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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I'm astounded that all these new young users aren't clamouring for the Track Layers feature to be restored.
  2. When inactive, yes, they are hard to read. I agree that they should present themselves as visible even when inactive. I see now that "Drop Out" is completely invisible. I'll fix these. UPDATE: Done. ZIP refreshed with v.1.0.4.
  3. @Starship Krupa and I have been talking about this, whilst working on our respective themes. We haven't identified a pattern of when Folder Stats/Notes uses the "correct" theme element (Description Field) and when it reverts to some gradient area.
  4. Huh. Easy to reproduce. That's got to be a bug. There's no way that makes sense. Submit it as a bug!
  5. So tempted to say "yes". No, I added it this morning to reinforce my argument, and then decided it was worth keeping as a feature. So I refreshed the theme.zip in my other post. There may or may not be other enhancements in the theme that _were_ there in 1.0.0 but I'll let them be discovered naturally.
  6. Well well, this morning I get an email from Spitfire LABS about their new free BASS GUITAR plugin/sound set. If you're up for messing around in Spitfire LABS ecosystem, give it a go?
  7. I don't really understand this statement. You could have a terminology problem. Can you describe in more detail your configuration? What audio interface you are using? What is the "amp device", what model? Plugin? Is the crackle always in the same parts of the playback, or random and different each time?
  8. Audiority has an Octaver pedal plugin, super cheap until the end of the month,
  9. @Lynn Wilson, try again please. I changed the link from "http" to "https" and this has made a difference in other cases. I confess I don't know why some folks have problems with plain http so I try to remember to always use https on the URL. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  10. Thanks for double-checking my evaluation of this behavior, Starship. I would agree that Cakewalk's default appearance of the 6 impressions in the button stack is sub-optimal, I do believe that Cakewalk is using them apporpriately. Please review the screencap above (I have refreshed it using the latest version of Flight Deck) and tell me if you still agree with your statement.
  11. I have to disagree. The UI is telling you something, and you're choosing to ignore it. CbB is NOT in the same state. We can debate about whether it is useful or not, but the fact remains, the state of the track is different and it is informing you: the opposite of poor UI. Mute button behavior is not relevant here.
  12. @Kevin Perry, lanes don't exist until you expand them for the first time. Then that track has a lane associated with it, and the button changes to reflect this. This behavior is one of the things I try to highlight in my themes:
  13. Not possible at present. Feel free to submit a feature request in the Feedback Loop Forum.
  14. Nice ... backs up my findings from March. It sure would be cool to support PEEL and other multi-out effects in Cakewalk in the future.
  15. Thank you for man-ual-splaining for us. ?
  16. Reddit and YouTube are full of young new users. I try to direct them here when appropriate, in order that they might take advantage of the knowledge base here.
  17. Thanks for this, @Starship Krupa, I've added it to the YLIP for the next update. >> I can't think of anywhere else in the UI that pressing on an already selected button results in an image change Try Track View / Add Track Flyout / Checkbox. Also any of the Track Pane MSR buttons, specifically Track view / Track Pane / Mute as documented in the YLIP.
  18. ZIP has been updated with v.1.0.1 containing revised Mix Module images for Clear Write Automation, and slightly enhanced white-on-black text on other Control Bar Module buttons.
  19. Learning about Ctrl-Shift-C in Paint.NET really sped things up for me, to the point where I keep my sources as multi-layer, with the bottom layer retaining the original Mercury image, marked as hidden. Not that I'm planning another theme (I have too many already!) but my workflow is very optimized now. Re: Clear Automation Write Huh. Thanks! How did I miss that. Not the white rectangle - I did that deliberately because I couldn't see how the image was used. I even wrote a note in YLIP about it. But it is pretty obvious that it IS used, now that you point it out. I will fix this in 1.0.1. Re: Prev/Next on Black It looks OK to me but I'm using Windows 10 Display Scaling at 125% and it may be obscuring some artifacts. I'll take a look at refining the options I used for the white-on-black text on those buttons (Including Snap, Punch, Select, etc) and see if I can improve it. Incidentally, Mercury and Tungsten use the same button style for these Control Bar modules, but I made some choices about whether I used a black+LED push button or a light-em-up indicator based on whether the button-push made a change or was merely an On/Off indicator for a feature. I think it is intuitive, and works interactively. Thanks again.
  20. Verified compatible with Cakewalk 2021.04 Update #1. ZIP refreshed just in case.
  21. Verified compatible with Cakewalk 2021.04 Update #1. ZIP refreshed just in case.
  22. I've released version 1. No theme is ever complete. This one is in pretty good shape. Have at it, and stick the landings.
  23. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
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