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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Bill would of agreed with that statement.
  2. I blame you with a name that starts with Notes ?
  3. I watched the video. Was there music playing?
  4. How was the texture? ?
  5. Fleer, you are like a dog is to a squirrel when it comes to piano libraries
  6. Oh come on now! People on social sites getting confused. Really they are the most educated thought provoking folks in the world. ( I have a nice bridge to sell you if you believe that ) ?
  7. At least he isn't like The Orange guy that touched other crouches!
  8. But it is modeled felt ?
  9. I feel Odd every morning. Maybe I'm normal and all of you are Odd ? (Probably not) ?
  10. Wait Bapu maybe you're right and it is all an illusion
  11. Now don't be like F** N**** and spreading Fake News. ?
  12. Nice sound from the demos.
  13. Don't you have enough already Do you get to change the color of the felt?
  14. Nah it needs to be a different shade
  15. We have a Monkee Fan who came out of the closet ?
  16. I'm feeling young today
  17. What were we talking about.......
  18. Yay the youngster in the chat room is on clean up detail! No excuses young whipper snapper! Get to it now!
  19. or at least have Febreze handy
  20. Tell me when the price is under $150.00 please ?
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