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Everything posted by Leadfoot

  1. Leadfoot


    Hi all! I just posted another song. It's heavier than the title would suggest. I hope you like it!
  2. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thanks! I like it!
  3. Great job guys! Love the rhythm section. Very tight. Nice solo too. Everything was good!
  4. This was very enjoyable, Bjorn! It almost had a sixties feel to it. I liked the lyrics too!
  5. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    I was playing a brass bodied resonator for the slide parts. Glad you like it! Thanks for listening!
  6. Hahaha!!! Dr Donnie J! Nice guitars and I loved the piano! Great job man!!!
  7. This is awesome Tom! I like the slap on the guitar track. It gives it a very period correct sound. The verse about the toilet paper had me rolling! And don't get me started about the Simpsons theme harmonica solo!! This is pure gold man! I loved it!
  8. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thanks for checking it out guys! As far as that 12 string, it's very sensitive to fret pressure, so it's probably in the actual recording. I noticed it myself, but as the song came together I just kinda let it go. There's also a second resonator track that may be highlighting it a little. But this is one of those rare times where I'm just gonna let it go and move on to the next one. Thanks for the input guys!
  9. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Hi everyone, I haven't been around in a while. I hope everyone is doing well. I just completed a new song. Please check it out. I hope you like it!
  10. Brand New Funk! I haven't heard that song for 20 years. That was the best song on that album. Good to see him and Jeff are still bustin it out.
  11. Is there an offline activation option yet???
  12. Leadfoot

    Bama Coast

    Mark, This was great! You have an awesome Gregg Allman raspy thing going with your voice that fits this groove so well. I could listen to this all day. Nice job!
  13. It takes a real piece of ? to break into the Rhoads family's property and steal so much musical history, including some of Randy's original amp heads!! It was done Thanksgiving night. Unbelievable... www.blabbermouth.net/news/music-gear-that-once-belonged-to-randy-rhoads-stolen-from-musonia-school-of-music/
  14. I've been in a Buddy Holly kick lately...
  15. A little late to the party, but thank all of you vets for your service. My Dad was on the USS Intrepid CV-11 from '59 to '63. Thank you, Dad!
  16. Leadfoot


    Good to see you back, John!
  17. I hope your family and home stay safe!
  18. I bought the Behringer UM2 for my son's laptop. It works very nicely.
  19. You're better off with an a.c. powered unit.
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