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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Being "logged into BandLab" from Cakewalk simply means we save a cookie that allow you to reach user specific BandLab services such as the BandLab library view to download from BandLab, and of course activation itself. Cakewalk doesn't actually send any data to BandLab based on being logged in, so there is really zero need to log out unless multiple people use the system and you don't want them looking at your songs Regarding updating frequently if you don't use the program often that's really your call. Activation will still work automatically (if necessary) the next time you launch the program even if it's after a long time. I've never heard of overloud plugins losing activation as a result of updating Cakewalk. There is no correlation. Maybe you are confusing it with command center.
  2. If you have logged into your BandLab account from within Cakewalk (and stay logged in), you should never need to manually reactivate even if you go past 6 months. As long as the PC is online it will automatically restore its activation whenever needed. Additionally if you ever install a new CbB update within a 6 month window it automatically restores activation. People complaining about this have been using an old version of CbB that didn't have these improvements. This was done back in April. Current CbB users will never see this message. The bottom line is issues like this is why we want people to keep up to date. Otherwise they complain about things that have been fixed ages ago.
  3. Do you see the audio data in BandLab's mix editor when you edit the project there?
  4. @rocstudio So the same issue occurs with bounce to track when bouncing the full project correct? That means the delay is happening when flushing effects tails with some of your plugins. Do you have some plugins that are generating audio even with silence or very long reverb or delay tails? You can try changing this variable in the configuration file BounceFlushTailsMaxDurationSec Go to Preferences |configuration file | Edit Config File Search for BounceFlushTailsMaxDurationSec and set the value to 0 and save the file. Then close Cakewalk without changing anything else Restart Cakewalk and retry the bounce. This should perform the bounce without doing any effects tail flushing. Let me know if this solves the issue.
  5. @Andres Medina you will have to give me a test project with exactly the routing as you set it up. I don’t know exactly what you mean by sidechaining placed on a bus. Did you mean you are sidechaining a plugin in a bus from a track send or are you sending from a bus to a side chain in a track? The ultimate test is to solo the tracks you want one by one and check if you are hearing the sidechain. If you hear it then it should render in the mix. If you don’t hear it when soloing then we can troubleshoot that further.
  6. Please start a different thread for issues present in 06 or earlier. For looping issues you should provide a test project or clear steps to demonstrate. Very often such problems are data or plugin specific.
  7. Here is a link to Build 124 that has an optimization for clip bounce. See if it solves this issue. @Andres Medina this also has Mark's fix for the selection problems you were having. Let me know if this resolves your issue.
  8. @rocstudio looking at the video I can't fully see whats happening but it appears that the lag is happening before and after the actual bounce happens. i.e. before and after the progress bar runs from 0 to 100% and shows activity. Is this correct? If so this means that the actual bounce happened quickly but the startup and shutdown took time. Please confirm that this is what you saw. Also if you select the same time range for all tracks in the project and do a bounce to tracks instead of bounce to clips do you see a similar lag? Your project didn't include audio but it contains several UAD plugins. I suspect something expensive is happening there. I can send you a build to test with my optimization in case it helps. Perhaps you could upload the file "Top Snare (Bounced, 326).wav"
  9. Upload it to any file share (include the audio data) and send a link. I found one possible inefficiency that I've fixed for next update. It would flush all plugins in the project for each clip being bounced which is unnecessary. For a project containing a large number of plugins that could have added a little overhead. Not sure if that is your issue however. In normal cases I don't see any obvious slowdown. If you post a video of what you are doing it may get more clear.
  10. Can you provide a project that exhibits this? What does the track that contains the clip look like?
  11. This is caused because you have an incompatible version of the roboto fonts on your system. We're working on a solution to that. If you react to fix it locally for now you can uninstall your roboto fonts in windows fonts, assuming your don't use it for something else
  12. Well the change for that was only added on Friday so it doesn't exist in 114
  13. @whinnerah contact @Jonathan Sasor via PM and he can help troubleshoot it with you.
  14. That is correct. If you have a track containing a side chain plugin and one or more other tracks feeding the side chain input (in Cakewalk multiple tracks can send to the same SC), you can select the main plugin track with the plugin and it will automatically discover and include the side chain sources in the bounce/export. Similarly for aux tracks, you can now select an aux track and bounce it directly and all other tracks sourcing it will be included in the mix automatically.
  15. @buildanax you most likely have a bad install or something failed during install. Please download the installer and run it again. Also if you got that message when rolling back you ran the wrong rollback installer. Instructions are in the first post in this thread.
  16. These are the different routing examples that I tested. It should automatically evaluate dependencies and add them when bouncing a single track with other tracks sourcing that track. Same applies to soloing the track in question.
  17. @Will_Kaydo and anyone else using aux tracks or sidechains please try out the new export capability in build 123 and report back with your findings. There may be a few boundary cases to tackle but this should handle the most common use case of needing to export stems from sidechain tracks or aux tracks.
  18. Please note that there is a new updated EA with a few fixes and also some new functionality improving export for aux tracks and tracks with sidechained plugins. The link in the main post has been updated with the new installer link.
  19. @SaGaD Xamun can you please provide the audio file that you used to do the detection with? You can zip it and attach here or if large upload it to a file share and put the link here.
  20. What audio device are you running currently? Post a screenshot of the drivers page if you don't know. If its onboard audio your best bet is to use WASAPI shared or WASAPI exclusive mode which are designed specifically to work well with onboard audio devices in Cakewalk.
  21. What ASIO driver are you using. Do NOT use the RealTek asio driver as it is buggy.
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