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Nitrate Audio

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Everything posted by Nitrate Audio

  1. i really could use that desser. just with they make better bundle offer.
  2. good one. they make good stuff. i dont use chiors much in rock and roll.. but if you are into film scoring.. i think its great.
  3. I apparently have 4 products on UVI according to their site. All freebies. No code on my end.
  4. I wonder if you need to be an owner of a paid product such as VV4 or Falcon to get vouchers. I only have the freebie UVI synsations in my account.
  5. I got nothing man. i do have one from from from July 2022
  6. Hm.. I am thinking my next GAS fix will be Falcon..
  7. $75 with code FEELNOLIMITS https://www.softube.com/zener-limiter
  8. anyone know what sort of upgrade price will getting one of these get you into for H9 bundle?
  9. they hosed that installer again. all showing up as red icons when using the VST in a DAW
  10. i am not very happy with Steinberg anymore. I will try their free new synth. but not paying anymore.
  11. I agree with this post. Buy stuff you will use. Don't keep accumulating stuff on sale. I have had AT5 and ToneX for a while. Yes, I paid a little higher sale price than most of you will be paying now (I think it was $20 or so more) but I have been using them daily for years. I wasted a huge amount on great U-he synth but it sits there never getting used. That was a bad investment.
  12. so lets see. things i like about it since i switched. working with drum midi is really neat and fast. drag the midi from GA or Kontact or whatever.. into a pattern and you have a 4 bar pattern. tweak it and then clone it 4 or 5 times. and then apply shortcuts to make variations of it. i use the below ones a lot. you launch them via keyboard shortcuts. then you drag and drop by pattern variations into the playlist and then just keep pressing control+b to clone them. so basically, in less than a couple of minutes you can have a entire humanized drum track for a 4 or 5 min song with variations. i usually work with 1 or 2 patterns and a whole bunch of fill patterns and clone them and make variations. thats usually my work flow. https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/pianoroll_random.htm https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/pianoroll_qnt.htm https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/pianoroll_scale.htm https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/basics_shortcuts.htm The thing that I found annoying with Fl which took me a while to get my head around it is that there is no one way of doing things. there are multiple ways of achieving the same thing and you just need to decide or figure out which one is the one you want to use for yourself. And then things like a track in a playlist can contain anything and be mapped to anything and a track in a mixer can be mapped to anything and be moved around and linked to anything. its confusing at first and it took a bit of head scratching to get around that idea that track 1 does not have to by mapped to track one all the time and you can keep moving it around to an other track and link it to anything and use it for anything.. from audio track, to a midi track to a bus or mixer track to automation . super weird.. but once you jump over that obstacle its great to use.
  13. when are these shmos gonna have a new volume bundle?
  14. I have TX Max and I have a short list of about 10 or 15 favorites. I find its overkill and has more than enough captures. But for me, I still use AT5 more. The fun for me is looking at preset and trying present and changing stuff and seeing what it does to the sound and tone. That's the pleasure I get from the software. Just clicking captures and playing is no fun for me.
  15. if its too good to be true. it usually is not.
  16. FWIW.. I use them all. I still use Amplitube a lot more than ToneX. I like to do a lot of experimeting with combination and order of effects and how they interact as i kill and add various frequencies so AT5 is a virtual playground for me.
  17. I bought into their ecosystem for $19. slightly different product mine you. but similar.
  18. their manual usually. https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/ https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/fl-studio-online-manual/html/recording_audio.htm
  19. yup. i agree with this. it took me a few years of trying to get along with it before i finally got used to it. but for me, everything works. all my plugins. and i mostly make traditional genres of music.
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