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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. Because you asked: the ability to theme CbB is a very strong reason why I am still using it today. I have two themes I use and neither of them are Tungsten or Mercury. I'll wait and see what the future holds for theming Sonar before giving a final answer, of course ?
  2. So? Is the information above out of date? Or would you prefer that everyone write out their replies again in the new thread?
  3. I just bought it, thanks for the tip. I feel like V-Vocal is back. Yay
  4. I tried to get out. But they dragged me back in... In all seriousness, very nice!
  5. You're in luck. https://www.howtogeek.com/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/
  6. If you're talking about the note names on the left as shown on page 90 , then, no, those colors can't be changed.
  7. How about waiting until Next is actually released and available to purchase? The discord thing I suspect is just for beta testers, and there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
  8. I have written about the Drum Map in Cakwalk/Sonar before: https://prodigalsounds.com/blog/2021/05/04/drum-maps-in-cakewalk/
  9. "It's always workspaces, isn't it" - Noel Borthwick, paraphrased
  10. I've uploaded the (possibly) final version of the document, updated for 2023.09 and including recent contributions from folks since the previous update. Thanks folks, it's been fun. I'm looking forward to the theming possibilities in the new Sonar. Hopefully, it won't require anything like as comprehensive as the YLIP.
  11. I was quite surprised at how much Studio One 6 resembles Cakewalk/SONAR. The last time attempted to use S1 seriously was back in version 2. I used it a lot for mastering projects - very nice project view. Without a doubt, if Cakewalk/Sonar is not an option for you, I would recommend a serious look at Studio One 6 (Professional). IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Look, if you're having issues with getting Cakewalk to work smoothly, you are going to have the same problems with Studio One. Almost guaranteed.
  12. That reminds me, I'm about due to pay my Reaper subscription.
  13. Woo-hoo! Congratulations on getting this one out (or, nearly out). Look at all those fixes.
  14. I recently got hearing aids and I can tell you that I would not try to mix with them in. But I guess it depends on the shape of your audiogram. I have some low-mid-range loss and regular music sounds good to me when i turn it up a bit. If I have my hearing aids in, they tend to do strange things like, comb filtering and sudden adjustments. I know there are settings for reducing this but they still try to be "intelligent, reactive" devices rather than passive. I much prefer taking my deficiency into account during mixing, and paying attention to the frequency spread visualization to make sure I'm not missing something. But you may not have that luxury.
  15. Sorry, I should have posted a link: http://rachelflowersmusic.com/about/ Here is a video from 2012 where she is talking about Sonar/Caketalking/JAWS: The video shows SONAR 7 on the screen, briefly. I don't know Rachel personally, and I don't know if she still uses this combination.
  16. There is no way I know of, to make the parameter name fields larger to hold more text. I guess the screen reader is only enunciating what is visible on the screen? I have no idea how screen readers work. I am in awe of sight-challenged folk who are productive with DAWs. I wish I could help. I know Rachel Flowers uses SONAR 8 for the same reasons - the ability to use screen reading. I hope the new Cakewalk NEXT product supports screen reading but I'm not holding my breath.
  17. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/search/&type=forums_topic&tags=theme&search_and_or=or&sortby=newest
  18. Presonus Quantum 2626 checking in. Only problem I've had so far is remembering to turn on its power before running Cakewalk.
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