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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. Timeless 3 upgrade from 2...$33.86. Done.
  2. I don't need any more reverbs but I demoed this and loved it. it has some interesting ways of blending tails in the mix that really worked well for an ambient project I was working on. Heavy on CPU, though. Downloaded.
  3. So they're not at base price, correct? I'm not seeing that when logged in. Just want to make sure I'm not missing out on any Impact Soundworks deals!
  4. I'm not a bass player but you can create a 6x12 or an 8x12 cab (open and closed back) and the speaker diameters go up to 24". Those sound like bass-type things, right?!
  5. Yeah, it's a drag; I have to render to audio after laying down a couple of tracks.
  6. That’s a crazy good deal. I’m using Amproom more than just about anything at the moment. The new cab shaper sounds excellent too but like all Softube stuff, it’s CPU heavy.
  7. Sorry for the mix-up on the OP link - I swear it worked when I first clicked it. An thank you everyone for the feedback and knowing I'm not the only one that shelled out cash for this. Atlantica seemed redundant with some of my KU libraries but Dragon seems to have a really good variety in one UI.
  8. I just picked up Dragon at $29 - still see both of these on sale along with the bundle.
  9. Anyone using this library and can tell me if it's worth picking up for $29? I have Komplete U 13, Braams (Sampletraxx), etc. Not sure if this would be a better single resource for this cinematic stuff? https://keep-forest.com/store/libraries/223530
  10. This. There's no way I could swing sale prices for some of the plugins I've amassed if they weren't on sale on KVR or VI Control. You just have to put the blinders on and know what you're looking for. Timing helps a ton, too.
  11. $69 for FX 2 is cuckoo. That’s less than what I paid for FX 1 off KVR. $4.60 per plug.
  12. I have FX Collection 1 secondhand, and Intensity was worth the price alone. They really are beautiful, but work well, too.
  13. I learned twice as much as I knew before about FF ProQ3 in about 5 minutes. It is insane what this plugin can do.
  14. I’m overloaded with EQ, too, but this could be on my Christmas list. I would love to see transient/tonal focus in ProQ3 though…
  15. They had Effect Rack for $99 last BF. Great deal if you don't have any of their plugins.
  16. This from the Steinberg forum: Hi all, This wasn’t supposed to be there without any context. We have removed it again. The Grace Period has not started yet. There will be more details coming in the next week. Please excuse the confusion. HUSKER....HOLD ON!!!
  17. I've got a $50 voucher if it helps, Jesse.
  18. My strategy is to learn and use all the things I picked up on BF last year and have yet to really make use of. I’m not kidding.
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