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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. Does that include the bathroom or do you drop different kinds of beats there?
  2. The longer they wait, the harder pulling the plug becomes. Maybe with hardware, since they haven't shipped anything (yet?), they'd probably have the best case scenario on going "oops, we had wrong prices. Apologies." With digital goods that were already delivered and activated, the line becomes a crap on murkier. Having worked around some similar, but way smaller scale stuff before in a different field, I think one question they're mulling over is the 3rd party sales and what their contracts say about responsibilities in their own supposed screw ups. As one might remember, the Impact Soundworks sale sometime ago revealed some peculiarities in their symbiosis with Native's platform and I doubt 3rd party sellers are keen to pick up the bill for someone else's mishaps. Yet, the bigger question is how didn't a company as big as Native pick up the supposed problem faster? And if they did, how did they not hit the kill switch sooner? Surely they'd have indication and alarms on servers getting unusually hammered and orders coming in at record paces.
  3. I'd assume there's no way you'll end up without your money and without your product. Also the discount was ~67% which isn't that outrageous or a clear indication of a "pricing error". Quite often sales in the industry seem to be 50-75% easily. I also feel like that in EU pricing errors usually have to be really obvious, as there's many cases where the rulings have been in the customer's favor.
  4. Shhh. Don't jinx it. Head in sand, head in sand.
  5. Looking at the prices, many things were at historical lows and they were selling their top-end keyboards for ~400 euros (cheapest at the moment is 900-1000 euros), I'd say that's probably what it was. Really bummed out I wasn't fast enough to snatch a few more Kontakt libraries on the "cheap".
  6. As much as it pains me... probably for the better they stopped the fun. Got a lot of things I've been wanting crossed off and the bank account was already screaming at me.
  7. Seems like they fixed the pricing. Was just in the process of buying Jade Ethnic Orchestra for 190
  8. Yeah. Albeit, I'm already tapped out. This is like Black Friday come early.
  9. ****. The keyboards are out of stock!
  10. Upgrade prices seem to be the same as they've been since 10 released.
  11. I actually played around installing/uninstalling/re-installing it again today. Finally was able to get the end results I wanted, but I first had to install it to a system drive before being able to move the contents via UA Connect to another drive (when I installed the Grand Piano a few times previously, I don't remember seeing that 'Move Contents' button).
  12. UA Connect and the arbitrary limits of software location is currently the biggest gripe I have with UA plugins. Can't choose install locations and if you try to get away from the defaults by using soft/hard symbolic links, things don't work. Even if you choose a different folder to install files in the software, it still throws all the big ones to the system drive (since apparently the (Creative Bundle's) Grand Piano -files don't qualify under 'Instrument Content'.)
  13. Having been to the 'deals' section far too many times, I've come with the new issue of having more than a handful of plugins. Instead of trying to invent the wheel from scratch, how do you all keep track of the plugins you've bought and maybe installed? Not only to have a general idea of what you have but also if you've found ways that might encourage you to use the less obvious ones more often? I've also noticed that a lot of developers are emulating the same hardware units but using various different names that might only hint at the original hardware (seeing the various 1176 plugins springs to mind). How do you keep away from having a ton of overlap? Cheerios!
  14. Also note that the 25 off coupon is available only for a month or so.
  15. If you were able to buy the Creative bundle, you should have a personal $25 code on Universal Audio's own site. Combined with the Laborday code (available at checkout [not sure if it has limited uses]) you can drive the price down to ~20 USD.
  16. But what if they only make a limited amount of the digital plugins and they run out... ?
  17. I only own the Polymax freebie as well and didn't see the discount earlier today. Just checked again after getting an email from UAD and it was now there. Haven't installed Polymax, but what's the activation/drm situation for UAD plugins? Simple ilok or some 'jump through the hoops' kind of a thing?
  18. The installer is quite buggy in my experience. Often the downloads go to like 600% for example (but eventually install properly.) Sometimes it also feels like it doesn't keep track of the installed folders either.
  19. Things you learn. Weird.
  20. Weird. I recently paid with Paypal (in EU).
  21. I don't know anyone who would voluntarily hangout with drummers or bass players... ...that's why I never call my brother.
  22. That's why it's such a 'fun' thing to play around with. It's easy to get lost and forget any troubles when you try to tame the beast.
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