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Everything posted by marcL

  1. By the way, last time I forgot to mention that their plugins can be used without shell! Just copy the plugin dlls to your scanning location, works without problems!
  2. I am sure assembly language is not required! Even a good C++ program would run more efficiently!
  3. NI did a very bad job in programming Kontakt IMHO! Just the fact that all quick load stuff is being parsed when Kontakt is loaded is very stupid! Good programming practice would load on demand in such a case! Once I found this out because I had some libraries on an external disk that had not been inserted. As a result I moved the folders back to the local drives and tried to keep only the sample folders on the external drive. But hell, even this is scanned before it's being used! How dull can software developers be sometimes! ?
  4. IMHO this is regress! It causes a painful installation with NA!
  5. If someone is interested: They provide 2 seats on iLok (dongle/cloud).
  6. But it's not required for those who really have a customer friendly authorization (NOT LIKE IK, Presonus, Steinberg)!
  7. The authorization works totally offline! If you are online, maybe they check the current version, IDK!
  8. +1 I also love the Toneboosters EQ4! It is my choice! And it has a customer-friendly authorization, too (no internet required). IMHO it is more about what you decide to do with an EQ, than which one you choose! There are always those people who think the more expensive tools are better, what I doubt!
  9. Setting the plugin size of BlackAsh/BlueAsh by Black Rooster Audio to 110% and then either adding a new instance of the plugin or closing/re-opening the plugin gets CbB hanging! I have to close it with the task manager. Using GUI size 100% or 150% works without problems. In Sonar Platinum or Reaper the GUI size 110% has no issues!
  10. For me it is not a big problem to save an installation package, especially if there are not so many useless updates as with IK (only new components added that you may not/never own)! But what is more important IMHO is that you are able to authorize your plugin/software on a new or changed system in any case! Luckily this is possible with Audio Assault (=good company! ?), once you've done an offline activation you can save your key and it works on a changed/new computer!
  11. I still prefer OuterSpace from AudioThing! It is a recreation of the same hardware. It costs less even with normal price, it has an easy installation and authorization (without internet, i.e. it works forever even on new systems), it is very light on cpu and it sounds really good! My goto delay/reverb for single tracks! But YMMV!
  12. Frankly, it's the same with plugins for me! The couple of plugins that I really like and use, are mostly of small developers that almost never have a deal, but always a fair price! But it is embarrassing how much money I wasted in deals (have only about 900 plugins installed of much more than 1000, but maybe I really use 50)!
  13. It doesn't look retro at all! ?
  14. Relating to the NI licensing I think it was ISW's decision to make it a Kontakt Player product! Many small developers create "full Kontakt" products to avoid this cost! IMHO it is a bad thing for owners of Kontakt full, if a product is Player compatible, because this raises the price and makes installation/authorization worse (NI Access). Also the more Player products are in Kontakt, the slower it starts (I know, one could remove them manually from loaded libraries).
  15. I am quite irritated about some comments here! Why do some defend such developers that are doing shady marketing? Are such scam strategies by the developers ethical? Aren't their prices probably too high for today's market? Andrew's logic that prices have not increased and thus they're good is foolish IMO! Everybody in this forum knows that prices on music software/samples have dropped significantly in the last 10 years! The market has changed remarkably, don't they understand this?
  16. You say it precisely: "I would be a no-brainer - without brain", if I would buy something of IK again! ? Even if it looks very tempting (I guess I wait for a good price on PSP InfinityStrip instead). After all the installation and activation trouble with IK in the last years!
  17. And I just wonder do they develop something else than packs anymore? ? It's almost the same with Overloud!
  18. I don't know something about the Murf, sorry, though I know the smurfs! This thing with the wine is a good idea IMO (although I prefer beer during these hot days) and you don't get stupid by it, everything is just slightly easier!
  19. Frankly, I prefer that old way, because then the configuration is together with the application files. It is much easier to find than in this monolith configuration labyrinth! Nowadays the configuration is scattered across the registry! ?
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