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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. From PSP ++++++++ We apologize for the inconvenience. Yesterday, we mistakenly published installers with incorrect plug-in libraries. Please download the updated installer and proceed with reinstalling the PSP Impressor plug-in. 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer.
  2. @cclarry Shouldn't the title of this post be Kontakt 6 updated to 6.8.0 ? this update doesn't deserve an exclamation point.
  3. I totally agree. I opened a support ticket on this and suggest other do the same. Since MPE was added a couple of versions ago to Hyperion getting this issue fixed obviously hasn't been a high priority. (Per manual "V1.27 of Hyperion now includes MPE compatibility per synth layer" - we're on v1.40 now)
  4. I'm not using the demo. Out of the patches I randomly sampled - looks like all included patches are MPE ready but none seemed to have it in any way enabled. In the browser the MPE patch filter is locked on and does nothing - to me this looks like a bug.
  5. PSP Impressor v1.02 (update) released Edit: >>redownload!<< PSP Impressor v1.02 (update) release was bad >>> see next post! NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with drop-down functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. FIXES: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. To get... 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer.
  6. New Arturia FX updates (29 for me) Run the Arturia Software Center for example: Bus Force Release Notes V 1.3.0 New features: AAX Silicon native compatibility has been added NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3 FX Collection 4 features the same accessibility features as V Collection, including real-time text-to-speech feedback The plugin interface can now be dynamically resized by dragging the corner Bus FORCE now have oversampling quality options Overdrive Gain Compensation implemented Bug fixes: AU plugins are now displayed correctly as files/bundles or Delay BRIGADE Release Notes V 1.6.0 New features: AAX Silicon native compatibility has been added NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3 FX Collection 4 features the same accessibility features as V Collection, including real-time text-to-speech feedback The plugin interface can now be dynamically resized by dragging the corner Bug fixes: AU plugins are now displayed correctly as files/bundles Audio now smoothly fade out when audio is paused or stopped in Pro Tools
  7. This is a very nice plugin, loads of free presets. Lowest price I recall seeing. Unless your DAW can only run VST3s this is really a no brainer.
  8. When was retrospective recording added to Cakewalk? Or are you speaking from the perspective of someone who dabbles in the heathen OS's (Mac/Linux)? Edit: joking of course, no disrespect meant to Mac users - I use & support Macs at my day gig.
  9. 99 cents I can afford. It's the monthly subscriptions to UAD Spark for $19.99 (USD), billed monthly (annual subscriptions $149.99 (USD), billed yearly) that hits you after 3 months that hurts. I really wish UAD had come out with their native versions 5 to 10 years ago - I'd probably own all of it. At this point I'm too invested with other brands to consider reinvesting in stuff that does what stuff I already have does either equally well or well enough that no one listening to my music can tell the difference.
  10. LiquidSonics has had a series of updates for their plugins that I (and probably you) have missed. You can download your updates here: https://www.liquidsonics.com/downloads/ The latest was released May 2nd, 2023 For Example: A summary of changes to Seventh Heaven releases. Version 1.4.5 (2 May 2023) Changes: Framework update Version 1.4.4 (26 January 2023) Changes: Correction for export bug affecting Pyramix Correction for a bug affecting time signature detection Adjustment to pre-delay smoothing Version 1.4.3 (10 / 14 May 2022) Changes: Windows: Fix for a VST3-only plug-in scaling issue in Steinberg hosts when using supplementary application UI scaling settings macOS: Mouse wheel sensitivity control for preset selector dial (assists some Apple mice and trackpads with very fast wheel motion) Version 1.4.2 (22 April 2022) Changes: Stability and security updates Version 1.4.1 (21 April 2022) Changes: Fix for an issue when loading user saved presets in the VST2 build Version 1.4.0 (Build Dated 3 April 2022, Released 20 April 2022) Changes: Native apple silicon support Version 1.3.7 (Released 31 October 2021) Changes: Fix for click-to-edit of reverb time functionality Version 1.3.6 (Released 26 October 2021) Changes: Fix for slow operation of the central presets jog wheel in Logic Pro 10.7 Version 1.3.5 (Released 20 October 2021) Changes: Fix for sticky UI elements in Logic Pro 10.7 on Intel Macs Correction of minor UI graphical asset issues Version 1.3.4 (Released 21 June 2021) Changes: Support for Fusion-IR content pack automation during full preset automations (VST3, AU and AAX only) Fix for an incorrect mono/stereo channel default selection in some VST3 hosts (including FL Studio and Bitwig) Fix for a bug where the plug-in cannot retrieving a custom content installation folder when specified in the installer (Windows only) Fix for a crash in Logic AU when windows are opened in the background under some plug-in error conditions Built with an updated Pace SDK to mitigate a crash in Logic Pro on M1 in other plug-ins due to aspects of the protection implementation Enable future support for iLok machine activations
  11. Man: "I just can't stop drinking! All my money goes to booze." Bartender: "Are you complaining or asking for a refill?"
  12. Glad to see that their working on stuff again.
  13. It took 4 days... but happy to see that you finally got the drift of the thread. I'll get my hat...
  14. PSP 2445 EMT v.1.3.11 released NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with drop-down functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. New presets. FIX: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. TO BE DONE: Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application. The update is free of charge for the current PSP 2445 EMT users. 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. Download Now!
  15. Anyone who gripes Groove 3 doesn't have enough content hasn't really looked at their offerings. Aside from tutorials on various DAWs they also have tutorials on playing jazz, blues, singing, guitar, piano, how to use a various soft synths and other VSTs, production techniques for various music styles, and more. Anytime there's someone offering a free month or more of Groove 3 or a nice discount on their subscription it's worth grabbing.
  16. Pages of hand wringing about NI's new logo at VI Control https://vi-control.net/community/threads/the-new-native-instruments-logo.139931/ Yup, NI I changed their logo so I deleted all my NI libraries, gave away my car, burned my house down and... then woke up and realized I didn't really give a crap about their logo and went and made myself a cup of coffee.
  17. Looks like NI is having an issue with some people (including me) not receiving the vouchers. You'll need to open a support ticket.
  18. If you combine one of those vouchers then the $20 dollar code/voucher already mentioned in this forum: SUMMER-20-OFF that knocks the price down to $9 each time you can use it (that's also assuming that you can stack the $29 voucher with a coupon code). If you can stack 'em and they end up resetting the $20 code then woooya!
  19. Confirmed (thanks for the correction) https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-collectors-edition/specifications/ PRODUCT INCLUDES Installation files, e-voucher for the Native Instruments web shop, and three “Buy any Plugin for $29.99” e-vouchers for the Plugin Alliance web shop. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-ultimate/specifications/ PRODUCT INCLUDES Installation files, e-voucher for the Native Instruments web shop, and two “Buy any Plugin for $29.99” e-vouchers for the Plugin Alliance web shop.
  20. After purchasing 14CE I got 2 emails - one a code for PA and the other the $20 dollar voucher already mentioned in this forum: SUMMER-20-OFF Not seeing anything else (no mention of a $29 voucher). The PA plugins I see listed for Ultimate and CE are: BX_CONSOLE << probably a typo... FOCUSRITE SC *see edit 2 BX_CONSOLE N BX_LIMITER TRUE PEAK BX_CRISPYTUNER KNIFONIUM LO-FI-AF Can you sell/give away the NA coupon for the PA bundle? Edit: per terms - The e-voucher is personalized and only for use by the appointed addressee/user. It is not transferable and may not be re-sold. Edit2: LOL it's BX_CONSOLE FOCUSRITE SC see https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/6539155029917-How-to-Install-KOMPLETE-14-s-Plugin-Alliance-Products More info at: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/bundles/komplete-14-ultimate/plugin-alliance-additions/
  21. Nice if you have the bread to spread... Komplete CE is as far as I can afford to go. Going from 12 to 14 CE adds Kontakt 7 full, Noir piano, Stadivari Cello & Violin, Action Strings2, etc. to my collection.
  22. PSP Echo v.1.5.1 NEW: Native Apple Silicon AAX format. Scaling control with dropdown functionality added. Automation name of controls to hints added. FIXES: Track routing in Reaper for more audio channels than two. Minor bugs fixed. TO BE DONE: 1. Improving stability between VST3 version of the plugin and Ableton Live host application, 1) Log-in to your PSP account and go to My plug-ins section, 2) Download the installer appropriate for your operating system. You can overwrite the newer version over the old one so after downloading simply start the installer. 3) Restart your computer. 4) If needed you can always return to the earlier version.
  23. I didn't see negative feedback on the new release until after I posted. I've added a warning in the initial post. Hopefully Ableton will quickly sort out the issues.
  24. Note: 11.3.2 has issues! (at least on Macs) If you are going to install it install as an additional install keeping your old version. Read the attached thread from more details.
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