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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. You've put tons of work and care into this, and I get where you're coming from, so I really don't like to be critical. But the triangles don't quite work for me. I could get used to the Folder Open/Close, for reasons I've discussed previously, but I'm not a fan of changing the double-arrows on the track expansion/collapse. Along with the menu dropdowns, there are just too many triangles. I honestly have never used the MIDI track Arpeggiator and so can't really comment on that. I respect your work on refining the Inspector/Browser docking controls.
  2. Sorry, I may have mis-read your previous post, when I commented about not trying to cut/past from the folder tree. You probably weren't trying to do that. Okay, here's the thing: @scook has talked about this but it doesn't hurt to repeat it: Mercury is the default, built-in theme. It doesn't exist as a .sth, it is inside the application. Tungsten is an overlay. All themes (.sth files) are an overlay to Mercury. There's only one level; if you delete an element from a theme, what remains is the Mercury version. So, if you want to take a custom theme that was based on Tungsten, and revert it to _the tungsten_ version, you need to cut-n-paste from another theme file. The easiest and surest way to do this is to create your own "tungsten" theme: Open the Theme Editor, create a new, empty theme, but base it on TUNGSTEN, not Mercury. You will end up with a theme containing all the Tungsten overlay elements. Save this as My_Copy_Of_Tungsten.sth. Now, cut-n-paste from that theme into your own LOGIC custom theme (assuming it is based on Tungsten and not Mercury which, I confess, I am not sure about). Okay?
  3. You can cut and paste individual elements from the right-hand pane, not folders from the tree. But you can also just remove the item and it will revert to default (although, yes, it will be the Mercury default, not the Tungsten default).
  4. I was just saying, you can do this. It's just a few extra clicks. You aren't prevented from listening to only one channel, whilst locked.
  5. Sorry to be "that guy" but can't you just UNLOCK, then alter the MUTE on one channel, then LOCK again? Isn't that just as safe?
  6. Take a deep breath. Most likely your project files are intact. By default, you would have had: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\* C:\Cakewalk Content\* C:\Cakewalk Projects\* Did you copy all three folders? Did you delete the originals? Could they still be in your recycle bin?
  7. Do you mean, show/hide the Track Inspector? Try pressing the "i" key. I recommend using the splitter bar to set the relative sizes between Track view and Console, and then get in the habit of pressing "D" to show/hide the bottom pane, leaving the Track View available in full.
  8. Yes there is. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/search/&type=forums_topic&tags=theme&search_and_or=or&sortby=newest EDIT. Oh what the heck. It's in my sig now. CAVEAT: This depends on AUTHORS using TAGs effectively. Tag your theme with "theme" and it'll appear in the list.
  9. Your workflow is whatever works for you; change it if you like. This post should tell you everything that needs reviewing, it's not vague at all. Open your theme, and if necessary, delete all the custom images that have been altered for each successive release, reverting to default. That will give you a working theme. You can then update the images to match the theme.
  10. I thought I'd documented this one, but no. It's bright green in my Obsolete Stuff theme so I clearly meant to update the YLIP with this info. The next update will include that Media Tab (narrow no corner) is Not Used / Obsolete. Thanks
  11. I answered you on the MusicPlayer forums 'cause that's ahead of cakewalk in my morning bookmark list. If your hardware supports it, I recommend trying Cakewalk by Bandlab, it's free. And support is unparalleled. On the downside, it is basically a completely different DAW from Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. They'd be a learning curve.
  12. Thanks for the nice words. "TBD" in the YLIP document used to be defined in the introduction but I think I took it out after the second or third re-write ? For me, it means "To Be Done" and is just a marker for the bleeding obvious or something that I honestly haven't got to, yet. If I truly can't find something in the UI, I've usually marked that with red text. Replacing the "+/-" for folder open/close is actually a nice idea - because "+/-" is used elsewhere for "add/remove" and I always strive for consistency and familiarity in UI. Maybe if it looked more like the "> v" that Windows 10 File Explorer currently uses for folder trees? I'd try to make it visually different from the "Track Pane Collapse/Expand" icon. That's really all I was alluding to. In FLIGHT_DECK and MIL_SPEC ALPHA I have actually used "manila folder" icons and so making it more reminiscent of File Explorer is actually a good thing. For some reason, though, it never occurred to me to change the +/- (despite everything I've written above).
  13. Vital is an instrument, not an effect. (I think?) Although you can use some instrument plugins as FX, it's not normal. You need to drag Vital from the browser into an empty area of the track view, and Cakewalk will prompt you to set up the necessary tracks. Or, you can do it the manual way which is more like connecting physical units in a recording studio: Open the Synth Rack Add the virtual instrument by pressing + Select the instrument When prompted, clear all the checkboxes (seriously) Now, right click in the Track View's Track Header Pane, and add 1 MIDI track Now, right click in the Track View's Track Header Pane, and add 1 Audio track Now comes the routing: You are going to connect the MIDI, Audio and VSTi together. Expand the Audio track, and set the INPUT of the audio track to be the Synth OUTPUT. Expand the MIDI track, and set the OUTPUT to the VSTi. That's the routing that Cakewalk will do for you automatically but it really helps to understand what is really going on behind the scenes. Your hardware MIDI controller needs to be connected to the INPUT of the MIDI track. Your hardware MIDI interface (USB or whatever) should be showing up in Edit>Pref>MIDI>Devices and made available to select from in the MIDI track's input. Feel free to follow up with any questions about anything I've written here. I recommend you try these steps.
  14. Just to be clear, they were labeled "TBD" not because I couldn't find them, but because I considered them obvious and put them on the back-burner ? I appreciate Starship's drive to experiment with alternate expand/contract icons but I'm not sure I'm totally on board with it ?
  15. The Assignable Control Name is colored by Console View > Control Text and Values The shaded "level" indicator is Console View > Slider EDIT: (YLIP document updated and uploaded.)
  16. Warning - restart of Cakewalk is required to respect color theme changes for these Assignable Control items.
  17. Does the effect persist in an exported audio file?
  18. @Stewart Cormack, you need to start freezing tracks (with FX) to see if you regain smooth playback. What FX are you using?
  19. I have no idea what the Moody Blues guitar tone is, unless you're just looking for a "moody" blues guitar. Might I recommend SwankyAmp? It's very nice.
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