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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. I wouldn't sweat it John, my beaten up old i7 laptop only has four cores, although it still just about limps along thanks to 32Gb of RAM and a couple of SSDs. I'll be be darned if I'm going to replace it until Win 10 goes out of support (the CPU isn't on infamous Microshaft yes list). It runs S1 Pro 5 well enough, so I can always switch to that, but I expect it to be able to run new Sonar. We'll see, not one worth getting bent out of shape for in my view but I can understand your concern. Andy
  2. I have the same ones and mix on them almost exclusively - for two reasons: My room is multi-purpose and not treated; I have zero plans to change that. Something of an unwritten rule in our house not to subject the others who happen to be in residence to your music (and I like a quiet life) - my son is in to Dance music and D'n'B - I have zero tolerance for him to start playing that on his speakers any time soon! So I think you can get decent results mixing on cans (others who have listened to my output my well disagree) but you certainly won't be short of opinion - that's for sure. Good luck with it. Andy
  3. AndyB01

    The Song

    Commented on Bandlab Gary, love the song, the vocals are just superb. Great stuff. Andy
  4. AndyB01

    River's Bend

    Lovely bit of late evening chill that - nicely done - very enjoyable. Lead nylon guitar has a lovely tone - please tell me that's the real thing and not a VST. Andy
  5. Made in China I can live with, shipped from China is another matter as it can take six weeks. I got one called GreenCell in the end and seems to be working well so far.
  6. I get a few wrongly labelled spam mails but generally the Gmail filters seem to work pretty well. Sadly my email was in the MyFitnessPal breach a few years back and ever since then I get a constant feed of crap. I use BitDefender anti spam as an additional control via an Outlook plugin so maybe that helps. ? Andy
  7. AndyB01


    So good they should use it on the credits or for a highlight reel of the race. ? How do you play that stuff?? Your technique reminds me of Blackmore... Keep on rockin' Andy
  8. Sounds great - I quite like a long intro - the vocals have great presence and the guitar work blends in really well. Enjoyed the listen Andy
  9. These are synthetic vocals? ? Sounds pretty impressive to me - nice guitar tone - really great job. Andy
  10. AndyB01


    Very enjoyable instrumental Jack - flute sounds good and the horns - sort of a laid back house jazz meets 70s prog feel, quite the blend. ? Great work! Andy
  11. AndyB01

    Let's Groove

    Bit of a Smokey Robinson vibe for me there Rex - sounding good - lead guitar sounds a little thin to me and maybe could use some FX behind it just to give it some shimmer or sparkle. Andy
  12. I deleted the original tracks because they were unlicensed working drafts, but I have now done an official licensed cover version via DistroKid. No changes to the previous mix, so if you've already listened, please feel free to move on. ? However, if you want to have another listen - or missed it first time around - here you go: Amazon Music It should be on Spotify and iTunes as well somewhere - I'm not very good with this music publishing stuff. ? Andy
  13. AI vocals - now that is interesting and uncannily lifelike - although when you know, you can kind of tell. Interesting project indeed - thanks for sharing. Andy
  14. AndyB01

    What Love Is

    Minor crit - I'd go for a softer and more subtle string sound - really excellent vocal work as always. Great work Andy
  15. Whenever they make the next prequel (or sequel) - I rather lost track after The Empire Strikes Back - they have to use this in it somewhere. ? 'The Prophet's Arrival' - not a bad working title... Love the transitions in this - always takes you where you least expect to go Andy
  16. Came back for a second listen - I enjoyed the original but I think this version is even better - video was just great and really added some context (I think I could create something similar from my own family history). Great job! Andy
  17. Superb lyrical craft coupled with a sublime vocal, oh and the rest of it wasn't too shabby either... ? Great job! Andy
  18. AndyB01

    You Got the Way

    RexRed meets Luther Vandross - what more can I say. ?
  19. Just to clarify, I wasn't having trouble hearing the lyrics. However, knowing Tom's songwriting skills of old, there are probably a few nuggets of gold in there I might have missed and would like to admire for nothing more than the sheer poetry of it. I am a sucker for a good lyric. Andy
  20. Lovely ePiano intro Tom and the bass tone is gooorgeous - drums are up in the mix for sure (as is the trumpet) but I kinda like them there. I thought the vox level was about right (listening on my AA Hi-X60 cans). I wasn't expecting the funky guitar, not sure the wah quite works for me but equally I'm not sure what I'd replace it with - maybe something a tad more driven with just a bit of grit - minor crit, taste and fancy stuff. Really cool track - I wouldn't mind a read of the lyrics either. Great work Andy
  21. Great track Nigel - the bass is stellar. I got the message loud and clear - very on point as ever. Terrific work Andy
  22. Clever use of lyrics as always and very catchy too - really well performed - enjoyed that. Andy
  23. Top work all round ??? Andy
  24. Very much captured the prog feel - I could hear shades of early Genesis (as in Trespass kind of early). Much to like in here - guitar playing was wild - a project to be proud of for sure. ?? Andy
  25. No worries, happy to help. I get it, lack of a demo version doesn't make it any easier to decide. Andy P.s. you can use other VSTs with EzKeys, I tend to prefer Pianoteq than the EzKeys pianos.
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