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Everything posted by marcL

  1. That's why I prefer using iLok with a dongle for my main computer. Like that there are no problems if I change something of the PC hardware and software. There is another issue with PACE non-USB authorizations: You cannot authorize offline! When I had a major issue with my laptop replacing the system disk, then like you, I also preferred the plugins with file licenses, registry keys or machine-indepent keys! But for the rest of plugins I was glad when they were PACE, because it was obvious what to do! ? For the non-PACE, machine-dependent plugins it was a hell, because each provider had another way to unauthorize (if available) and authorize and it also wasn't easily visible how many authorization were remaining. It was time consuming to find out all that! Thus I created a little text file to store this information, hope I don't have to use it once! ? That's the advantage of a standard authorization system like PACE, you know what to do! I agree with your statement, except that it is also valid for all non-PACE, machine dependent authorization systems. I think even worse are those installation manager systems (NI, XLN, ...). There is not only the authorization a single point of failure, but also the installation and revert (often even not available). +1 User-friendly: Authorization file, registry key or machine-indepent key!
  2. And a lot more! ? I have just started to use Reaper (some months ago) and I have found minimum a dozen things that I could not do in CbB or in the other DAWs that I own (AFAIK)!
  3. Absolutely recommendable, one of the best 1176!
  4. I've waited for this price for a long time, but unfortunately no voucher anymore (already used for the Lindell De-Esser) !
  5. If this is a problem for you, then I guess you don't look at TV, movies anymore, don't listen to radio and music anymore, nor read any information from international organizations, 'cos all this is full of political undermining! ?
  6. I agree! I have been using it a lot for time stretching (with and without pitch change) and for timing corrections (like AudioSnap). It is absolutely solid. I never stumbled on bugs or crashes until now! Also it allows to specify details to the stretch algorithms (e.g. elastique Pro) for fine tuning. And the small fingerprint (memory, cpu) is a delight (e.g. I use the same plugins like in CbB, but the plugin scan is about 5 times faster in Reaper!).
  7. I use quite a few, like Acon Multiply, TDR Kotelnikov (lately upgraded to the paid version), Analog Obsession Varimoon, BlueCat Phaser/Flanger, DD Expander, Odin2, Obxd, Hofa 4U Meter, Klanghelm IVGI (until I bought SDRR2), PechenegTremolo, some of VarietyOfSound, a.s.o. Though I agree with some of the comments above, I wonder a bit about the common statement! Like with free plugins I also hoarded a lot of paid stuff that I will probably never use in my life, because IMO it is pure rubbish! The only difference in this case is that I regret having thrown away some money! ? And there are not only small providers that I could list here, there are some plugins of the big actors that have no use for me!
  8. Great idea! Though this challanges the sense of such installation managers ?, if you have to find out where and how they do their installations! 2nd, unfortunately I cannot get the latest installer that I liked (I think it was the one that still had 32-bit versions also). ? But I have a lot of other plugins that do the jobs better and with less resource waste. Maybe I skip the NI ones (except for instruments)!
  9. I am tired of updating NI stuff! Since the last updates their FXs are really uncomparable resource hogs! And their stupid Native Access does not allow to go back to the latest version!
  10. I like the RX functionality, but navigation in RX is a horror IMHO. I can only work with very small clips reasonable! Otherwise I prefer to work with the RX plugins in any of my DAWs! The 2nd thing I don't like is that iZotope does not sell the individual RX plugins! ? I have RX Standard and there are just about 2 plugins of Advanced that I miss. Thus the upgrade price is much too high for me!
  11. Using the export menu a lot lately (in version 2021.12 build 102) I have the following suggestions: It would be helpful when a project is closed and reopened that the last settings in filename and path (location) would be restored without creating an explicit task. Exporting a clip of a take lane and setting name to {clipname} results in a blank name (only extension) even if the clip has a name. It would be convienient if enter would execute the Export button (as in Sonar's old file dialog). Thanks for your replies!
  12. marcL

    I'm officially cold !!

    Here in Sweden it was the coldest November since 30 years and it looks like December temperature is also under average!
  13. But what's not so nice, not musician friendly and not professional is that they DON'T SUPPORT OFFLINE ACTIVATION at all! Several times I was interested in one of their synths, but this always stopped me !
  14. As far as I can see are the updates mostly for Mac, Apple Silicon. The resizable Gui was already available for some. But there is one reason I will not install them: I don't like this new heavy preset manager, meh ?! I don't need this fancy stuff! The old one (though a little bit small) is clearer, better arranged and absolutely lightweight compared to the new monster! Also, usually you haven't to scroll in the old one! Aside from the pace authorization another negative factor for PSP plugins, regrettably because else I really like their plugins! ?
  15. As far as I can see are the plugins of providers, that like to use special hardware features like that, not faster or lighter for the CPU. In contrast, I feel that they are heavier to my PC! Maybe this is not related to the use of those features, maybe more to the approach that those developers take.? Very often finding a simple way to reach the target is the most satisfactory solution in software development.
  16. I worked as software engineer for several decades, so I know what I am talking about. During that time I had seen the change of development. First there were cracks that really understood what they told the computer to do, down to the machine code! Then more and more came those development tools that blurred the insight into the machine. The newer developers did not understand the depth anymore, they struggled only on the surface. Instead of understanding what they really coded, they began to run endless testing. But I can assure you that if you don't understand the code 100%, than you cannot really do complete tests! ... I saw several pieces of software that were running absolutely bug free, and sometimes I was even surprised when I had written a medium (useful) program in the first run without even a compile error. But you are right usually there are bugs, but if the developer understands his code and its logic, he is able to test it almost completely. But I admit nowadays with all those programming interfaces that are not properly documented it is difficult to reach this state! Absolutely agree! Maybe this is a philosophical question: Is this really necessary? Isn't it enough if they do their job? It is correct that such virtual instruments are often more komplex than a lot of FX plugins, but there is also similar Sonar stuff and also of other vendors that still runs. Essentially, I don't want to blame the developers. Most often it is more a management failure and that's why especially those big companies are affected! They invest only in marketing, in quick easy money, in cheap developers and they make the working instable with a lot of restructuring (that's resulting in a continuous changing team which introduces most software problems!).
  17. Sorry, but I don't agree to that! ? E.g. "moving the libraries to any location": It is naive to believe that handling this is a big thing! Yes, some developers make you believe it! But without kidding this is very easy for any competent developer and already included in proper development! On the contrary it is a "sin" to hardcode such things (like I had even detected in an IK product 1-2 years ago)! And there is much more such trouble that can be introduced by poor dev teams! The hardest thing, the audio interface, is mostly handled by the DAW. Therefore the plugins do not have the same complexity. If those things that you have listed are so problematic for plugins, then how do you explain why e.g. the old Sonar plugins still run so smooth?
  18. Brilliant posting! I agree to 100%! You suppose like a lot of people that every software needs a lot of bug fixing. I agree that complicated software products like DAWs or graphic applications may always have some bugs, but even there exist huge differences. What I want to say is more that smaller things like FX plugins, synths should not have many bugs if they were developed in a really professional way with a proficient crew! But I know, nowadays mentality is to deliver half-baked software as soon as possible, unfortunately! Another problem of the subscription model, a major one IMO, is that the customer does not have the same influence on the development target, because subs are almost always on a whole package. The customer cannot honour single, great plugins by his choice to buy them! I think subs will lead to average plugin product lines without great innovation! Additionally, subs will bind the users to one or a few companies, because you pay for a couple of products and do not need others. In contrast If you buy plugins, then you choose the ones that are extraordinary and/or have a good price/merit relation, what stimulates the competition. But nowadays you can see this development, the loss of market economy, in a lot of areas ! More and more people (we!) are the slaves of the big companies, of the media and of the state (sorry, for getting political ?, I know we should not)!
  19. As I said before, I did not start that early. I think I started about 2009 with music software. And I still use a lot of plugins that did not have an update since about 2011 ... 2014. Look also at the Cakewalk plugins, there are many that date back very long: 2010: Rapture 2011: DropZone RXP SFZ SI-Instruments Square I True Piano z3ta+ 2013: BiFilter2 Blue Tube Bundle (Cakewalk version only) 2015: Channel Tools Percussion /Vocal Strip Session Drummer TransientShaper Tube Leveler 2016: Boost11 CA2A IMO many of those plugins are very capable in spite of their older! ? And they are very resource friendly also!
  20. I don't have the same experience with music software like you and I also don't know what company you are talking about. But I have to address your complaint about no updates! IMO if a plugin provider delivers plugins with a reliable and solid code, then it is not necessary for endless updates! I have a couple of older plugins that did not have updates for a longer period, but run perfectly (Klanghelm, Toyko Dawn, ...), much better than others that always have new updates! ? But YMMV! If I look at the update history of my plugins (where available! ?), then I notice that in the last 3 years a lot of effort has been invested in VST3, MacOS compatibility, Apple Silicon, resizable GUIs, development infrastructure and bug fixes (those that did not supply stable code!). So for me there is no real urge for updates as I don't use MacOS, Apple stuff, can live without VST3 (I still don't see any real advantage!) and don't have a lot of issues with plugins ? (except with 1 Hornet rubbish)! Concerning GUI sizes I like bigger ones, but most that I have are enough big (there are some exceptions! ?) as I only use a 24" screen. The only updates that were crucial for me are 32- to 64-bitflipper! I don't like updates like AT4 to AT5, that look nice, but concerning resource impact it is completely a regression! It's the same with the NI FX, but there you even cannot go back to former versions AFAIK ?.
  21. Recently I've had a very annoying IK Multimedia support case. First it took 14 days until they reacted. Then they played support games with me several times, i.e. they asked for information I already had given them or that stood even in the last reply! But that happens often with those big company's support teams, that they really don't read what you have written! They just want to keep you busy! In the end they wanted me to install their product manager and this product(s) on my online computer to copy the installer downloads to my offline computer! I don't want all this bloatware on my lap just to install it on my offline studio! More and more I dislike those dinosaur companies (in respect to size and that they are outdated): Slow and resource eating products (I noticed this especially the last 5 years, I want to mention plugin shells and Custom Shops specifically) Bloating installations (installers ..., or like the IK Custom Shops, you have to install everything even if you just need a tiny bit of it. This results also in a lot of needless updates). Cumbersome authorization and policies Abysmal support (time, muck around with you) Nontransparent updates, i.e. you often update with no win Bad or no update/upgrade pathes ...
  22. It's $19.00 on JRRshop ! https://www.jrrshop.com/nomad-factory-analog-studio-rack
  23. If you want to see compression adjustments, then you use the plugin in "Process > Apply Effect", instead of using it in the FX section of the track. The difference is that like this you cannot change the compression behavior afterwards (except with undo and then redoing it). In some cases I also use this to see the changes visually. In Cakewalk there are several ways to do this: One is to use "Process > Gain ...". This makes the change permanent. If you only want to increase the gain for visability, then it's easier to do it with mouse up in this area (sorry, but the mouse cursor is not exactly like this, but similar): By the way: I don't think the Cakewalk online documentation is very good, but there is also a "Reference Guide" pdf with all the details !
  24. ... and you can use the latest version (that does not run for us Sonarians!).
  25. marcL

    PSP NobleQ

    $24.65 in JRRshop with groupbuyauto ! https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-nobleq There are a lot more excellent PSP plugins IMO (FETpressor, Nexcellence, Spring Box, Twin L, ...)
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