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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Drag and drop for fx chains works from the Plugins tab in the browser. Please try it from there rather than the media browser.
  2. We do only the minimal testing on Win7. None of the development staff use it anymore so its only tested in a virtual machine. Microsoft isn't fixing issues either other than security updates which will also stop soon. Please upgrade to Win10 if you want the best CbB experience. Its vastly improved for audio despite what some might believe. WASAPI, Bluetooth, the scheduler as well as codec support are greatly improved in Win10.
  3. Welcome Bob. I think decades ago I bought one of your style packs for BIAB.
  4. We have a closed beta program. If you want to participate send a PM with your details for consideration to @Jon Sasor
  5. Ok Let me know beforehand so I can be at the booth since I may be at meetings otherwise.
  6. As long as you know that you won't ever be able to leave...
  7. The browser is the preferred place to insert plugins. Menus are the least efficient way. Why is searching the browser clumsy?
  8. I understand the request. However I'm not seeing why this is that much more efficient than setting up a traditional group - besides the fact that you may want to delete the group after you are done with this. It seems like that functionality is a substitute for the more general grouping we have. >>also there is a Solo selected tracks command WITH an assignable hotkey in the Track View, but it does not work in the Console View. We can look into that.
  9. In your example what you are doing is soloing different groups of tracks. Why not do this using the standard grouping feature? Select the tracks you want Right click on the solo button and set to Group A Select the second set of tracks or buses and assign to Group B Now you can easily toggle the solo groups created above independently In fact grouping this way is also compatible with the exclusive solo state. If exclusive solo is on and you click on a different solo group it will toggle off the prior group.
  10. It is. Only so many hours in the day you know. And fish
  11. You can drag a track and drop it into another folder today. There is no need to remove and add it manually...
  12. Thats what the Songs forum is for. If you haven't seen it yet: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/30-songs/
  13. I assume that you are finding some workflow missing from our Exclusive solo functionality (Mix module in control bar). Can you please explain the steps you are taking and whats not working for you?
  14. Not sure it would be logical to see there but it might be nice to link to it from CbB.
  15. Yes and also posting links to videos is super easy. Just paste the link to a youtube video and it will automatically embed the video. Returning to a post you haven't completed is also great since it remembers the last post. Often I accidentally hit the back button and would lose my post in the old forum.
  16. Sometimes its easiest to see in a video. Here is a video showing the Mix Recall workflow: And here is a user video:
  17. No plug-ins related to Cakewalk but we will be showcasing all the great new features in CbB and the brand new BandLab integration. We're going to have the biggest presence we've had in years so it will be very exciting. The booth design is very slick. If you are in the area do stop by.
  18. Received a signed copy from author and forumite Woon-young Park. So cool! I'll need to learn Korean to read this first
  19. FYI this forum works great on mobile devices as well ?
  20. Hi folks, Nice to see some familiar faces on the other side. Hope to see a lot of newcomers in the upcoming weeks now that this forum is open to the world!
  21. Kudos for the new forum go to @Jesse Jost @laurent and @Morten Saether of course @Meng for making it happen! Oh and I love the new Cakewalk | Discuss logo from the BandLab design team! Very exciting to see this modern forum go up. Wait till you see all the future integration planned.
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