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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. If you purchased through a 3rd party don't expect instant gratification - they have to interface with NI to get various pieces in motion. While it's nice when things work quickly & smoothly we've all seen how heavy demand can bog things down.
  2. You can install it offline, not sure if it can be activated or not offline. If that's a deal breaker download it, install it and find out - it'll run 15 days as a demo. Per Manual: Installation • Download and launch the latest version of The Snail, wrapped in a ‘zip’ file. For Mac : open the ‘dmg’ image, double-click the The Snail Installer.pkg file. For Windows : double-click the ircamLab The Snail Installer.exe file. • Launch the installation package (« Standard » installation is recommended.) Trial period and Registration Upon the first installation, you are granted with a 15-day trial period, beyond which you must buy a license if you want to keep using the software. Demo: https://www.ircamlab.com/products/p2242-The-Snail/
  3. If you've previously bought this - here's where you can get the latest version v1.4.1 The Snail by IrcamLab Release notes for The Snail 1.4.1 (July 2022) Fixes & Improvements • Deeper cleanup of older versions of plugins upon update (Mac) • Menu keyboard shortcuts (such as Cmnd+Q) could be unresponsive (Mac) • Transposing Instrument setting was not reflected in Zoomed Tuner View. • Audio settings could be messed up in some rare configurations (Mac). New Features • Tuning reference and transposition are now displayed as overlay (letf right corner) etc..
  4. Or as a Komplete 11 Ultimate owner I can upgrade to Komplete Ultimate 14 for $199 or Komplete 14 Collector's Edition $249.50 Looks like the summer sale has arrived. Summer of Sound 2023 50% off software, plus huge deals on integrated hardware and software bundles. Ends July 6th.
  5. Was checking it out... Push 3 and Push 3 Standalone: Out of stock Back in stock in 8+ weeks I'm assuming that it's only available at Ableton..
  6. @tansetter"could you tell me about what you use this for that makes it a better tool for you than audacity or a free DAW like Cakewalk?" Cakewalk is great but it can be overkill for some jobs; Audacity is great too but haven't installed in on my last DAW - it wasn't a good fit, not light enough for small jobs, or powerful enough for big jobs (MHO of course). Wavosaur is a easy, fast, light-weight tool. Requires virtually no set up and takes only something like 6MB of disk space. I have it set so the I can right click on a WAV file and select open-with and it's up. Nice way to trim the silence or noise off a song's beginning or end etc. or even do some creative splicing. Been using it for ages, it's got a number of analysis tools now that I should, but haven't yet checked out. Is it THE BEST? Probably not, but sometimes for a job a pocketknife is a better tool than a lightsaber.
  7. Neither Waves Torque and/or Eventide Physion change the pitch of the transient part of the drum sound so it still sounds natural and doesn't end up sounding like (or at least less like) a retuned sample. HertzRider can't do what they do. BTW if you have Anthology XII make sure you got the latest update which includes free update to Physion Mk II.
  8. One of my favorite free audio utilities has been updated! Wavosaur free audio editor Wavosaur development history 20-may-2023 version - New VST dialog box for plugin GUI: Resizing bug fixed Plugin name and dll name display Status bar, menu and toolbar for plugin control Mute button fonction to disconnect plugin Load & save banks and presets Resizable VST GUI full support - New "VST/Midi bridge": VST parameter are now management via midi CC (see manual for more detailled infos) Update of midi configuration dialog box - New "VST Tweaker": Display of all VST parameters Support of VST without GUI Parameter value, label and name displayed Usable with mouse wheel Configurable view for low/high res screens (saved in ini file) - New "VST Scanner": New scanner with independant processing of plugin to avoid crash with unstable plugins Use of WavosaurVSTScan.exe mandatory (same directory) - VST Rack: Mute added in popup menu (mute the selected plugin) VST plugin properties dialog box No window close on 'return' key pressed Renaming of plugin in rack and list Host support for open/save dialog Support of parameter automation Option to keep VST rack (saved in wavosaur.sor) to reload it at startup - MP3 decoding bug with corrupted files fixed - Playbar resynchro during selection change for loop - Vu meter, Widget and VST processing bug fixed (for file closed) - New Wavosaur debug features: New dialog box in help menu Code from Wavosaur support to activate debug functions - Optimisation audit & task force for timing and speed: Player, widget global graphic interface Full display for zoom - New recent file dialog box: New dockable (left/right) and reziable dialog for recent file All recent files are saved in wavosaurrecentfiles.ini file Name and path views - New file browser dockable dialog box: Simple and efficient file tree with audio Double click to load file Path saved wavosaurbrowser.ini file File filters fully editable in ini file - Editor frame rate is now available un cfg file for advanced users - Sampling rate and audio device are now on the main frame pane Wavosaur features
  9. Maybe, but consider... EastWest Hollywood Fantasy Orchestra $599 for the complete bundle - preorder, no subscription. Being Fantasy Strings is going for $355 at JRR the complete bundle looks like one hell of a bargain. and that I can pick up using PayPal credit and spread the payments over 6 months kinda makes it a no brainer.
  10. Hollywood Fantasy Brass Walkthrough
  11. Keyscape Patches 1.6.0c (Version History) Includes the following features and fixes: Adds over 250 brand new patches to "Keyscape Creative"
  12. 1) You get 2 licenses from Sonible - any combination (PC + PC, PC + iLok, iLok + iLok) 2) to retract the iLok license contact their technical support (not iLok) about it. Probably not a problem.
  13. Ultimate Midi Plugin - UChord (chord progression plugin) on sale 76% off now $12 ($49 MSRP) https://www.ultimatemidiplugin.com/product/Ultimate Chord Engine Current version is 1.7 Even though v1.7 update was announced March 4th - the installer files last update was March 28th more info on previous post:
  14. I’m waiting for the 100% off sale till I buy WUP
  15. I don't recall a year when there hasn't been a summer sale... Don't normally pay attention to the minor sales unless they enable use of the coupon. Regardless I'm going to wait for the 50% sale, if NI skips this year then I just get to keep my money that much longer.
  16. Open a support ticket asking if they plan on adding your model. No guarantee that they'll add it but it shows them that there's an interest. They added support for my AKG Q701 model after I asked, even though the reply I got for the ticket was noncommittal "we are planning to add many other models, not sure yours will be supported. Just stay tuned for any news about the plugin."
  17. PluginBoutique now has it for $149 too. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/10533?nosto=frontpage-nosto-1
  18. Thorus and Phasor both sound pretty nice, will have try the demos.
  19. You beat me by $.50 but this is something that looks (more) interesting (to me)... (YMMV) https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/4338-Renegade-Mini
  20. Surge XT 1.2.2 update released Some info: Surge Synth Download: Surge (surge-synthesizer.github.io) Changelog: Changes in Surge XT 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 We released Surge XT 1.2.1 on April 30, 2023, and 1.2.2 fixing a small error on May 1. It fixes a few small irritations from the previous version and adds a couple of features which we had ready for the next release. Headline Changes In 1.2.0 we have corrected a problem with audio input for irregular block sizes, but we warned about this situation too loudly and way too often - the warning is now moved to the audio input oscillator screen (in 1.2.2; in 1.2.1 it is on every oscillator screen), but the feature is kep Renaming a patch could cause a race condition in our patch database - especially on Linux systems - causing a simple rename to show a large number of database lock errors - this is now fixed Tuning Pitch slider set to 0 in Absolute mode now tunes correctly with Scala tuning files loaded Modulation Fixed pitch bend becoming stuck when toggling MPE mode during held bent note Made sure Portamento set to 0 is strictly 0 in all modes UI/UX Clearing FX slot or chains will now disable bypass if a slot or slots were bypassed Dragging a node in MSEG shows a value tooltip Fixed font difference after typein for VKB Tempo field Fixed a problem where Oscilloscope improperly grabbed keyboard focus Allowed envelope retrigger options for Latch play mode Fixed a problem whereby the Tempo field in standalone didn’t work in some cases Content Added CC0 license to the Init Square template patch Infrastructure 1.2.2 contains our last binary distribution of the LV2 format. Going forward users needing an LV2 will need to self build. (1.2.1 is missing an LV2).
  21. per: zynaptiq: ORANGE VOCODER Specifications Formats This software is available for a variety of 64-bit formats. On macOS: Apple AudioUnits (AU) Avid AAX Native Steinberg VST 2.4 Steinberg VST 3 On Windows: Avid AAX Native Steinberg VST 2.4 Steinberg VST 3
  22. Thanks, realized that but was concerned about having to pay XX$ more because I missed an upgrade window
  23. Found it. IK Multimedia • Total Studio 4 MAX Released, MAX line updated, new pricing So the $50 coupon is gone but the $299** MAXgrade price is fixed. **down to $209.99 with Jam Points applied So since I was going to use Jam Points, no rush.
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