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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. Oh why must their support be so slow? I'm having withdrawal symptoms waiting for them to activate my $25 voucher.
  2. What the hell... In the email they said the code was "Exclusively for you"... does this mean I'm not special? How can they? Betrayal!
  3. I wish it worked that consistently for me but here I am contacting the support again for my missing $25 coupon for an order I did week ago.
  4. Is UADTUESDAY single use or do you get another, like you did with PULTEC50?
  5. Looks interesting but doesn't seem to pull the same amount of reviews/etc. as other plugins. Are they good?
  6. This seems to be exactly the case, at least if my support interaction was anything to go by. If you've bought all your stuff via other sellers, voucher will work. However, if you've directly supported them at any point, voucher will not work. So what do we learn from this? Never buy direct from the developer themselves as your business is valued a lot less. Guess I'll spend the ten bucks on a can of Surströmming to wash away the bad taste.
  7. I was able to get them to reinstate few plugins from the old site to the new one not too long ago. Guess I should have filled a lotto ticket back then too.
  8. So clearly it's not even account based. Don't think I've ever seen a voucher code work so randomly in any store. Kept testing a bit more and it does indeed seem to be account based. If you already have libraries from them, it doesn't seem to work. Unless someone proves that wrong by already having libraries from them AND getting the discount anyway (cclarry?) But as I understand it. If you've got/bought a library already, then no discount for you. Thus doesn't work when you're logged in. If you're logged out but use the same email as your existing account (without logging in), no discount for you. If you're logged out, you have to write something to the email address for the discount to actually show up. However, if that email address is the same as the one you have on your account, it doesn't work. Blargh.
  9. I wonder if it's account based then or something... I should be signed up to their newsletter but haven't received an email. Did the code work for you when you were logged out and simply browsed the store normally w/ out using the newsletter link (which for me, doesn't seem to work anymore than anything else I've tried)? Or did it start working only when you logged in?
  10. Tried that too. Both logged in & logged out. Such a weird thing.
  11. Yeah. Also tried two different machines (connected via different connections) with different browsers. Also a pad. And VPN. No dice. I'm cursed.
  12. Unfair. I'm being singled out.
  13. Maybe the flash is so fast I can't see it
  14. It accepted the code for me but didn't give out any discount. Anyway, I personally enjoy Arca quite a bit. Your mileage may vary, of course.
  15. Few days ago I bought Century Tube Channel strip with my coupon. Got a thank you coupon for that. Later I used that on the Pultec but that didn't give me a code anymore. Pffft. Also turned out that the Pultec50 code could only be used twice.
  16. Apparently it was 89 euros back in 2019: https://vstbuzz.com/deals/67-off-vikings-bundle-by-keep-forest/ which is kinda surprising it came out only few years earlier? Thus, seems like APD's 89 usd is on par with the lowest price it has ever been (without additional discounts.)
  17. Is this the cheapest these have ever been?
  18. Maybe they're just venturing into the "Pickup artist" market?
  19. I got a $25. On that note, does anyone know how much the price of Diamond Bundle gets reduced if you buy an item inside it?
  20. Just received an email about an update that should fix DAWs crashing.
  21. Coupon received! Edit: Used it to make a buy but unfortunately didn't get a new $25 thanks coupon. Sad noises.
  22. Still yet to hear back from customer support ?
  23. Camtasia is nice. Got it from a Humble Bundle deal some years ago for a lot (and I mean, a lot) less than $224.
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