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Everything posted by Leadfoot

  1. I bought 2445 and Springbox when they first came out. I haven't used them as much as I should. They both sound great. I've always felt the PSP makes some of the best plugs.
  2. Leadfoot


    Hi everyone! I haven't been around in a while and just saw this. We appreciate all the feedback! Harry did a great job on this! @emeraldsoul The lyrics are about keeping your eyes in the Lord, with all that's going on in this world that tries to draw us away. I know that's a turnoff to some, but that's what it is. Thanks again for listening, and thank you @Harry C. for letting me be a part of it!
  3. RIP Mr. Neve. Thank you for revolutionizing the audio world.
  4. Early Boston like Foreplay/Long Time gives me chills. Brad Delp's harmonies were amazing. A lot of old Gregg Rolie era Journey used to give me chills too. Feeling That Way/Anytime is a good example. Awesome harmonies, and Neal Schon has a such a good feel for guitar.
  5. I'm having the same problem. It works great in Sonar Platinum, Samplitude, and of course Mixbus 32C, but it zaps CbB every time. Edit: Just as a side note, it works fine with the Ava Mastering EQ and Multiband Comp.
  6. Most famous as the keyboardist, rhythm guitarist, and songwriter for Uriah Heep during their heyday. Badass on the B-3. Dead at 75 after a short illness. Rest In Peace.
  7. It's funny how a lot of us can remember the first time we heard him. It's a testament to how completely mind blowing he was. There are only a few guitarists that left that kind of mark with me. Rest In Peace Eddie Van Halen. We've lost so many luminary musicians this year..... I sure hope 2021 gets better.
  8. I didn't see it posted yet. Pete Way, bassist of UFO, Fastway, etc., died yesterday. He was 69. Good bass player and had a great rock image. Rest In Peace.
  9. I'm very sorry Kenny. I've been there. Just a few years ago. There's no advice anyone can really give at a time like this. I'm just very sorry.
  10. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thank you so much Nigel! You're right. A crunchier bass would have sounded awesome. Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment my friend!
  11. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thank you Gary! Yeah, the strings on my 12-string are needing to be changed. It's definitely noticeable. I just decided to leave it. Hopefully it doesn't distract people too much!? I'm glad you liked it man! Thanks for checking it out!
  12. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thanks for checking it out Daryl! I really appreciate it!
  13. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Thanks so much Grem! I appreciate you listening! I didn't intend the Zep vibe, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't infuenced by them growing up. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment! Thanks again!
  14. Leadfoot

    My Better Days

    Absolutely beautiful bro! Loved the lyrics. I can relate to them a lot. Nice harmonies in the chorus. I really liked when the B3 started coming in toward the middle. The slide guitar added so nice colors to the mix too. Really great!
  15. Leadfoot

    Just One Way

    Wow! High praise indeed (although undeserved)! Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment! I'm glad you liked it!
  16. Leadfoot


    Thanks for checking it out Steve! I wasn't expecting any more comments on this since I posted it so long ago! I'm glad you like it man!
  17. I think out of all the songs I've heard from you over the years, this is my favorite. That's not meant to take anything away from your previous work, but certain songs resonate more with me than others. I know a lot of work and a lot of tracks were put into it, but it has a relaxing simplicity about it as well. Nice work.
  18. Very trippy piece Bjorn! It has a great foundation to put some vocals over. I love the feel of this. Nice job!
  19. Excellent Daryl! Your music always puts a smile on my face! Loved the the lyrics, and the vocals. Also liked the sounds you used in this. Great job!
  20. Nice beat! I enjoyed the song a lot. Catchy chorus!
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