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Everything posted by marcL

  1. Sadly, the offer is only for the whole package! I had bitten into a smaller package (they have some!) for a smaller fortune! ?
  2. I completely agree what you say about such channel strips! But I prefer my CS-3301 channel strip from TBProAudio over the PA channel strips! It has easy value read out and value change by number input, is clearly arranged and has a definable component order. Sadly it is not available anymore, but its big brother CS-5501 is! That one has even more functionality, but it is also larger. It is very affordable and super cpu-efficient!
  3. I'm pondering to purchase the VLA-2A Mark II. Yesterday I was doing some tests with the trial version. Together with your opinion I think I will get it. Though, I already have some great opto compressors, I like the versatility of the Mark II! (And they have real offline authorization, great)
  4. Though I totally agree with you (or that guy) that esthetics should not be the major reason to choose a plugin, there are some things for me to be considered to choose a plugin: a clear layout (where you can find things quickly, where you don't forget to set something); IMO this improves the time to setup a plugin it should be easy to set the knobs precisely (I like to use the mouse wheel and if there is a fine tuning, e.g. Ctrl+wheel or Shift+wheel) It is very handy if it's possible to quickly enter a value as a number. E.g. for gain staging: If I know that the output is 1.7dB too loud I like to simply click on the output gain value and enter the new value numberically (though Melda supports to enter a value, it takes too many steps IMHO). legibility of the labels and values (yes I prefer if numerical values are displayed) Hence I think the GUI is still important for music software ?!
  5. I understand that if you have a lot of plugins of one provider it maybe handy to have a single installation manager. But as you said if you own only 1 or 2 plugins of him and want to install them on more than one machine, it's totally an overkill! Melda's at least does not download. There are many things that have to be considered with installation managers and I have listed several times annoyances with them: In respect to locations it is not only relevant that you can define the VST3/VST2 top locations, but also the folders underneath. I don't like that one provider like Melda creates its own subfolder grouping like EQ, Stereo, ..., another provider stores everything under its company name, another provider uses straight your target folder, and so on. In the end there is only chaos and no organization at all, because this goes on not only with the DLL's, but also with documentation, presets, configuration, uninstall files, ... E.g. I like to have all manuals/documents in one folder with subfolders for each provider, or because I sometimes use DAWs that don't have a plugin manager (they use the plugin folder's substructure) I group all plugins in the VST3 location under EQ, Dynamics, Stereo, Modulation, etc. Another thing that annoys me is that most installation managers (and sadly also more and more plugins) do network access. Each installation manager requires you to learn how it works, how it is configured, what does it do and so on. Often a lot of it is not really documented (e.g. how you can transfer downloads to other computers). With Melda it is not really documented how you can let plugins of different versions run aside each other (sometimes I don't want to update the whole bunch). By the way I found out that with many plugins of different providers it is possible to locate manual or contents in your preferred places and just change a configuration value in the registry. I don't understand why such cool things are not used by the installation managers and why it is not documented! IMHO a good plugin provider should document all the locations where things are stored! I could list a lot more of inconveniences, but I think in respect to Melda this is enough.
  6. What stops me the most expanding my Melda plugin collection is the installation process. I think most here on this forum may know my aversion to plugin managers. Additionally Melda adds its on under-structure for the plugins (that I always have to undo manually) and inserts a bunch of shadowy configuration files. It's an atrocity to me! The UI's are also not very inspiring for me! Other than that I agree that it is a great company ?! Yeah, indeed!
  7. Some time ago I compared DeClick2 and DeClip2 with the ones of RX7. In most cases the results were about the same, but in some special situations I found that Acon's plugins worked even better. But as @Brian Walton said, the Restoration Suite contains only 4 modules, although DeClick2 can be used in a broader range. An absolute advantage of the Acon plugins is that the authorization is totally offline!
  8. Frankly, I don't pay attention to someone's judgement about an amp sim! It is merely a taste thing, very individual, depends also what/how you play and how you prefer to do the setup. It is the same as it was/is with the real amps! I remember our bassist trying to convince me to buy a Mesa Boogie or a Trace Elliot, but I came back with a JCM800 2x12 combo! He was really disappointed, but I liked this sound! ?
  9. First, I had been sceptical (it's my nature ?), because I didn't like the v2 version over v1 (it is tedious to set the frequencies with the mouse). But I really like this new version v3! Now you can enter values for all the sliders including the frequencies. Great addition!
  10. I can recommend DynaRide2 of TBProAudio as alternative for Waves VocalRider and BassRider. DynaRide2 is much more flexibel, 'cos it allows more control over the riding process. By the way, It is also very good for vocal levelling!
  11. Great idea! I didn't know that the voucher could also be used like this.
  12. For me they don't rock at all! I don't like that they do not support any offline authorization. Recently I came even to the clue that I should not add any plugins anymore that have some kind of machine authorization, I had so much trouble with that kind of sh... (PA is an exception, never had trouble with them and their auth is for all plugins at once). Thus my target are plugins/libraries that don't have authorization (e.g. full Kontakt!), that have an offline key/file or iLok authorization.
  13. Sorry, but this description really scares me! It reminds me totally of feudalism in the Middle Ages where many people didn't own anything, they were only working for the leaders (almost like slaves). It seems history is returning! Everything is very similar, but not that obvious!
  14. I think this represents only the company and investors view! IMHO you're missing one important thing: Competition that serves the customers! Most subscription services today reduce competition substantially. They bind the customer and thus remove the possibility to influence the business target (e.g. if you only use the plugins of 1 vendor). Like this there is the risque of overpricing and idleness. In the end this leads to something comparable with the former soviet system. Just look at music streaming services, they have ruined the music market. The big ones in music business (with a lot of money in the background) can issue whatever they want and newcomers have almost no chance and the audition has not a lot of influence! Or if I look at the food market in Sweden where the 4 biggies define the prices and what is available, or the do-it-yourself shops, or ...
  15. I did the survey, too. Immediately got the 670 in my account (?). But the authorization on my offline machine did not work at all ?! Furthermore the installation takes up about 3GB and that is a lot for the 2 compressors that I own (Vintage 670, Black 76). It's the same crazy philosophy like with Amplitude, they always include everything in their packages! Totally idiotic! Will remove it again! By the way I also got "Orchestral Percussion" in 2021, but I never succeeded to authorize it (offline). I give up on IK, I hate their installation/authorization circus. Syntronik I don't like it, it is so slow to change presets. The only thing I will keep alive is Amplitube for the collections that I own!
  16. Yeah, that's great! But on the other hand I miss that there is not a dedicated Mono track setting, i.e. it is more complicated to set it up using mono plugins. I use mostly CbB, because I prefer the totally zoomed in audio view, the Radius stretching and I am also more fluid in working with it. On the other hand I am absolutely a fan of Reaper's great batch processing (can even be used on a folder outside the daw) light installation (I like the portable install, no Windows hassles) performance (very light on cpu, run's even on my old i5 laptop without issue) user-friendly authorization super-fast plugin scan absolute reliability (I never had an issue for years, except with plugins) possibility of tape-like stretching (naturally affecting the pitch; I used it to fix old tape recordings)
  17. You see, nowadays leaders do not differ to the despots of the history! It's no joke, it's also dead serious!
  18. I guess that there will be a winner! It's the other plugin providers like PA ... For them it is great that Waves leaves such a saturated market, it's those other companies that will make the future business!
  19. Sadly ADSR applies European VAT! That raises the price awfully for me (25%)! ☹️
  20. I use TB_Equalizer from Toneboosters and IMO it is excellent! It is absolutely enough for my purposes. And then again, I also have the dynamic EQ of Ozone! I think I'm covered!
  21. How you use T-Racks and sub of course! ?
  22. I totally agree! But I still wonder how many companies try to go the sub-way ?! Recently I had 3 surveys and all were more or less about "subscription"! This is crazy, if I look at the reactions here on this forum! There are not many who are sub-enthusiasts!
  23. Thanks Mark! I have checked my recent projects, all have source set to "Audio" (and of course all do contain audio, cos it happens during comping with a lot of takes). One thing that I have noticed: If I stop the audio and wait until the meters go totally down before I restart play, then the metronome runs fine. It is only when I stop and very quickly restart playing (spacebar) that the metronome is sometimes not in sync. Another thing is that I always have an active loop selection during this procedure, maybe this has an impact, too?
  24. That would be great if they went back to iLok IMO. No more hassle of an additional non-iLok USB(**) and a clear, reliable authorization path! This would be one of the 2 most important steps for me to buy Waves plugins again (the 2nd one would be the drop of the shell plugin). (**) E.g. lately I forgot to insert the USB with the Waves licences and accidentally opened a Waves plugin. There was no other way to stop it, than killing CbB!
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