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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. TheSteven

    Good recorder

    Zo - here's a good recorder. Best deal on this thread. Will never have dead batteries. Highly portable. Can be used to play intro to Stairway to Heaven. Sweet deal ($4.95) at Sweetwater
  2. That is in error. Purchase must exceed, not product. I used it for 2 $69 upgrades - paid the $38 difference.
  3. WTF? That was an option? Doesn’t that violate forum rules?
  4. Frankly Zo I've never installed anything but Pro on my computers going back to XP. The expanded RAM capacity support, support for Remote Desktop and better control of updates & security features alone make it a necessity to me. The value of Pro really boils down to your system & your planned usage.
  5. You may be right but even Microsoft doesn't stand firm on this... Per Answers.Microsoft or Are OEM Windows legal? - Microsoft Community There appears to be 2 types of OEM licenses - OEM, & OEM Retail? Not sure about this but there is confusing info put out by Microsoft MVPs about it. I suspect the key issue really boils down to usage - if you're a system builder or a company looking to upgrade multiple computers probably best get official licensing. If I'm installing an OS for a client I don't buy OEM, I'll go to EBay or Amazon and buy full retail and pass the cost on. I don't need business hassles. If I'm building a machine for me or my kids I'll go OEM** if I don't have a Regular retail available. **MS will not provide Windows support with an OEM version but when your kids have 'DAD' level support that doesn't matter.
  6. Almost instantly (actually a minute or two) after I registered it. It appeared in my account and they also sent me an email with the code.
  7. I've been waiting for something like this. Been using my old MSDN account licenses not knowing when they'll finally die. Nice to have one or two licenses in my pocket just in case.
  8. So... I ended up picking up Falcon and 2 libs. I then took my $100 voucher and bought 8 more Falcon libs - with the voucher and the sale my total out of pocket cost was $54.29 (I always wonder how Falcon users ended up with so many libraries). Wish I would have checked out what their UVI Dual Delay X would have cost in combination with my other items before pulling the trigger. I really like the way it sounds, how intuitively the controls are laid out, etc. Even though I've got too many delays I really regret not picking this up at the $29 intro price when it came out. On one hand I want to thank everyone for their help/info ? - thanks, I got a killer deal! on the other hand not sure I'll be feeling the same way at the end of the month if I end up having Ramen for dinner for a week 'cuz I broke my budget. Well they** say you're not an artist unless you suffer for your art. **not sure who said this - probably some no talent *****
  9. and sale is through Jan 15th.
  10. So... is it worth $22 to buy it at UVI? I.E. do you get vouchers that make up the difference? Also is the $100 Falcon voucher you get if you buy it now usable during the during the current sale?
  11. Lowest I can hit for same is $190.95 on AudioDeluxe , $212.86 on UVI What secret wizardry are you employing to achieve that magical discount?
  12. TheSteven

    Spectral Layers

    I did that and they immediately fixed things. Note: A bit of a derp on my part I just found a follow up reply (from the prior set of conversations) saying that I should ask for a refund (on my 6 or 7 upgrade) because the upgrade from v8 was $20 cheaper but if I didn't want to hassle that they could swap licenses. I totally missed that reply because I thought they were done with the conversation. So cudos to them for the offer. Since I bought the upgrade on sale at JRR don't think Steinberg shop would have had it cheaper even with the $20 discount but appreciate that they mentioned it.
  13. Works on v3 upgrade, knocks it done to $75
  14. $244 for Falcon without vouchers (if they even work for this sale)
  15. TheSteven

    Spectral Layers

    I had SpectraLayers Pro 6 then upgraded to Pro 8. Pro 9 won't activate because it can't find 6 or 7 in my eLicenser. Steinberger is saying that I'm SOL because I don't currently have 6 or 7 (even though I can produce a Pro 6 license#). Not happy about this.
  16. Hi Peter, I agree with a number of points/issues you've raised. One of the problems I've had with 8dio is as you say "I find that the quality is all over the board". Being that various Spitfire libs (Originals Intimate Strings, Originals Epic Strings) were recently on sale for $17 and still sell at $29 - I don't know if this 8dio collection is really even a contender.
  17. Here's a stupid question... I saw a post somewhere that said when you take a previously owned license the UVI still sends you the $100 voucher for sound libraries (or whatever). Can't find that thread at the moment and perhaps I took it out of context. I expect that not to be true (hence feeling stupid even asking for verification) but not finding info to support or deny that. other info: https://support.uvi.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000247617-Where-is-my-Falcon-Gift-Voucher-
  18. Shaperbox 3.21 released 3.2.1 - January 2, 2023 =================================== - New: Octave offset for LFO's MIDI Pitch mode. Useful for zooming in/out horizontally in the Oscilloscope Tool, and for creating AM/FM-type effects in Shapers. - Improved: Multiselection and exclusion in the Preset Library's Shaper filter. Click to show presets containing selected Shapers. Right-click (or use any modifier) to exclude Shapers. Drag to quickly select multiple Shapers. If you haven't checked out the new features in ShaperBox you should spare a moment and check out the video below. The way that you can easily enhance an existing drum track is really a game changer.
  19. Same, I finally picked that up at for $49 If this was $49 I’d be debating it and might cave and buy it. But not at $69, got too many saturation plugs already
  20. They want a screen shot of my iLok showing the AAX version installed - so looks like I’m SOL
  21. Probably with one of the PT subscription models, as a freebie user don't think I ever had that offer.
  22. So 1st requestor after 9PM? Seems so arbitrary...
  23. Sale is still on. Presonus v6 Pro upgrade with discount came to $104.39. Note: I ordered on 12/30 before leaving town - order is still 'unavailable'. I did immediately receive an email regarding my order containing the following message... The underlining is their's
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