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You can resize the export window to your taste and then close CbB. The size is saved, so the next time the window will have your custom size! I had the same problem on my Laptop (1366 x 768), but @msmcleod revealed this trick!).
Thanks for this update! As mentioned before I really appreciate the improvements of Audio Snap and the export! ? 2 minor issues that I found with 'Export > Standard MIDI File...': The warning 'This project contains digital audio data ... the digital audio data will not be saved.' appears even if no audio clip/track is selected on a export to 'Standard MIDI File...'. I think in this case it is needless (it would reduce 1 click). If a selection starts at the beginning (001-01), then it is ignored and the whole clip is exported.
[Closed ] New Cakewalk web installer
marcL replied to Noel Borthwick's topic in Early Access Program
As I had the same problems with BLA to update CbB as others mentioned above, I gave this new updater a try. But my first attempt failed! Although the install ran without trouble, running CbB I got the following message: Re-downloading the installer and trying again did not work either! Thus I rolled CbB back to 2021-04 and gave the installer another chance, this time with SUCCESS! ? (it loaded down the full CbB installer). Looking at the first, failed installation try (I had renamed the folder to keep it) I suspect the installer had only downloaded the CbB update installer, although I had renamed the 'Cakewalk Core' folder to force a download of the full installer (for my offline system). This seems not to work (as with BLA)! Though I like this new installer, I have some small improvement proposals: It would be cool if we could define the download location For those having offline systems it would be helpful if a full download could be forced (check box or other button) ... and the local installation could be skipped somehow (check box or button) -
The sad thing is that it is not only IK who goes this "nonsense" way! There is also NI (just look at their new effects), AAS (I noticed a resource hug some releases ago) and others. It's a shame, but more and more I have to replace those resource wasters with other plugins. Happily, there are a lot that do a better job!
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Yes, but unfortunately there is this bug with the "-INF" display (instead of a db value) when you try to do it on a selection within the clip! This happens very often when you have multiple clips in the same lane/track (not overlapping!). And just now I noticed that in the EA the gain change is only applied to the start of my clip when I tried to apply it to the whole clip after undoing a test on the above! I never noticed this before! -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
This dialog is not so new as you think, because when you used the menu "File > Export > Audio ..." to export your audio there was nearly the same dialog (looking a bit older) for many years (even in Sonar)! Okay, there are now some welcome improvements (other than the look): Name generation with tags and separation of path Time selection can be changed in dialog Task queue. By the way this detailed export dialog was one of the reasons for me to choose Sonar X3 that time! It is true that you can get similar results by muting and so on, but then your project is changed and you have to remember to reset everything (or you always have to do a save before an export). Even today I prefer the Cakewalk export dialog over all other DAWs that I know (~10). -
Those listed yes (most big ones)! But there are a lot medium and smaller companies that have either a simple Windows installer or even zip-files and autorisation is either included with the package or you get an autorisation file. I think 95% of the plugin and library software could simply be delivered with zip-files and in the end it would be much easier, because you could choose what you like to install (what you really need) you could choose where you like to install (with a common organization, not developer dependant) you would not have to install an installer or authorization program your program menus would not be cluttered the documentation could be in 1 place you could simply install on a offline system it would take less time to install on multiple systems you could simply backup the zip files ... (I am sure I have forgotten some arguments)
Sounds arrogant, does it not? More and more I am buying inferior products from those lesser companies, because they are much more professional and their installation and especially autorisation processes are 1000 times more customer (musician) friendly! I don't like those bizarre, intransparent online monster product managers that first have to update themselves each time you call them! And almost none of them is not doing things that some users don't like (useless installs like avid stuff)! Well, I prefer iLok over all those limited, provider specific online autorisations. When my laptop Windows breathed his last I had almost no problem with my iLok autorisations, but a lot of trouble with those latter! With regard to Apple: I hate that so many devs were engaged with their stuff and did not work on other things, see many changelogs!
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Thanks for the information! Though it is a pity that Radius is no longer maintained, because it sounds so much better than Elastique Pro! Yes, rendering with Elastique Pro gives definitely better results in respect of shifting! The shift of note starts and ends is within 1ms, what is absolutely okay. But regrettably the Elastique algorithm is not so accurately reflecting the original wave form as the Radius ones. But I guess today most other DAWs also use Elastique Pro primarily? (I know that Reaper and Samplitude do!) -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Export/Bounce dialog height: Perfect, in this case my wish is already realized! I have tested the dialog(s) size change and it runs with success! Follow Source: You are absolutely right, this configuration value is also not present in Sonar Platinum! But IMO it would be great if it was! Why not? -
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
Export dialog/bounce to track(s): It would be nice if the dialog height would be configurable as it is a bit too large on laptops with 768 height only (1 line)! In the "bounce to track(s)" dialog the channel format "Follow Source" is missing and this can conflict using a preset with it (here it has chosen stereo for a mono track instead) AudioSnap/Quantization: Changing the threshold and the resolution (e.g. to 1/16) the detection results are noticeable improved! ? One thing I am more concerned about is that the rendering with the Radius-algorithms still show major transient displacements (note/hit starts moved more than 10ms). Also, in the past it happened sometimes that a transient part was repeated within 1ms or was removed! Using the Elastique-Pro-algorithm I get absolutely acceptable displacements for the note/hit start and end (within 1ms). But zooming in to about -18dB I still determine major degradation within the notes that is also audible. Partly it is even difficult to find similarites of the wave form. -
Edit: I did some further testing and managed to get a satisfactory result with the transient detection (setting the resolution to 1/8 instead of all). Edit: Those rendering problems seem to appear only with the "Radius ..." algorithms! Though I like them, because they are usually much more accurate (the zoomed in wave form looks very similar). But there are sometimes displacements greater than 10ms (I mean displacement from the stretched audio to the rendered audio)! Using the "Elastique Pro" algorithm the displacement of the start/end of the notes/hits is only minor and absolutely acceptable. But this algorithm shows often a drastically changed wave form (degradation) even if there is not going on a lot of stretching! (zoomed in to about -18 dB).
I am not allowed to exchange this sample, it is a paid one! And anyway, I think I am on their black list! ? Looking at the current state of the art I am not confident that there will be a 100% automatic transient detection! And in some cases (vocals, electric guitar, ...) there is not just one way to define the transients, i.e. there is more than one correct possibility, but the results sound different. So I believe Reaper's half-automatic detection is the best way to have satisfactory transient results! I am very pleased with it and quantization alone has been worth to invest in Reaper (as said somewhere else I still like to use CbB for other stuff)!
I saw a difference with the new transient detection, it's slightly better. Though with a very simple tambourine loop the result has been very poor IMO, some transients are quite okay and others are very late within the hits (as with the old standard detection algorithm). With a bass clip the results were more pleasant. It is also interesting that the first of the 3 algorithms (Magnitude, old) showed the best result for the tambourine clip!? ? Sometimes I wonder what is the correct position for the transient detection, especially when I compare the results of different DAWs and algorithms? ? Also in the internet and in videos you find different answers and descriptions for transients. So I am a bit confused! Nevertheless I am sure that many detections are not so accurate when I listen to the quantized results! But in general the weak detection of transients in AudioSnap was not the worst problem for me. I did more fight with the results of the render that seemed a bit moody to me. Often it did not follow the transient settings (there were significant moves), sometimes even huge jumps. When I had moved 1 or 2 transients just a little bit (< 5 samples), then suddenly the result was better! But such try and error takes too much time! Another thing that happened to me several times is that the transient part of a note/hit just disappeared with the render or inverse it was repeated (occurred twice in the same note start). Still I would like to use the CbB AudioSnap, because I like that the quantization supports swing and strength (percentage) ?. Most other DAWs don't! If I compare AudioSnap to Reaper's stretch markers, then I still prefer to work with Reaper! On the one hand the detection is more reliable, second the detection results are just proposals and you can just go thru and confirm the ones you want (click). This goes really fast! Additionally there are very cool possiblities to configure the stretching (not only the algorithm) and there exists also a tape-speed-like stretching that changes the pitch naturally!
Interesting, I perceived the same behavior with the early access release (2021-09), very very slow zooming with alt + scroll wheel, unusable! Strange that not everybody noticed this! In Sonar Platinum there is no such issue!
No, it's 2 years ahead, because the past is the new future! ?
[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2021.09 Early Access [Updated to build 114]
marcL replied to Morten Saether's topic in Early Access Program
This is really great, thanks! The AudioSnap improvements sound very interesting, as well as the new export module! I almost gave up AudioSnap some time ago, but it seems my calls have not been unheard! As soon as possible I'll give the new version (early access) a try! It sounds very amazing! Great improvements! ? ? -
Man. I have missed SONAR (uhmm Cakewalk)
marcL replied to Stephen Rybacki's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I cannot join the fanboy symphony, though I really like the interface and concepts of Sonar Platinum. Cakewalk by BandLab? For me there were not many useful changes, just the visual change of clip gain comes to mind (even if it is not always reliable). Things like the plugin browser or the export module seem redundant and useless IMO. I could never cotton up to the Articulation Maps and the Arranger, too sophisticated and intransparent (i.e. I often missed something, maybe my faults or I am too dull). Still there are some of the great, old features that would need some love: AudioSnap, Take Lanes, Drum Replacer, VocalSync, ... When there was the Gibson debacle I tried different other DAWs, but I could not find a real replacement at that time. But the ongoing instabilities of clip editing in take lanes and AudioSnap in CbB forced me recently to invest in learning Reaper what I don't regret! Absolutely reliable, easy to install and lightweight! I also noticed that clip gain runs so much better and stable down to the maximum zoom level. But for work with virtual instruments I still use CbB 2020.08 . I am too accustomed to its work flow! And for mixing I haven't decided yet! -
I guess this is another fallout of the tempo track! ? That's why I fear to use newer versions!
I agree about the google downloads, on the other hand the zip files are 1000 times more comfortable to install than the installers of most commercial plugin providers!
Be honest, how many updates did address real new development? ? Furthermore (I wanted to avoid to mention this ?) do you always want new features that are never really finished/polished, or are redundant, ... like in Sonar/CbB? Surely I do not have as many plugins/DAWs as you have, but nevertheless they're a lot and I cannot remember many substantial updates to plugins and even the DAW updates were almost not remarkable IMO. And I don't want to even talk about Windows updates, 'cos they are more bane than boon! In the end I think many of those software "updates" just rob our time, i.e. reduce the time we can really use those products!
This! The only thing I complain about are the kick sounds. IMO there is too much room in the recordings and if you get rid of it they sound poor (I prefer something like kicks in the NI drum libraries). But YMMV, it is just my taste. I 100% agree! It saves me a lot of time if the developers make it right in the first place, because it takes so much time to always proceed updates on so many products on several computers! I hope not!
I wonder why the plugin companies mostly launch nothing but compressors, saturation, distortion, equalizers and synthesizers! IMO they should better invest their manpower in such helpfull plugins like the one above (there are almost no competitors in this area)! Yes, all this editing stuff could also be done straight in the DAWs with plugins (if there were any, except iZotope/Acon Digital ones!), 'cos most DAWs allow also destructive changes with plugins on a selected area (like in an external editor).