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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Not much how about you Yes there was quite a lot of geeky talk in that podcast
  2. Listened to the whole 2+ hours too. Made me wonder what would of happened to Cakewalk/Sonar if Bandlab didn't buy the assets with you taking a position at Bandlab before Meng brought the company. So glad it all worked out and you finally have the time and resources to make CbB the best it can be! As Kermit the Frog would say -- Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. The podcast was very interesting. I found out Noel was actually offered a job at Bandlab before Bandlab made an offer for Cakewalk and Noel accepted the offer to join Bandlab working on the Bandlab stuff. Meng then proceeded to acquire Cakewalk from Gibson (Yay!) Noel and Ben still are here today making CbB one of the best Windows DAW's IMO
  4. It looks like "Black and White" not limelight
  5. https://dawbench.libsyn.com/episode-09-daw-evolution-ii-cakewalk-past-present-future For those interested. Started listening myself but have to go to a zoom meeting in a few minutes.
  6. Have to agree bitflippe,r putting our last cat down only 5 years old had our whole family in tears. She was just a sweetheart and very social feline. My wife is still missing her after 14 months. Me I still miss my White cat growing up. She was only a family cat. She owned us and nobody outside the family dared to get near her. Always thought she was a mean cat. She was just extremely protective of her space. When everyone left she would want to sit on one of our laps and curl up. Pets really do become part of the family.
  7. I don't get the crowd that keeps updating their phone every year. My mobile phone is 52 months old and finally needs to be replaced soon. It had a good run. I'm looking forward to the camera the most, not making calls with it ?
  8. I think the problem is if you got stuff from IK in group buys then Total Studio isn't a great deal. Nothing wrong with that. If you're not in a rush, wait for the super sale on Total Studio that we all know will be coming at future point in time I will add that I am one of the crowd that really likes ST4-max.
  9. If you really believe #4 Bill, why are you doing #1 Glad you're feeling better!
  10. Yes Pete please don't leave I brought most of the IK stuff and the price for me isn't worth the value. So be it. The value I got from ST4 max was worth the upgrade price. Now how about some more Orchestra type sound add-on packs please.
  11. I can vouch for you if you're willing to vouch for me. Not saying you are a ________
  12. Well then that makes it A-All-right
  13. How dare you pay full price! We shall forgive you this one time
  14. For your penance you shall spend 10 days down in the coffeehouse with us bunch of lunatics
  15. I got that same thing this morning too. I went to bandlab site and used the link for cakewalk and cakewalk forum and got the same site above. So I figured it would be sorted out shortly and it was.
  16. Pete-IK has helped me out a few times by having Ryan for one, private message me to take my email and sort out my problem a couple years back. I might not like some things IK does as a company but the staff has does a stellar job at least for me Peace.
  17. I'm a sucker for a cute picture! What were we talking about
  18. That is just nuts especially the size of that gator!
  19. Does it have to be a country song ? I know it is hard now but try to think of all the joy she brought you.
  20. Does this locomotive come with flavored smoke scents? ?
  21. The Fry's in Downers Grove, IL hasn't been that great for several years now. Even before the pandemic the selection wasn't like it use to be. My wife's cousin was in town two years ago and had to stop at Fry's. When we saw him for dinner he was like what a wasted trip. I tried to tell him he would be better going to Microcenter a few miles away. I brought a couple of Computer cases from Fry's and they had a great selection to choose from.
  22. Maybe they can give some free personal L_________________
  23. I will have to pass on this at those prices. Plus how long will it take to download ? I don't have gigabit fiber ?
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