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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I guess you're out of luck then. It HAS to be the update that is the problem, even though you're the only one reporting a problem with it. If you provide more details - perhaps in a separate dedicated post - we can try and help you out.
  2. Ha! I noticed this too, but didn't realize it was related to the drum pane. Good catch on noticing that expanding the piano roll pane, even a little, prevents the issue.
  3. Are you using 125% or 150% display zoom in Windows ? Do you see the effect if you temporarily change to 100% in Windows Display Preferences? ... just trying to narrow down the cause
  4. Okay the last time I encountered something like this, it turned out to be a plugin that wasn't registered properly. Double-check all the VSTs in your project are authorized, authenticated, licensed-ok'd, whatever they need. Do you see this issue with a new empty project with JUST the Vocoder V loaded? Try loading each VST separately in a new project. Does the problem suddenly show up with a specific plugin? I can't remember the VST that caused the issue but it might not be an Arturia one. And I remember that it wasn't obvious and I thought it was already registered and couldn't possibly be the culprit.
  5. Yes they are a business, but we got 5 years of Cakewalk by Bandlab free. Additionally, I also think you should get over project5.
  6. No evidence for that. They have said authentication will continue, and have no plans to disable it. Given Cakewalk's loyalty to their customer base, this is more trustworthy than most players in the software business.
  7. No, I don't remember, and I'm pretty sure I was there. Yes we paid for (roughly) yearly upgrades and never complained, but if we chose not to, we still had a working DAW to use. That said, I have no problem with the subscription model that Bandlab has settled on. It's a business, after all, not a charity. And the product is worth it.
  8. I assume your theme file is located in C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Themes, or similar. Try copying and renaming an existing theme in that folder, then close/reopen Cakewalk and see if the "new" theme shows up. Try renaming your custom theme and see if it shows up. I can create a text file called "TestTheme.sth" containing "THIS IS NOT A THEME FILE" and if it is located in that directory, Cakewalk will offer it up as a choice in the Theme drop-down (Obviously i don't try to select it; just proving that corrupt theme files will probably still show up in the list). EDIT I maybe over-thinking this. What is your custom theme file called? Where is it located? You know you have to copy over your custom theme files, they aren't stored in the cloud or anything.
  9. Well, it's under a group called "Cakewalk Products", so... but it probably doesn't matter that much
  10. Perhaps it is just me and my system, but I had an experience last night I thought I'd share: I opened one of my older, completed projects to do some testing and I noticed a horrible delay between pressing a key on my MIDI controller and hearing the note from the currently selected instrument track. This is MIDI latency, even when playback was halted. Just auditioning the instrument tracks after opening the project, I could hear the problem. The project was fairly dense with tracks and FX VSTs but I finally isolated the problem to an audio track in a different folder, a guitar lead that I'd experimented with Izotope's Vocal Doubler to make the lead "stand out". This is a pretty common trick, works well. Not sure why I settled on Vocal Doubler but it did the job well. I knew the latency was FX related because activating "Bypass FX" on the mix module cleared the problem up instantly. After methodically working through tracks and busses, disableing FX bins, I finally isolated the problem to Izotope Vocal Doubler. It took a little extra time to verify because the latency would hang around for a while until I toggled the Audio Engine button in the transport. It seems odd that an FX on a completely separate audio track would be the source of MIDI latency, even when playback is halted. Solution: Replace Izotope Vocal Doubler with an instance of Sonitus Delay (~30 ms slapback panned 75% right at 40% volume) and frankly, it sounds just as good. No MIDI controller latency. Job done. Posting here in case it helps someone else. EDIT: I just realized this forum is for Cakewalk Instruments and FX... um... perhaps this post should be moved to, um, well I suppose the Sonar or Cakewalk general forums would work.
  11. I love love love V-Vocal but never gelled with Melodyne. I do recommend SyncroArt's RePitch, it works very similarly to V-Vocal and I find it comfortable.
  12. ...AND HERE'S WHY: It helps to turn on power to the Arturia Keylab before opening Cakewalk By Bandlab. Cakewalk sees it just fine. I, however, am an idiot. PREVIOUSLY ON PEBKAC: Is there a setting in Cakewalk By Bandlab I need to enable in order for the Preferences/MIDI Devices to see the Keylab MkII as a MIDI source? Sonar seems to just "see" it automatically. Perhaps this is a new feature in Sonar that Cakewalk doesn't have? Any advice gratefully received.
  13. My opinion is that 1 and 2 are none of our business, and 3, honestly, if the appearance of a new Mac compatible DAW from the folks who brought you SONAR doesn't excite you, then I can't help you.
  14. 3 golden internet points to anyone who can find how much "BandLab Membership" costs on the Bandlab web site
  15. My Midisport 2x2 still works fine with Windows 10 and Cakewalk
  16. Recreating our themes using the forthcoming theming tools for New Sonar is a gonna be so fun... (engaging the power of positive thinking here). Oh, and Welcome, @Neon Laser 84
  17. Are you mistaking "Next" for the new "Sonar" ? They are two different products. Next looks quite different from Sonar, which is much more of a gentle evolution from Cakewalk By Bandlab.
  18. He pretty much explained why. Anyone trying to earn a living from Youtube needs to game the algorithm. It isn't about what makes sense to YOU, it's about what delivers browsers to his channels. Full stop. It's a sick, sick industry and it is not just Youtube. It is absolutely ANY business that relies on online ad revenue instead of, oh, actual people buying something. Look up 'enshitification' if you're curious, it contributes to that. Then you get folks here complaining about "subscriptions" when it is about the only thing that cuts the adware companies out of the equation of customer->creator. EDIT: Sorry @whoisp, this rant is not really directed at you
  19. Did you say this when X1, X2, and X3 were announced, as well?
  20. I like Mike, but, really, clickbait aside this could have been a completely positive announcement of a new Youtube channel. I understand, and despise, the pretzels that content creators have to contort themselves into, in order to stay relevant to the algorithm. Subscribed.
  21. Here is the good stuff: I used to say that it didn't really matter what DAW you chose; just learn it well. Support for vision-impaired folk is where I have to contradict myself and say, that is definitely a deciding factor for DAW choice.
  22. Time will tell, but you may be interested to know that the VX-64 vocal strip is available in Cakewalk now. See this video from Creative Sauce has he explains how to enable it. I'm sure it will also be available in the coming Sonar. RegionFX is also a feature of Cakewalk (CbB) now, and I would be astounded if it were omitted from the new Sonar.
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