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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. But it’s a great deal if you win!!!
  2. Orb Producer Suite 3 Rast Motif Upgrade to FF Timeless 3 SSL Flexberb Softube Speaker Shaper 843 Group Buy duplicates Do I need Soundtoys Effectrack? Tune in tomorrow once the sale is over....
  3. I've never seen it lower, and often going for more $$$ second-hand.
  4. Just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one collecting them like a trophy wall.
  5. Back to pizza: Larry, tell me you're a Buddy's fan!!!!
  6. I had no idea this existed until another parent in the kids' marching band told me about it. He got a bottle during his last visit and about 6 couple from the marching band had a shot. It's kind of like the stinky fish challenge - some can keep it down, others not. Me...well, since having COVID in March I can't taste or smell a thing so everyone was well impressed that I didn't flinch. I don't drink hard liquor so even my wife was impressed. Gotta get me a bottle, I suppose, for Festivus and the Feats of Strength ceremony.
  7. It's not easy to learn, at least in my case. There are SO many things Scalar does, from just one view. Funny thing is, I am stumbling my way into great output using the song and scale style suggestions, of which there are many! I really love this thing. The new guitar chord layout is excellent at making connections between notes on the keyboard. If there was a freeform melody generator in this thing, I would probably start uninstalling Harvest, Orb, etc. The only generator type plugin I haven't tried is Motif from Rast sound. On sale today and seriously considering it, but I should probably just stop now and dig back into Scaler. It not only helps in the creative process, but for someone like me that isn't a serious keyboard player, it will actually teach you a ton.
  8. https://shop.line6.com/software/plug-ins/helix-native.html
  9. The tutorials on Youtube can only go so far. Seriously deep but that UI....
  10. Dang, that's a good price. Anyone using this? I just measured my room with the ARC system I got with the Group Buy - does this make MixChecker Pro redundant to a degree?
  11. Nothing like a sack of 10 sliders. My wife will tell you that, for reasons other than my own. The REAL test of one's Chicago mettle is whether or not there's a bottle of Malort in your cupboard.
  12. What an awesome story, PC! I don't think we'll hold the pineapple against you. Nothing in scripture (that I can remember) that says NO to tropical fruits. Paradise, to me, is dining in at Giordano's on Rush, around the corner from the Water Tower when The Mile is lit up for the holidays. That's in my diary for December 22nd when I pick up my daughter for Christmas. When Larry does chime in, I'll be disappointed if Buddy's Pizza isn't at the top of his list of Detroit-style pizza joints. We have Pizza Papalis in downtown that is in the same style as Giordano's but is a distant second.
  13. You know its bad when you mouse over one of the options on the list and you can actually select it.
  14. Ditto. If you want deep dish...it's Giordano's. My daughter is in Pilsen which is not close to any of their locations. I told her if she wants me to visit, she's got to be close to one. Guess she's telling me something...?
  15. Damn. How are we supposed to be disciplined with deadlines like this?????
  16. I waited all year for the Orb Producer 3 update and then the sale, so I knew that was coming. On the other hand, other things I didn't see coming: Keepforest Evolution: Dragon for $30, SSL Flexverb for $29.99, and the upgrade to FF Timeless 3 at $34. I bit at all three. I'm still on the fence with Softube Speaker Shaper, not that I will not have it at some point, but it's another $80 I didn't bank on. See what I did there? Bank? Anyhoo, it makes just about everything I've run it through sound better. Many options but super simple to use. I'm actually pacing the floor over this. But then I'm out. No Cyber Monday for me. I still haven't used most of what I gathered in the IK Group Buy.
  17. I've been delving into Helix Native recently and Softube Speaker Shaper is breathing new life into it; not a big fan of the stock cabs and lack of flexibility. As for Amp Room, it covers a lot of bases - Fender, VOX, Mesa DR, ENGL, Marshall, but not near the number of options as Helix. For someone who has aged in front of his computer with too many options and knobs, its a great package and the sound quality is excellent. You can expect similar if not higher CPU usage with Amp Room vs. Helix Native. That said, I need to take a few days off to get to know Helix better. It's just such a different user experience than anything else out there whereas AmpRoom is laid out in a simpler signal chain. Telecode is right - the cleans are superb and when you slap the reverb and delay pedals on the preset, it's right up there with the clean amp of Neural Plini, which I had set as my benchmark for clean guitar. You could pick up Amproom for a little over $40 right now and it will cover most of the bases the platform supports; the additional Marshall heads are add-ons, as is Speaker Shaper...but I don't regret any of those purchases, especially as I got them on sale (except for Speaker Shaper, which just came out).
  18. Yeah, you can build your cab from 1 - 8 speakers, ranging from 8" to 24", a bunch of Celestion models, with onboard tone/sound shaping. There are SO many combinations/variations. It reminds me of the ML Sound Lab IR loader a bit but it actually sounds good.?
  19. ...and focus on what I already have. ...and maybe a little of what I want.
  20. I still have 12 freebies to choose for the group buy; didn't see this in the list of $500 freebies.
  21. I've been waiting for Orb Producer 3 since last year. GUI is excellent, the generated sequences were pretty interesting and flexibility to increase complexity is excellent. Orb Synth has some fairly good stock sounds out the gate. For Captains plugins, I found the UI a bit busier, the sounds not so good but the output also useful. Captain includes a beat module, whereas Orb does not. Captain also supports more scales than Orb. However, it requires a continuous internet connection, which was a no-go for me. I may plonk down the $50 in case the new version (6) does away with that requirement. They include that update for free if you buy now. I have Audiomodern Riffer which I really like for melody generation tons of scales and on-the-fly parameters to tweak. Haven't used the other Audiomodern components but the convenience and UI of Orb is what's most attractive to me anyway. As you rightly mentioned, they all have strengths and weaknesses. For me, the user experience ability to save time/reduce complexity is especially important.
  22. Normally 99€, now 59€ for BF. https://www.orb-composer.com/shop
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