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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Now that would be a Pol*** thing to do ?
  2. I forgot about that short-cut. See what happens when you get old.
  3. Steve you need to keep it together. We need you down here Was that suppose to be an Egg Joke? If it is I'll take mine over easy
  4. Another thing if you get ST4 (Actually ST3.72 too ) is it can load content from other stuff from the IK Line-up Like: Load Syntronik sounds into SampleTank 3.7.2 (or later) for more expandability
  5. I have ST4-Max and the amount of content you get is well worth it. I can't comment on the ST4 version. If you can swing the extra few dollars it is well worth the Max version IMHO. Here is the list of sounds included https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/st4/soundlist/SampleTank_4_MAX_Instruments.pdf Is there any that stand out. I like the Alan Parson Piano myself. The organs are nice too. Problem I got the Hammond Organ and use that one more now. Nice thing with ST4 it is a great bread-n-butter type workstation.
  6. I ended up buying IK Multimedia Miroslav Philharmonik 2 which gave me the great option for the other freebies. Now I stare at the screen and can't decide which sound I want to use ?
  7. Happy Birthday and on Super Bowl Sunday to boot. Enjoy some extra snacks
  8. It would be nice if CbB did update MusicXML to version 3 support and have both import and export.
  9. Almost agree with you here but with Covid-19 maybe they should do a virtual elbow bump
  10. I have a copy of Syntronik Deluxe and Syntronik too. Hmm maybe I should upgrade the regular one for the price. Why do I have both you ask? When they had the buy one get 4 free upgrades didn't count. So I took Syntronik Deluxe as one of my freebies Never can have too many sounds right
  11. You have to check the BIOS and see. If you have access that will be great. Good chance you will since you got from a custom builder.
  12. But if you brought an OEM desktop like Dell, a lot of times the settings are not available in the BIOS. YMMV.
  13. You must go into bad joke quarantine I'm slowing learning how to write the strokes so Staffpad understands me and it is not too bad. It is a wonderful program and neat to be able to jot down ideas sitting/relaxing on the couch. I think both Finale and Sibelius need to worry about this type of program.
  14. That was an interesting video to watch. This is when you realize how much work goes into notation products.
  15. @abacab That certainly seems like a route for Bandlab to pursue. I say Bandlab and not CbB as the notation should also be online with the Bandlab app for the educational market IMHO. With Bandlab also working on it Cakewalk can piggyback the results into CbB. Of course I'm not a programmer so I could be way off the mark on this Musescore does look like it would do the trick for what most of us want the notation to be. Not Finale top notch printing/layout but functional. I shall pinch myself now as to wake up from this dream.
  16. Poor Dead Horse We just can't stop beating him/her can we I thought Music XML might of been the answer but it was only started and left abandoned. I'm really thinking that Bandlab needs to acquire a notation company like Presonus did and go that route.
  17. But before I depart I will have you know all this talk about Slick is making me Sick ?
  18. Only if you are his type ? I'm putting on my coat.
  19. We can share the Uber fare to save some money
  20. This I agree with 110%. Bandlab/CbB is missing a great opportunity. At least in another thread they are going to have a big update integrating Bandland part with CbB so that is great news. I guess we are beating the poor dead horse about staff improvement. CbB is a great DAW and for the few of us it could be really great with some notation improvements. We seem to be in the minority camp and I have come to accept what CbB has to offer. I still prefer to use it over the other DAW's that I have. Peace
  21. I guess it was always the long term goal to integrate the two which will be great. Hope it all come together for CbB and Bandlab!
  22. We want to make notation easier for the masses not harder ? I speak from experience with Finale If I'm going for a top-notch published page then yes Finale/Sibelius etc is the way to go. This is not what most of us are looking for from CbB. Most of us just wanted functional notation/staff view and Cakewalk is close but misses the mark as has been discussed before.
  23. @abacab I agree I would like to see staff view / notation improvement in CbB especially with Meng and Bandlab keen on music education. but as others have said, me included ,I will be shocked if it gets some love from the bakers. I'm slowly learning Staffpad as a new creative tool now and I brought the Affinity suite of graphics to keep me busy. Too much to learn and not enough time
  24. I don't want to get scolded by the folks that say it isn't needed. It is a DAW not a notation program. I have been down that road already Really. The Bakers know what needs to be done but don't have the expertise, time or think it is not needed As much as I love CbB if I really need the notation I will probably go the Studio One 5 route.
  25. I could never move to the South as I would never fit in
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