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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/72-Utility/7144-DIFIX Also available at UnitedPlugin's themselves: https://www.unitedplugins.com/DIFIX/ https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/54-Vocal-Processing/9498-TrapTune
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=14635 Two items are actually 32% off! OMGZ!!!
  3. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=14636 Slam 2 $9.90 (81% off) Ramp $9.90 (81% off) Chorust - $9.90 (68% off) Synthwave Drums V2 $16.50 (81% off) Tekno Keyz - $16.50 (81% off) Papyrus Keys - $16.50 (81% off) SampleX V3 - $31.90 (57% off) Flashback - $31.90 (63% off) Sequel 2 - $31.90 (70% off) Vinylistik - $31.90 (70% off) BollyX - $31.90 (70% off) Retro Bundle (Flashback, Synth Drums v2 and Sequel 2) - $42.90 (60% off)
  4. Normal price seems to be around a hundred bucks: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/16-EQ/190-MAutoDynamicEQ
  5. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=14638
  6. Weekly Eternal Madness Discounts: https://www.meldaproduction.com/ Also available in multiple other stores
  7. Plugins here: https://redrocksound.pro/en/macwin/
  8. Yeah. Forum works. Wouldn't mind KVR doing a 20% voucher too again.
  9. I tried it earlier today on EastWest stuff but sadly, didn't work. Here's hoping it does come Black Friday.
  10. If you've got Audio Plugin Deals' spacebucks, you can get it for $19: https://audioplugin.deals/product/firechild-vst3-au-aax-by-tone-empire/
  11. Maybe I'm jaded but to me it read like they might be feeding the samples to an AI. At least they're paying people for the clips.
  12. Any reason to even think about FL Studio if I have Reaper?
  13. Yeah, when I looked at the site it didn't really fill me with trust. Good looking out.
  14. Maybe you need this instead of more plugins?
  15. Supposedly normal pricing is $399 https://neovst.com/product/bamboo-dreams/
  16. Since I don't own a guitar, I wonder if they notice if I try my best Michael Winslow impersonation?
  17. MetaPlugin seems interesting and of course, I could become a Youtuber if I buy Plugin Doctor. Then I don't have to spend any money anymore... Anyway, what are some other suggestions?
  18. Dammit. I paid like 2-3 bucks for it I'm financially ruined for nothing.
  19. I'll just chime in and say that I find it a bit 'bad faith' of a thing if a product on an advertised Black Friday deal is the same price as it has been a month or two in a row.
  20. I know Rigid Audio sells things on the cheap but I still wonder if that's a mistake...
  21. To be honest, if I was a developer I'd probably do the same because at the beginning of the month people are more likely to have a bit more money. And with a good deal, you'd have more space to yourself too.
  22. I fail to see any good deals and especially the lack of personal vouchers is hurting.
  23. Sale ends Friday, November 3rd at 11:59pm PDT Edit: Tested briefly and custom bundle seemed to activate by adding 4 items into the cart. But don't quote me on that.
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