Thanks to all of you for your advice. I've been reading about Clemastine. It's an antihistamine that was used in allergy medicines like Tavist and Dahist. A study was done a few years ago at the University of California in which the use of this allergy medicine was shown to reverse the demyelination process in nerves of the brain. What's "funny" is, shortly after this was discovered, that particular form of antihistamine was no longer manufactured or sold in the US. That tells me that these people were on the right track, and when the Big Pharm/FDA found out about it, they put a clamp down on it. It's so much more lucrative to keep treating sick people than it is to cure them. You can still get Clemastine in the UK. I found a site that sells it. I intend to at least try it. The only side effect is possible drowsiness, so why not??? I'll speak to her neurologist, of course. I can't promise I'm going to listen if she tells me no, though.