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Everything posted by Leadfoot

  1. Love the lyric! Sounds like a good ol boogie song! The mix sounds pretty good to me. A couple things I would do is bump the rhythm guitars up by about a half a dB, and give the lead guitar a little high mid, then you might need to cut the lead track by a half to one dB after bumping the high mid.
  2. Nice production Tim. I liked the drums. I felt like I was listening to a cross between early U2 and Gary Numan! Very cool!
  3. Hi Freddy. Sounds great! You nailed the vibe of the Everly Brothers' version! I do prefer the LR version, but this was excellent!
  4. A lot going on in this song! Glad you were able to resurrect it! Nice bouncy beat, and great synth choices. Everything was well played. Nice job!
  5. Leadfoot


    Very nice song. It has a Paul Simon-esque quality to it. Guitars sounded great.
  6. I like it! It's got a very ethereal quality to it!
  7. That was awesome! Great production all the way around!
  8. It's a nice song. I think it could really benefit from some harmonies in the chorus. It's a good track though.
  9. Leadfoot

    New album

    Nice! Congratulations on your release!!
  10. Sounds good like always. Nice use of the wah. Good feedback control. It's nice hearing a traditionally recorded guitar track for a change.
  11. That was a great cover! My favorite Megadeth song. Nice job!
  12. I did this cover of an old Sabbath tune. Check it out if you get a chance.
  13. Hi everyone. I haven't been around in a while. Life gets in the way sometimes. Anyway, I was messing around in the studio while recovering from a hip replacement and threw down this old Sabbath song. Hope you like it!
  14. What a surprise..... Didn't see that one coming. R.I.P.?
  15. Randy Rhoads left this earth 40 years ago today as a result of a senseless accident. Hard to believe it's been so long. His style had evolved quite a bit between Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of a Madman. He had so much more to give. Crank up some Rhoads today in his memory.
  16. Leadfoot


    Thank you so much Nigel!
  17. Leadfoot


    Thank you Jack!
  18. Leadfoot


    Yeah, it's hard not to be a "Leadfoot" when behind the wheel of my old '66 SS396 Chevelle. Thanks for checking it out!
  19. Leadfoot


    Hey buddy! It has been a while! Glad to see you're still here! Thanks for checking it out!
  20. Leadfoot


    Thank you David!
  21. Leadfoot


    Thanks man! I appreciate you listening!
  22. Leadfoot


    Thanks Wookiee!
  23. Leadfoot


    Hey guys, haven't been here in a while. I just recorded a song about drag racing. Not really finished with it yet but I wanted to share it with you all. I hope you like it!
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