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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. I have done this for quite a while converting commercial tracks to MIDI files - using a yamaha MU series module as the playback synth. To do this, you gave to listen intently to each instrument to get the right sound. Of course, it helps if you have deep knowledge of the synths that your using to reproduce the track. If you are using hardware synths, as well as getting to know the patch list, be prepared to scrutinise the SYXEX commands and controllers available for that synth. What I try to include is, obviously the correct sound - but you may need to apply LP or HP filters to get the sound even closer. This can include individual drum sounds (If the synth is capable of that) I have noticed that most commercial tracks track have subtle tempo changes throughout - so be sure to include these. I have a program that grabs a tempo of a section of a commercial track at a time. By the the I have completed the track, it includes a tempo map that pretty much matches the original. Also, layers can help get that fuller sound. Then there are effects - reverb would play a prominent role here. Note: I usually do not put much reverb on the base track. Also, if you have a strong base drum - lose the reverb on that as well - otherwise the track can get a bit muddy. One last thing I can suggest is never quantise anything 100% (Unless the genre calls for it - like most EDM)
  2. Not unless you can get an app for the phone that knows what to do with the note, sound and controller data that the MIDI file would contain.
  3. Do you have an antivirus program installed that might be interfering with the install. If so, temporarily disable your antivirus program and then try again. Also, the Cakewalk installer may still be in the following folder: %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads (Note: If you do happen to find the Cakewalk installers in that folder, you may wish to copy the installers to another folder as a backup)
  4. Did you run Bandlab Assistant and then download and run Cakewalk by Bandlab from within Bandlab Assistant? That is the correct method of installing and activating Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  5. Would logging off, rather than the full restart, be enough?
  6. Promidi

    Cakewalk Not Working

    Which version of Cakewalk? (Numerically, don't just say "The latest") Install all Windows updates (That are possible for Windows 7) Update all hardware drivers (Manually from manufacturer's websites, not Windows update) Update the Vdist Runtimes https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Perform a full scan for viruses and malware using a reputable antivirus program
  7. More info needed. Recording pure audio or MIDI data? Is "sound on sound" enabled? Preferences | Project | Record > "Recording Mode" What are your PC specs. CPU, ram, audio interface. What driver mode? (ASIO or WASAPI)
  8. Check to make sure the MIDI track's inputs are set to omni. This is probably a channel setting.
  9. Even though it looks similar to Sonar Professional, Cakewalk by Bandlab actually contains heaps of under the bonnet fixes and enhancements. See: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aFOe_zJrd3x2EnaZ_Jc3iSbZPG2WANiCD4_RP83OjlA
  10. Some machine specs would be helpful. Personally, I would not be running skype and any DAW similutaneously Is your PC fully patched and your Vdist Runtimes updated The Vdist Runtimes are not updated via Windows updates - you need to do these manually. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Also, have you installed the latest drivers for all of your hardware. Do this manually (download from manufacturing's websites) rather than via Windows updates. There is a document floating around that has a few optimisation tips for PCs running any DAW. https://download.cantabilesoftware.com/GlitchFree.pdf Note: For Cakewalk by Bandlab, there have been various posts indicating that "Processor Scheduling" should be set to "programs" contrary to pages 34 and 35 of above document. I only have a 4th Gen i5 quad core and I have never had the issues you have described. For me, downloading, installing and running Cakewalk by Bandlab has been glitch free.
  11. Following specificity which updates? Tried going to the manufacturer's website for your Line 6 UX2 and manually downloading and installing the latest drivers?
  12. My understanding that is that if you're an existing Sampletank 4.10 user, then all you have to do is download and install the "SampleTank 4 CS Sounds" that is under your "My products" page. I did the above - and I did not have to use the SampleTank 4 CS serial number to authorise. It just worked and I could simply access all the new sounds. If you are a Sampletank 4.09 or below user, then either update Sampletank 4.0x to 4.10 or download Sampletank 4 CS. They are the same executable. You still have to download the "SampleTank 4 CS Sounds" that is under your "My products" page. In this scenario, I don't belive you need to authorise the sounds. If you do not have Sampletank 4 at all, then you need to download SampleTank 4 CS and the "SampleTank 4 CS Sounds". Then authorise SampleTank 4 CS with the provided serial number.
  13. Is your audio interface via that powered hub? If so, consider plugging your audio interface directly in to a USB port at the back of your PC or laptop.
  14. Note: Requires Kontakt (Full-Version) 5.7.0 or Higher
  15. It would be nice if I could download this faster than the 300 kbps even though I have a confirmed 50mbps connection. Other sites allow download at full speed....
  16. Well, technically, it's still summer down under.....
  17. They are - and with the code "group", brings from price of an adpack down to $36.88
  18. Have you searched your entire hard drive for a file called Alesis.ins. That file contains an entry for the Alesis SR 16 On my machine, pretty much every version of Cakewalk (right up to CbB) comes with this file.
  19. Did this project contain any audio that you recorded or is this a MIDI and VSTi based project? If it contained recordings, then the audio folder may contain the actual audio of the recordings.
  20. That's the meaning I got from it as well. I do many MIDI only projects myself and when I am working on these projects, Cakewalk's audio engine does not run.
  21. They are more likely to if you lodge a support ticket (with steps to reproduce). https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  22. Have you left ripple edit on by any chance? Note: when you say "still using the same CbB", which version exactly (numerically) are you using?
  23. Midi files will only contain the MIDI data itself. Any data pertaining to specific Cakewalk features (such as their assigned track outputs) will not be saved in the MIDI file. What you need to do is save the file as a Cakewalk Project file or CWP. Unfortunately, this CWP file would not be readable by the PSR-SQ16 You will probably have to have two versions of the edited files - one on the PC as CWP files and other as MIDI files (probably back on the floppy disk).
  24. Have you done any "Daw PC" optimisations - you know.... disable power saving everywhere you can Disable C-states, speedstep snd put CPU min/max at 100%. All of that stuff
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