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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. The only CPU heavy-ish of the lot is the SSL reverb; the others just nibble at the edge of your CPU, barely making a dent. be sure to download the 360 software if you want to run SSL channel strip across your tracks and view all of them like an SSL board!
  2. INTRO OFFER: $39.99 The ultimate recreation of the high end multi-channel Suhr tube amp with 3 distinct modes and an incredible wide array of tones. With the purchase of the Suhr PT100 for only $39.99, you get another very special offer: Until October 16, you can get ANY (!) of our amp plugins for just $29.99. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/suhr_pt100.html CHECK IT OUT! Bundle Subscription MEGA and MUSICIAN Bundle users simply download the plugin and activate it at no extra cost. Done. Plans starting at just $10/mo* Perpetual License Yes, you can purchase a single, perpetual license for this plugin. List Price $149, Intro Offer Price $79.99 Your Intro Price: $39.99* with voucher code PT100-3999 Use this code during checkout. Offer available until October 16. Feel free to share the code with your friends. ANY (!) Amp $29.99 Save BIG with our PA partner offer! With the purchase of the Suhr PT100 for only $39.99, you get another very special (license) offer: Until October 16, you can get ANY (!) of our amp plugins for just $29.99 Special License Offer: ANY(!) Amp $29.99*
  3. This is the deal. Just trialed this and if it weren’t for just picking up the Fabfilter FX bundle I’d be all over this. Probably will anyway. It’s the most feature-packed EQ I’ve run across and a pleasure to fine-tune individual bands. Like other SSL plugs at these sale prices, it’s a no brainer.
  4. I’ve picked some but I have The King’s words echoing in my ear: “wait ‘til the end to make yer picks.”
  5. Thanks, everyone, for the comments. I don't know how to roll back but I'll try anything at this point. In the mean time, I'm replacing with THU until I can resolve this.
  6. We’re gonna need that cricket VST….
  7. Good luck, Larry. I hope you leave Kentucky better than you found it. That is, I hope all goes well!
  8. Blimey...that's useful!!!!!! Thank you. Here's AT5 within an active project.
  9. My Logitech wireless keyboard doesn't have the PrntScrn function key so I can't take a pic unless you can suggest a free screen grab tool (not just browser capture). Took a couple of pics. On one hand, Amplitube is spiking in the mid 20's where it used to stay around 7-8 on my system. On the other hand, I reinstalled Softube Amproom and it's playing very nicely in the resource pit. Used to hit high teens but it's now behaving to the point that I can used it on 6-7 individual tracks. And THU, well, it just sips at the well no matter what.
  10. I just registered RennBass and already have an all-access pass in place. On a somewhat related note, did anyone notice the IK coupon in their Groove 3 perks? All you need is an account...no subscription required. IK Multimedia - Save 15% Enjoy 15% off your total order when shopping online at ikmultimedia.com. Applies to IK's special offers and sales too! Instructions Copy the user code and then click the "Redeem Here" button below. Add IK Multimedia products to your cart and then checkout. Paste your copied discount code into the "Promo Code" field when checking out in the IK Multimedia online store. That's it, your new total price will be shown!
  11. Anyone noticing a 200% increase in CPU load for AT5 after updating?????
  12. I’m with Husker on this one; 18 for me.
  13. I hope one of these updates makes Amproom less CPU hungry. It doesn’t leave much room at the table for other plug-ins if you’ve got more than a couple of instances running.
  14. I prefer the kits/samples in BFD3 but SD3 helps me get drum tracks completed more quickly. It’s the stuff beyond the kits that makes it my main drum instrument.
  15. ...aaaaaand back to plugins. For me it was getting the current Albion One with the version it was replacing. I forget what the price was but I swear it was close to BOGO.
  16. I’m gonna think about this. I’ll probably have a better idea once we hit 18 freebies..
  17. Mercuriall's Euphoria is $50 on sale right now. It's a beast. On board effects are excellent, there are tons of presets, it's resizable, switchable Pre and Power amps, and a bunch of other options on the front panel that I can't explain. It's got a built-in parametric EQ which is a really nice touch, too. I find the cabinet UI for Nembrini amps to be a bit harsh on the eyes; if you have Mercuriall sims, Euphoria takes the same easy-to-understand approach with mic selection and positioning. You can also include reverb IRs independent of cab IRs. Did I mention it includes a wah pedal?? Pete Thorn has videos for both of these sims. And it sounds awesome for rock, metal, or clean tones. Just my take.
  18. This is the Common Core counter. The real counter appears only when we hit new levels.
  19. But Scott is thinking so maybe 255.
  20. Damn. I was JUST on Tybee Island. I could have stopped by for that drink for all of us.
  21. I got the Mixbox crossgrade for $199 - $50 coupon; if you still need/want Mixbox and want the goodies at the $199 level, that's a solid path.
  22. What three-year-old wouldn't love to get a serial number to a Tape Machine 24 in his/her stocking in December? Just make sure to register it in September!!!!
  23. If anyone needs help finding a path to the "Buy it Now" button, PM me. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
  24. I'm at four...and I really don't want any IK quintuplets...I've already got some triplets...
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