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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Oh Boy! A day at Disney Land can run you $179. So BFD Land is truly a bargain! But it does make it hard to take the time off for work / school if you exit the park a month after entering...
  2. umm.. From SOS review: https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/moog-moogerfooger-plug-ins (need account on SOS to read full article) and that was at the MSRP of $249 Kind of disappointing when people either slam stuff or praise it as mana from heaven without either trying it or at least researching it. I haven't tried Moog's plugins so I can't comment on how good or bad they are. A couple of videos for your consideration Edit: Here's the web page on Moog's site documenting the Moogerfoogers plugins https://www.moogmusic.com/products/moogerfooger-effects-plug-ins There are sound demos for all of them (it's a side scroller - check about 3 screens over).
  3. Do you mean GP5 is around the corner? I have PA's GP3 and GP4 v4.5.8 NM, I'm sure it's just a typo...
  4. Please cite some credible sources re Windows going SAAS. Regarding Microsoft fixing issues - Microsoft is constantly fixing issues, but how soon or whether your issue is addressed really depends on the issue and what priority they place on it. If it's a Windows 10 issue that was fixed in Windows 11 the priority may be zero. Security issues or Issues that affect corporate customers - those rank pretty high. A number of people turn off receiving Windows updates - for them issues will never get fixed as they'll never receive the fixes. Also if there is a hardware factor in your issue it may not be entirely a Microsoft issue to fix (it may take either a Windows update, a driver update or both to resolve some issues). Dell for example is constantly pushing updates (seems like weekly updates come out on their higher end models).
  5. If you're into trance / stutter-gating or sidechaining this plugin is supposed to be one of the better ones. Also multiband capable.
  6. The following are not part of Amp Room, not included in the deal: Eden WT800 Bass amp Marshall Murder One Lemmy Signature Kerry King Signature Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959 (my bad, this is included)
  7. Here's another $50, min spend $75 2023-06-50HENGZDG8A7
  8. Ok, so who in Europe used their VPN to pay as an American and screwed up PayPal for the US? I'll have you know that we Americans can screw things up on our own quite nicely. We don't need assistance. So next time let us handle it. What? Oh... Hmm, maybe that didn't come off as I intended.
  9. Not sure why any of this this (Gig Performer/PA stuff) is a surprise to anyone who bought into/purchased the PA version and did at least 10 seconds of research into what they were buying.
  10. Ordered it late Saturday night (1:30am technically Sunday morning) - still waiting for my license. About 5 minutes ago sent support an email inquiring about license.
  11. Heavyocity sale up to 75% till July 6th Buy 3 or more and get an additional 10% off Vocalise 3: $119 $79 Vocalise 2: $99 $49.50 Mosaic Voice $119 $59.50 Punish Lite cheaper at JRR $19.99 https://www.jrrshop.com/heavyocity-punish-lite
  12. MAudioPlugins BETA 16.07a Download: https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads
  13. https://marketplace.tracktion.com/free-trial?sku=love ? or
  14. I bought one to have on reserve. Went with the company in the original OP as it may be years before I need to use this and feel that there's less risk of it being DOA when do use it. Note the following message is post on my license info page:
  15. If you go to Orange Tree's website, log in and check your available downloads - if Melodica is there then you've already got a license.
  16. More info (the rest of) from Tracktion support: Wavesequencer (Tracktion Support) Jun 5, 2023, 5:39 PM PDT Hi Steven, Hyperion is MPE capable, but it was a feature added as a user request late after Hyperion was made public, so the factory patches don't have MPE enabled by default and it would be very difficult to update every patch to have custom MPE assignements. If you click the MPE filter, you will see there is one MPE demo combi patch - 'Blade2047_MPE'. ~~~~ If you would like to use an MPE controller on existing patches (or your own patch designs), it's required to set the MPE mode to 'on' in each layer you want to respond to MPE bend/pressure. You can set the bend up/down ranges to match your controller. Other than pitch bend, if the patch is not already mapped to use the pressure and Y-axis output pins, you would need to map those to whatever parameter you would like them to affect - that's the flexibility of the modular system - you can control any target pin on the voice nodes polyphonically, but since it's a modular synth - there is no pre-assignment in patches as every patch is different. Most MPE controllers will use CC74 for the y-axis parameter, but you can also selected a different CC controller number if necessary, and there are a few custom bend release modes that you could try out (affecting what happens in terms of the pitch bend when the note is released but still decaying the sound). Follow up email from Tracktion: Wavesequencer (Tracktion Support) Jun 5, 2023, 11:56 PM PDT FYI - I did a quick test with Ableton 11 parameter automation, and to my surprise it sends per note pressure as main channel Poly-aftertouch messages rather than channel pressure on each channel associated with each note (maybe that is configurable somewhere), which is the more usual MPE implementation. That seems a bit odd to me because Poly aftertouch MIDI messages functionality has been around forever (and was possibly supported by Ableton for a long time already), and I would expect MPE mode to use per-channel/note mono-pressure messages and not Poly aftertouch. Either way, Hyperion will receive both types of data, but the example patch is making use of the channel pressure messages. I've previously tested with Bitwig DAW and when doing MPE pressure automation (either with a touch screen or automation curves) it used per-channel channel pressure messages for each note. Hardware controllers appear to also make the distinction between Poly AT and MPE mode for polyphonic pressure output - e.g. the ASM Hydrasynth (which I have) sends (mono) channel pressure messages on a channel per note in MPE mode as far as I remember. Actually I'm considering to combine the poly aftertouch and channel pressure output pins in a future release of Hyperion, since it's rare that you would want to or expect to have both types of messages being sent to a synth at the same time. Best regards, Paul. Thanks. Wavesequencer Support Team www.tracktion.com
  17. Hyperion by Tracktion is one of things on sale!
  18. Did they get back to you on the MPE/Ableton issue? They got back to me (I just noticed, been a busy week)... Per Tracktion: It turns out there is an extra step in Ableton required for external plugins (setting shown below) - then the MPE data gets sent as expected and it receives pressure per note as channel pressure (as well as per channel bends and Y-axis/slide data):
  19. IBTL? Bandlab has been very patient with content of this thread - 15% excitement, 10% joy, 15% anger, 15% whine, 7% confusion, 9% ice, 27% nonsense & filler. but as soon as the content hits 20% anger, 20% whine or 30% nonsense they'll probably lock the thread. Note: the %s are an off the cuff guestamate based off of reading content. No statistical or scientific process was used. Those disagreeing with my figures are free to disagree and post comments on my methods, my family's genetics, or complain bitterly - all of which I reserve the right to either ignore or laugh at. *Apologies if this comes off rude, my humor can be a bit edgy at times - I'm going to take a break, grab a sandwich & coffee.
  20. Quite a few scary recent reviews on TrustPilot... Avoid the website like a Plague, This is a scam site that takes my money…, Customer support impossible to reach
  21. Meh (no insult intended), nothing that Larry or others haven't done countless times before and this was an offer put out by Arturia that others might have missed.
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