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Everything posted by abacab

  1. I found out that my Asus Z390-A motherboard is only equipped with a TPM 14-1 pin header, part sold separately. Fortunately the Asus TPM module is only a $15 part at Amazon and Newegg. Availability is 1-2 weeks. Better hurry... ?
  2. Ah, the old clean Windows install... what a pain in the a... But that is a sure fire way to remove any accumulated garbage or errors from your system! A lot of folks won't go there even when they suspect that is the way to go, because of the time investment required. My last clean install was back in 2016 when I upgraded to Windows 10. I'm afraid that if I needed one now, it would take me weeks to get up and running again with over 1,000 plugins. My plan now is to take a daily full disk image, and at the first sign that something bad has happened that I cannot remedy directly, just roll back and restore an earlier image. Thanks for the update!
  3. Did you look at the full Kontakt Factory Library? There are two upright basses in the Band collection. Also one in the free Kontakt Factory Selection. Nothing fancy. But both have a tuning control that allows adjusting the instrument tuning down/up in half steps.
  4. Piano or Bass? You decide! ?
  5. I don't have an upright yet. Will need to check that out!
  6. I picked up the MODO Bass last year for free as part of a group buy. Obviously it's a bit pricey to get entry level, but it has maximum versatility as a modeled bass. As far as sampled basses go, I have always liked the free Ample P-Bass. Is limited to fingered samples only, but sounds very close to my actual Fender P-Bass, and never goes out of tune, LOL! I upgraded to the Ample Metal Ray, which is a sampled Stingray 5. Has fingered and picked samples, plus the Ample paid basses also come with a riffer module.
  7. I have an Ample Bass, and it's the bees knees! https://amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=18
  8. abacab

    Xpand 2

    I gonna bet Xpand!2 will reach $1 again in 2021.
  9. I forgot about the preset change issue. Since I don't use changes, not a showstopper for me, but I could see it being a big issue for guitar players and their amp sims. I also just remembered that some VST3 plugins (forget which ones) don't seem to recall the current preset name that was saved as current state in the last project save. Even though the actual correct preset is loaded, if it has been a while and you forgot the name, it can be frustrating.
  10. It's actually been a while since I had any major conflicts with a VST2 vs. VST3 plugin. I think that was with an update to OBXD from Disco DSP. Are plugins and DAWs maybe improving their overall compatibility these days? In the past, if I ran into one version that didn't play well, I would hide that version. That is still my plan if the issue comes up again. But there are no easy rules for VST2 vs. VST3 regarding which is best. Just use what works. I always try VST3 first now...
  11. That's my biggest gripe with UJAM. Wet as hell. So far unable to locate either a "dry" or "DI" switch. Sometimes it's OK to not be "mix ready". Or at least have that option...
  12. Like this: USD $36.65 = €29.00 EUR. So [29 / .7912] = 36.65 (in USD).
  13. ^^^ Now that right there will remove the mystery of what a "simple instrument track" is. ^^^ A "simple instrument track" is not really that intuitive, and hides the actual complexity of a "simple instrument track", so when a newcomer tries to do some special routing with an instrument, it is often difficult until the above knowledge becomes clear. You can also split apart an instrument track into its component audio and MIDI tracks, as well as combine an audio and MIDI track into an instrument track.
  14. Studio One also does this. But I have learned that it takes two to be compliant. (1) The software dev has to set the proper flag in the plugin, AND (2) the DAW has to support it as well.
  15. In re-reading this, I noticed another possibility in "what I'm trying to do is select MORE than one output in the sequencer's settings." I mentioned a bit earlier that this can be done easily with one MIDI track per output. If you were implying to that you instead wanted to send a single MIDI track to multiple instrument outputs, a Cakewalk MIDI track only has one output option. To use multiple MIDI tracks like this to arrange or layer different parts, you would need a MIDI recording or pattern on each track to playback, or if you wanted to perform them live you would enable "Input Echo = On" for any tracks that you wish to trigger from a hardware controller.
  16. Cakewalk can output to as many external MIDI instruments as your system has MIDI outputs equipped. Just assign one additional MIDI track for each MIDI hardware output you plan to use with the USB MIDI interface, and route them accordingly. An internal soft synth will have it's own MIDI track, so that's an automatic setup for that first one. Here's a quick overview of adding MIDI tracks to CbB.
  17. abacab


    It's alive!!!
  18. That's correct. Vital need to be run on it's own instrument track as a virtual instrument. If you try to put any instrument into a track's FX bin that was not designed for that job, you will just get silence. Some developers ship an additional FX version of their instrument as a separate plugin, but that will usually include "FX" somewhere in the name. To put it in basic terms: Virtual instrument plugins take a MIDI input and use their internal sound generators to output an audio signal. FX plugins take in an audio signal input, process it, and then output a modified audio signal.
  19. For Schep's Omni, you also have one modular "flex" slot, you can add any other single Waves plugin to the strip, as well as bypass or reorder the modules in any manner. So you have a bit of versatility with SOC in just a single plugin instance. And I didn't notice a big CPU hit either. Supplied with many helpful factory preset examples of different channel setups that make for some good starting points. SOC seems to make anything you put it on quickly sound better. Especially with some of the presets that Andrew Scheps contributed, such as "Hammond", "Clean up my Acoustic Gtr", "More Pick on that guitar", "Sustain my El Gtr", "Bass DI", "Clear Bass", "Dirty Bass", "Synth Pad", etc. Some of the guitar presets work well on synth leads, too. Apparently he's already dialed in some close approximations to make certain instruments sound cleaner and better defined. You will just need to tweak to taste.
  20. No VAT here in the states... (29 / 0.79 = 36.7 ... so there's 36.7 USD in 29 Euros. The current exchange rate is not that attractive. (29 * 0 .79) = 22.91 ...that calculates 79% of 29. Cheers! ?
  21. This plugin is really intended to be your drummer. You tell it what to play, and it does. It doesn't sound bad, but it's not attempting to be a top tier drum sample library. Now with VD-2, you can drag and drop the MIDI drum patterns from the plugin UI into a DAW MIDI track. At least that way you could trigger any drum virtual instrument (for example, MODO Drum) from that track.
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