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Nitrate Audio

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Everything posted by Nitrate Audio

  1. I don't see Pusher. I do see Quad Saturator. I think this is fake. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/t-racks-pusher-by-ik-multimedia
  2. Agree. The TR6 preset window is taking a little of getting used to. But it's okay I guess. Not a big deal. Fame is a great reverb. One of my fav from IK. I personally have been experimenting with the new lo-fi and filter plugin to try to get some usable sounds. nothing good yet. 😞
  3. I got my serial and will test it. I have my doubts it will automatically load and replace TR5. now the more curious thing for me is, if someone has plugin doctor, and can check to see if there is difference in behavior between TR6 and TR5 version of same plugin. it should not be, but you never know with plugins. updated. i got my serial. installed and activated. i tried out some project i was working on earlier today. it does not automatically replace TR5 plugins in DAW. They all show up as separate new v6 versions of same plugin and you have to insert. which is fine. the classic emulations pretty much look the same. re-sizing looks smoother, but you were able to resize TR5 plugins as well. so not big change for me there. i use a lot of the neve and classic plugins. the meter plugin looks to have been updated and lots of new options added which is great. sort of cool and handy. in standalone mode, there are now meter indicators between the different plugins in the chain so you can see what the levels are going between plugins. that's really handy. there is also a break out between the effects chain and the master bus chain in separate view. not sure what the purpose is, but its handy i guess. you can also permanently enable the quad limiter and de-esser in the standalone under preferences. not sure what the purpose of that is either as i am not that advanced an audio engineer. but i guess it does serve some sort of purpose. overall really great for someone like me who uses these products a lot. my only beef is the present changes workflow. it's really differenet. it now opens a separate window. looks like something i need to get used to.
  4. If you have Tracks 5, when you install 6, you will have a separate TRacks6 version on all plugins. This was one of the reasons I removed the Intro version when I tried it out. it was a little confusing. But given that I use TR5 a lot, i ordered this. Lets see if they honor it.
  5. the good thing about this is it seems battery is still being offered and may mean it will not be killed off and may get some TLC soon.
  6. Kind of hard to answer. It all depends what you are into. I but lots of Pigments and DX ones. I got lots of mileage out of Deserted Lands and Dreaded Darkness. I can't recall if they were free of paid.
  7. Nitrate Audio

    Waves V-EQ4

    I like them with the analog button on. add's character to tone.
  8. keeping my fingers crossed for the rotary.
  9. great freebie. i think i now own almost all the of the essentials collection for free.
  10. i would not put anything alpha on my setup.
  11. garbage. i see no products in my profile. i am pretty sure I had something before. It looks like they wiped my data.
  12. its nice to see IK adding details to what is fixed.
  13. I am basically using TR5 metering, bx_meter, and the fruity db meter. But I started getting more interested in level metering after some postcasts and wonder I need something more advanced.
  14. is this a good deal? tempted as I am into more dbfs monitoring. .
  15. great ideal. keep up the good work. see you are the next St Patricks or Valentines days sales deals.. and April Fools’ Day and Easter
  16. thanks. picked it up. i am a note taker and use their jotter a lot.
  17. yup. agreed. i picked up the drum machine for $0. i am a drum addict. fun little instrument.
  18. Yup. UI us scalable. now. Its a good update. Glad they did it. I was worried it was becoming abandonware.
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