample rate. Iris crashes when loading its state at the default sample rate. The good news is that I have already addressed this from our side for the next release even though its technically not a bug - all other plugins handle this. I will be reporting this to iZotope as well. You can resolve it for now by setting your default sample rate to be the same as what you used in the project containing Iris.
  11. Have you taken a look at the release notes for the 05 release? We fix scores of issues every release (most of which are preexisting and some which are workarounds for problems not even directly caused by Cakewalk) If you don't consider that progress I'm not sure what to say. We are not aware of any of the issues you list. There is no way to know if they are fixed until you actually try running the latest release. If you have concrete ways to demonstrate them in the current release then log them specifically. If they are issues within our control we do our best to address them.
  12. Or try your audio interface on a different PC.
  13. Its already fixed for the next release.
  14. @Marc Bleuwart This is not normal behavior. How large is the project? Can you share the project file with us so we can try and reproduce this? When this happens do you lose mouse control - i,e can you continue to open menus in Cakewalk etc or is it just the transport that is blocked? Do you have console view open?
  15. This was the symptom of scheduling model 3 which was fixed in the latest release. Did you have thread scheduling model set to 3 earlier?
  16. @Helos BonosNo the 2020.05 release is one after the arranger release which was in April. Check your about box. There are lots of optimizations in the 05 release.
  17. Have you tried this again with the latest 2020.05 release?
  18. Can you be specific about which FX chains cause this issue?
  19. Right this is incorrect information. Of course audio benefits from multiprocessing. Turn off the multiprocessing engine and run a moderately large project and see what happens
  20. Yes please copy and paste the list of missing plugins from the popup message. Are these 32 bit versions, VST2 or VST3? If these are Cakewalk plugins and you send the project file we can try and reproduce it.
  21. @Rick Paul I'm not sure if you have read the feature overview.
  22. @CJ Jacobson the zoom was changed primarily for mouse users so it zooms about the cursor rather than the center of the screen. For users doing sample based editing its important to be able to zoom in close from the cursor not an arbitrary center of the screen. However when zooming remotely via a surface I can see that it may be desirable to have the prior behavior. We'll discuss it for next release.
  23. @Tim DavilaYou prefer it to modify controls? People found it very error prone because they were inadvertently changing values when they wanted to scroll the view.
  24. Are the plugins actually there but not visible in the menus? If so you may have a plugin layout loaded that doesnt include all plugins. Have you tried opening a project that references one of the missing plugins - does it load ok or do you get a missing plugin prompt?
  25. @Michal Mikulski I'm not sure what you mean by disabling making a track stereo. We fixed bugs where bypassing a plugin wouldn't remove its forced interleave. If you were using that you were relying on a bug. You can still pan a mono track so I don't see what the problem is.
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