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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. @cclarry Shouldn't the title of this post be Kontakt 6 updated to 6.8.0 ? this update doesn't deserve an exclamation point.
  2. I totally agree. I opened a support ticket on this and suggest other do the same. Since MPE was added a couple of versions ago to Hyperion getting this issue fixed obviously hasn't been a high priority. (Per manual "V1.27 of Hyperion now includes MPE compatibility per synth layer" - we're on v1.40 now)
  3. I'm not using the demo. Out of the patches I randomly sampled - looks like all included patches are MPE ready but none seemed to have it in any way enabled. In the browser the MPE patch filter is locked on and does nothing - to me this looks like a bug.
  4. PSP Impressor v1.02 (update) released Edit: >>redownload!<< PSP Impressor v1.02 (update) release was bad >>> see next post! NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with drop-down functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. FIXES: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. To get... 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer.
  5. New Arturia FX updates (29 for me) Run the Arturia Software Center for example: Bus Force Release Notes V 1.3.0 New features: AAX Silicon native compatibility has been added NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3 FX Collection 4 features the same accessibility features as V Collection, including real-time text-to-speech feedback The plugin interface can now be dynamically resized by dragging the corner Bus FORCE now have oversampling quality options Overdrive Gain Compensation implemented Bug fixes: AU plugins are now displayed correctly as files/bundles or Delay BRIGADE Release Notes V 1.6.0 New features: AAX Silicon native compatibility has been added NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3 FX Collection 4 features the same accessibility features as V Collection, including real-time text-to-speech feedback The plugin interface can now be dynamically resized by dragging the corner Bug fixes: AU plugins are now displayed correctly as files/bundles Audio now smoothly fade out when audio is paused or stopped in Pro Tools
  6. This is a very nice plugin, loads of free presets. Lowest price I recall seeing. Unless your DAW can only run VST3s this is really a no brainer.
  7. When was retrospective recording added to Cakewalk? Or are you speaking from the perspective of someone who dabbles in the heathen OS's (Mac/Linux)? Edit: joking of course, no disrespect meant to Mac users - I use & support Macs at my day gig.
  8. 99 cents I can afford. It's the monthly subscriptions to UAD Spark for $19.99 (USD), billed monthly (annual subscriptions $149.99 (USD), billed yearly) that hits you after 3 months that hurts. I really wish UAD had come out with their native versions 5 to 10 years ago - I'd probably own all of it. At this point I'm too invested with other brands to consider reinvesting in stuff that does what stuff I already have does either equally well or well enough that no one listening to my music can tell the difference.
  9. LiquidSonics has had a series of updates for their plugins that I (and probably you) have missed. You can download your updates here: https://www.liquidsonics.com/downloads/ The latest was released May 2nd, 2023 For Example: A summary of changes to Seventh Heaven releases. Version 1.4.5 (2 May 2023) Changes: Framework update Version 1.4.4 (26 January 2023) Changes: Correction for export bug affecting Pyramix Correction for a bug affecting time signature detection Adjustment to pre-delay smoothing Version 1.4.3 (10 / 14 May 2022) Changes: Windows: Fix for a VST3-only plug-in scaling issue in Steinberg hosts when using supplementary application UI scaling settings macOS: Mouse wheel sensitivity control for preset selector dial (assists some Apple mice and trackpads with very fast wheel motion) Version 1.4.2 (22 April 2022) Changes: Stability and security updates Version 1.4.1 (21 April 2022) Changes: Fix for an issue when loading user saved presets in the VST2 build Version 1.4.0 (Build Dated 3 April 2022, Released 20 April 2022) Changes: Native apple silicon support Version 1.3.7 (Released 31 October 2021) Changes: Fix for click-to-edit of reverb time functionality Version 1.3.6 (Released 26 October 2021) Changes: Fix for slow operation of the central presets jog wheel in Logic Pro 10.7 Version 1.3.5 (Released 20 October 2021) Changes: Fix for sticky UI elements in Logic Pro 10.7 on Intel Macs Correction of minor UI graphical asset issues Version 1.3.4 (Released 21 June 2021) Changes: Support for Fusion-IR content pack automation during full preset automations (VST3, AU and AAX only) Fix for an incorrect mono/stereo channel default selection in some VST3 hosts (including FL Studio and Bitwig) Fix for a bug where the plug-in cannot retrieving a custom content installation folder when specified in the installer (Windows only) Fix for a crash in Logic AU when windows are opened in the background under some plug-in error conditions Built with an updated Pace SDK to mitigate a crash in Logic Pro on M1 in other plug-ins due to aspects of the protection implementation Enable future support for iLok machine activations
  10. Man: "I just can't stop drinking! All my money goes to booze." Bartender: "Are you complaining or asking for a refill?"
  11. Glad to see that their working on stuff again.
  12. It took 4 days... but happy to see that you finally got the drift of the thread. I'll get my hat...
  13. PSP 2445 EMT v.1.3.11 released NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with drop-down functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. New presets. FIX: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. TO BE DONE: Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application. The update is free of charge for the current PSP 2445 EMT users. 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. Download Now!
  14. Anyone who gripes Groove 3 doesn't have enough content hasn't really looked at their offerings. Aside from tutorials on various DAWs they also have tutorials on playing jazz, blues, singing, guitar, piano, how to use a various soft synths and other VSTs, production techniques for various music styles, and more. Anytime there's someone offering a free month or more of Groove 3 or a nice discount on their subscription it's worth grabbing.
  15. Pages of hand wringing about NI's new logo at VI Control https://vi-control.net/community/threads/the-new-native-instruments-logo.139931/ Yup, NI I changed their logo so I deleted all my NI libraries, gave away my car, burned my house down and... then woke up and realized I didn't really give a crap about their logo and went and made myself a cup of coffee.
  16. Looks like NI is having an issue with some people (including me) not receiving the vouchers. You'll need to open a support ticket.
  17. If you combine one of those vouchers then the $20 dollar code/voucher already mentioned in this forum: SUMMER-20-OFF that knocks the price down to $9 each time you can use it (that's also assuming that you can stack the $29 voucher with a coupon code). If you can stack 'em and they end up resetting the $20 code then woooya!
  18. Confirmed (thanks for the correction) https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-collectors-edition/specifications/ PRODUCT INCLUDES Installation files, e-voucher for the Native Instruments web shop, and three “Buy any Plugin for $29.99” e-vouchers for the Plugin Alliance web shop. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-ultimate/specifications/ PRODUCT INCLUDES Installation files, e-voucher for the Native Instruments web shop, and two “Buy any Plugin for $29.99” e-vouchers for the Plugin Alliance web shop.
  19. After purchasing 14CE I got 2 emails - one a code for PA and the other the $20 dollar voucher already mentioned in this forum: SUMMER-20-OFF Not seeing anything else (no mention of a $29 voucher). The PA plugins I see listed for Ultimate and CE are: BX_CONSOLE << probably a typo... FOCUSRITE SC *see edit 2 BX_CONSOLE N BX_LIMITER TRUE PEAK BX_CRISPYTUNER KNIFONIUM LO-FI-AF Can you sell/give away the NA coupon for the PA bundle? Edit: per terms - The e-voucher is personalized and only for use by the appointed addressee/user. It is not transferable and may not be re-sold. Edit2: LOL it's BX_CONSOLE FOCUSRITE SC see https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/6539155029917-How-to-Install-KOMPLETE-14-s-Plugin-Alliance-Products More info at: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-ultimate/plugin-alliance-additions/
  20. Nice if you have the bread to spread... Komplete CE is as far as I can afford to go. Going from 12 to 14 CE adds Kontakt 7 full, Noir piano, Stadivari Cello & Violin, Action Strings2, etc. to my collection.
  21. PSP Echo v.1.5.1 NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with dropdown functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. FIXES: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. TO BE DONE: 1. Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application, 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer. 4) If needed you can always return to the earlier version.
  22. I didn't see negative feedback on the new release until after I posted. I've added a warning in the initial post. Hopefully Ableton will quickly sort out the issues.
  23. Note: 11.3.2 has issues! (at least on Macs) If you are going to install it install as an additional install keeping your old version. Read the attached thread from more details.
  24. Ableton Live 11.3.2 released (Edit: read next post before installing!) https://www.ableton.com/de/release-notes/live-11/#live-1132 11.3.2 Version New features and improvements: Auto-Warp Improvements: Live now uses a new Auto-Warp algorithm. Both downbeat and tempo variations are more accurately analyzed, making it possible to work with longer samples and entire songs without the need for manual warping in most cases. To run the new Auto-Warp algorithm on clips within an existing Live Set, use any of the Warp From Here commands (found in the Sample Editor's context menu) from any location in a clip. Cloud in Live: Song updates made to a synced Note Set will download more quickly to Live, under certain circumstances. Song updates made to a synced Note Set that is currently open on Windows and has not been saved using the Collect All and Save option will no longer cause a download to fail and retry endlessly. Samples that are no longer used by a Set.abl file will not be displayed under that Set within the browser's Cloud label. Control Surfaces: It is now possible to redo actions using the Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script by holding down Shift button and pressing the Undo button. Core Library: Added new presets and Racks featuring MPE. Added improved MPE mappings in MPE-enabled instruments. An update to zplane libraries may cause subtle sound changes when using Complex and Complex Pro warp modes in audio clips or the Simpler device. Interface Improvements: Accessing Legal Information through the About Live dialog now opens Live’s factory content Legal folder that contains Ableton's End User License Agreement and licensing documents. Updated the End User License Agreement to: include new Ableton products better reflect the Ableton product ecosystem respond to requests for clarification on our policies include other small and compliance-related updates Updated software texts in various areas of Live. Updated various Help View lessons. Updated various Help View lessons and software text translations in German, Spanish, French, Italian, and Japanese languages. The "Read the Live Manual…" option in the Help menu will now direct users to the online version of the manual. Replaced the link in the Help menu that points to Ableton's homepage with one that points to Ableton's Help page. Help menu items that are related to learning Live are now grouped into one section, and "Get Support..." now appears as "Get Support", to indicate that it is not an external link. Renamed the Help menu's "Help View" item to "Built-In Lessons". Renamed the Home button's "Help View" info text in the main Built-In Lessons page to "Lessons Start Page". Added a link to the Help View's table of contents page that points to Ableton's Help page. Removed unnecessary dots from the File menu's "Manage Files..." entry. When Zoom Display is set to 100% on Windows, Live now uses less GPU resources with certain combinations of GPUs and drivers. Removed the option to "Use System Device" for audio input on macOS. If audio output is set to “Use System Device” and the system device changes, Live no longer pauses audio with a "System device changed" dialog on macOS. Max for Live Improvements: Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.5.4. For the changelog, visit: https://cycling74.com/releases/max/8.5.4 fixed parsing error with large gen Patchers fixed matrix color input fixed audioschedulertime calculation when device is open in the Editor Live Object Model: updated docs sfplay~: fixed crash with timestretching in efficient mode vst~: improved loading speed for VST shell single plugin vst~: partian-scan results are used in fas-scan mode vst~: unique ID argument is used with plug_{format} messages vst~: VST3 shell plugins cache info about other plugs in the shell metro in Max for Live: outputs bangs consistently when the Arrangement View's loop brace is active RNBO in Max for Live: starts up only after a rnbo~ object is present MIDI Clips and Note Editing: In MIDI clips, the setting of the Envelope Editor's MIDI Envelope Auto-Reset context menu entry is always respected, even when the respective track's Monitor switch is set to "In". New Devices and Device Improvements: AAS Device Improvements: Added MPE support to the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices. Updated info texts in the Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension devices. Added visual improvements to the Collision and Tension devices. Drift: Introduced Drift, a new Instrument available in all editions of Live. Drift is a compact subtractive synthesizer that comes with a wide sonic palette and an approachable interface. Expression Control: Changed the way MIDI and MPE data are parsed for improved reliability. This also delivers a potential performance boost to the device. Expressive Content for Live: Added a number of presets to the AAS devices (i.e., Analog, Collision, Electric, and Tension), and the Drift, Sampler, and Wavetable devices, with an emphasis on expressive playability. The updated MPE Control Device can further adjust their playability and also enhance interaction with non-MPE devices such as Operator (via MPE to MIDI). External Instrument: The External Instrument device is now available in Live Intro. MIDI Monitor: Incoming MPE data can now be viewed in the MIDI Monitor device in the MPE display. Incoming note, velocity, slide, pressure and per-note pitch data are shown in a continuous stream as notes are played. MPE Control: Redesigned the UI to include dedicated tabs for MPE sources. This makes it possible to separately adjust each source’s settings, including configuring a default modulation value which will be used when playing notes that do not contain per-note MIDI data. It also introduces the ability to individually mute MPE sources. Introduced the Swap to Slide option when using the Press MPE source. This is useful for example when controlling an external synth which only supports polyphonic aftertouch, but the user intends to control the modulation via the vertical axis instead. Introduced a Centered option to the Slide MPE Source, so that the center of the vertical axis corresponds to a Slide value of 0, reaching 127 in both directions when moving away from the center. This feature is meant to help users who utilize a pad based MPE controller. Centered transforms Slide data so that hitting the center of the pad generates non modulated sound and the modulation value increases progressively as the finger slides away from the center alongside the vertical axis. Added the Ons option to the Slide MPE source. When activated, Slide values are only updated on Note On, without further changes until a new note plays. Optimized the device for better CPU performance. The default modulation value will always be used when playing a note which does not contain per-note MIDI data, also in cases where min, max and curve values are tweaked. Improved the text layout of live.tab objects. Note Echo: Added MPE support to the Note Echo device. Each MPE dimension has a feedback control, which defines how fast MPE modulation decays over time. MPE can be enabled with a toggle; when this toggle is disabled, the device behaves exactly how it did in 11.2. Minor changes have been made to parameter names in Sampler and Wavetable. Push: Added support for the Drift device to Push 2. Improved the UI of the following devices on Push 2: Analog, Collision, Tension, Beat Repeat, Filter Delay, Amp, Vinyl Distortion, Saturator, and Grain Delay. On Push 2, it is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Analog device, and missing parameters have been added to the device's banks. It is now possible to edit MPE parameters in the Tension device on Push 2. Reduced the knob sensitivity of the Tension device's Octave and Semitone parameters on Push 2. Setup: To avoid incompatibilities, you will be asked to save Live Sets created with an older version of Live as a new file in Live 11.3. Live Bugfixes: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect formatting of some text in the Info View when Live’s language preference was set to German. The Sample Editor will now always display the audio clip the user interacted with last, even in cases where multiple audio clips are selected. Fixed a bug that resulted in an incorrect latency compensation when using positive track delays on Group Tracks or return tracks. Scale Name and Root Note values of clips which are not in key will now be correctly retrieved when re-opening a saved Live Set. Previously, they would reset to default values when the clip was changed to be in key with the Set. Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when pressing [Tab] or [Shift][Tab] after clicking on a Session clip title in the Clip View in a second window. When using a second window, Live will no longer switch between Session and Arrangement Views when clicking on a clip title in the Clip View, even when interacting with a clip from the other view. Fixed a bug that prevented automation lanes of some AUv2 plug-in devices from showing up when reloading a Live Set. Fixed an issue in the APC Key 25 mk2, APC mini mk2, ATOM, and ATOMSQ control surfaces where button LEDs would indicate that upward scrolling was possible under the wrong circumstances. Fixed a bug that might cause Live to crash on Windows when quitting the application. Fixed a crash that could occur when configuring a plug-in device's parameter while the containing track was unselected. Fixed a crash that could occur when pressing the [Tab] key after switching to the Arrangement by hovering over the Arrangement View Selector while dragging a Session clip. Previously, dragging a Drum Rack return chain to the Session/Arrangement View drop area would create an uncolored return track. Fixed a bug that created an Ableton Folder Info subfolder in the wrong location, or under the wrong circumstances. Fixed a bug that caused the Analog device's amplifier envelope to ignore the release phase when its Free Run Mode switch was enabled. Previously, when pressing the Cancel button in the "This action will stop audio. Proceed?" dialog that appears during the Collect All and Save process, the current Set would be moved into the respective Backup folder. Fixed an issue in the Multiband Dynamics device that would cause its band meters to flicker when used with certain VST plug-ins. Fixed a bug that caused Live to switch to “Use System Device: No Device” after disconnecting wired headphones while the “Use System Device” setting was enabled. When using an incompatible device with the “Use System Device” setting active, Live no longer stays connected to the device and instead switches audio devices to "No Device" as indicated in the warning dialog. Fixed a crash that occurred after canceling a package installation. Fixed a regression which prevented the Note Echo device from working correctly with MPE. Fixed a crash that occurred when receiving a call while using AirPods as audio output device. Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur if loading sample chunks took a long time. The MIDI input ports of the APC Key 25 mk2 and APC Mini mk2 controllers are now visible in Live's Link/Tempo/MIDI preferences, which allows these controllers to be used for MIDI mapping. Fixed a performance issue in Sets with many particular VST3 plug-ins, that caused the UI to lag or become unresponsive. Fixed a typo in the French translation of the Quantize dialog window. Fixed a bug that allowed dropping a Rack chain containing only audio effects on an audio track header, which caused Live to crash. Per-track performance impact meters now use less graphics-rendering resources. Max for Live Bugfixes: Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_slot function on return tracks or the Master track with Max for Live. Fixed a crash that occurred when running the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function on an Arrangement clip using the same start time as the original. Fixed a bug which allowed users to run the duplicate_clip_to_arrangement function with negative start time. Fixed a bug in the MPE Control device that prevented Sustain Messages from working. Fixed a bug in the Expression Control device that prevented Global Aftertouch from working as expected, under certain conditions. Fixed a bug in the Shaper MIDI device that caused its envelope to be triggered once a Note Off message was sent. Fixed a bug in the Shaper device which caused some UI elements to be inconsistent with Live’s color palette when using Dark Theme. Fixed a bug that caused sound to cut off while triggering the DS Cymbal device and adjusting its Decay parameter.
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