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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. Its not even released but he's bought it and downloaded it!
  2. I thought the same thing and have been hammering at the JRR site looking for them!!!!! Doh
  3. But did you download and install????? C’mon, man!!!
  4. Its an AI mastering tool...how does this compare to Ozone 9 Advanced?
  5. I have 73 reverbs but none of these. Instabuy. ?
  6. No way to select this to put it in the cart. Then I see an item in the card, hover over the cart icon and it shows that its in the cart. When I click "Check Out" is says there's nothing in the cart.
  7. What’s my discount if I have 15 Mesa Boogie 1’s after the Group Buy?
  8. We’ll, at least the first three characters of the price read $29.
  9. ...and ZincT and Zo and Scook and Your 'Ol Pal and...well the list goes on. Some we haven't heard from in a while, too, and others I hope are OK. Its been humbling to hear what it takes for some of us to procure the objects of our desires (keep it clean - I'm talking plug ins!!!) and the occasional advice to "use what you've got!" I'm also happy to know I'm not the only one that ignores that advice once in a while! Well said, Hukser...
  10. I’ve learned, seen, and heard more chords through Scaler than any device or midi pack on the planet. They’re all in there. I don’t see why I would ever need a bunch of files like this when Scaler not only reveals them to me but also makes relationships to related chords (and not so related chords) on the fly and then builds scale-specific melody/arpeggios.
  11. Same here. But I love the analog feel of this. Sounds like there's a full redesign of MIDI coming in early 2022. Hmmmmm.
  12. This seems like a lot of bang for the buck. Like, seriously. I checkout out some of the videos and it seems intuitive. 24 hours isn't enough time for a trial but for $49....
  13. Where do you see 32C for $49?
  14. I have the Fabfilter Effects bundle and I’m still looking at this. Where’s the link to that ******* support group from a few topics ago?????
  15. That’s what got me started. Now I can’t stop. SSL for the win!!!!
  16. Hey Luc, I was really hoping to score the AMEK EQ this time around and wait it out for the console. The $25 vouchers get me part of the way there, but not enough. Good idea though!
  17. It goes until mid-December so I have time to sell more plugins to pay for it!!!!!
  18. Got the same deal in my offers on izotope website. Are those the "only" two updates when updating from 4.0? Hard to tell 'cos they only compare updating from 3.0 or earlier versions.
  19. I didn't spend that much and got to the $50 tier. I liked the $25 tier better. Tried stacking my $25 survey voucher on top of my $50 voucher for the AMEK EQ but it didn't work. Thank God. I need to just chill out.
  20. Can I stack my $50 and $25 survey voucher for this? ‘Cos I need another EQ to go with my 43 reverbs.
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