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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. I think the reason for not clearly stating whether there will be perpetual licenses available in the future, or not, might be a wish to test the waters. If a sufficient number of users are willing to pay $15 monthly for a BandLab membership, maybe that will generate more revenue than outright purchases. If not, maybe the incentive to offer perpetual licenses might be greater. Only time will tell.
  2. Maybe it's about time to dust this off.
  3. 53 "We just have to wait and see." 54 GOTO 53
  4. 53 "We just have to wait and see." 54 GOTO 53
  5. Um, not really. Like it or not, but the graphical user interfaces in software is moving in quite the opposite direction and has been for a number of years. Just compare Windows 11 to Windows 10 to Windows 7 to Windows Vista. The 3D skeuomorphism found in older software has for a long time been moving towards flat 2D interfaces. Not that I personally like that transition, but that's the way it is.
  6. Seems to have been down in the US and Europe for the last two hours. Works in Asia though. https://status.ilok.com/
  7. I would guess that you found the dll in C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit. If so, I would recommend that instead of moving plugins around, you simply add that path to Edit > Preferences > File > VST Settings | VST Scan Paths in Cakewalk, just as Promidi suggested. If not, anytime that plugin is updated through Native Access, the updated dll will once again be put in NI's default plugin directory, and not update your copy in Cakewalk's VST folder.
  8. Open the UMC Control Panel from Windows System Tray and click the About tab. If you see an "ASIO Compatible" logo, your interface is using Behringer's real ASIO driver, and not ASIO4All.
  9. Really? In that folder I've got one plugin; XSampler.vst3. And don't move anything.
  10. C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities\Internal\XSampler
  11. I think sending in a batch of crash dumps will be pretty pointless, unless you can relate each dump to a specific crash and document the exact steps you went through to get them.
  12. The price is indeed a no-brainer, but I've already got five of these ten instruments so I'll pass. It would however be interesting to know if it's possible to get updated versions directly from 8dio for free, or maybe for only a nominal fee.
  13. This must be the first time I ever see 8dio products being marketed by NI. As all 8dio instruments require full Kontakt, it's a pretty, pretty unusual sale. Even more so as it says NKS on that page. Could it be that the instruments in this bundle supports it?
  14. Then you've probably pasted the MIDI clip as a linked clip. https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.44.html
  15. I’m still not sure I completely understand. So, can you open the interface of Rapture Pro and see the list of soundbanks, the same way it looks in the image above. But you can’t get any sound out of Rapture Pro? If so, does other instrument plugins that you may have installed (like for instance Rapture, Dimension Pro, Z3ta+, Session Drummer etc.) work in CbB?
  16. I think you need to be much more specific. First of all, by “bandlab Cakewalk” I assume you mean Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB)? If so, what do you mean when you say Rapture Pro has stopped working? Can you see it your list of instrument plugins in the CbB browser? If so, can you create a track in CbB with an instance of Rapture Pro? If so, can you open the Rapture Pro interface and see its list of installed soundbanks?
  17. The error message mentions a path named "D:\Jenkins". I assume you don't have such a folder on your computer, am I right? Jenkins is the name of an open source automation server, used to support building, deploying and automating development projects. Maybe you somehow got hold of a development build that never should have been made available for download? I would download and install Next once again to see if the error still occurs.
  18. What if you from the MIDI track press Alt+3?
  19. Canopus


    The Color Scheme above is called Dark and is the one I personally prefer. But there are nine different Color Schemes in Sonar to choose from:
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