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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. I own the full version of this and it's my least favourite pipe organ of the ones I own. But yeah, probably great for a freebie. The only other Kontakt Player freebie pipe organ I'm aware of is the Sonuscore one and that's very low detail, borderline lofi.
  2. So apparently they're showing this at NAMM and people who got to try it were blown away. It's a more intuitive, intelligent and tweakable Gullfoss, basically. Also, I second the notion this will easily be $180 if not higher.
  3. Where did you read good things? I own it and can get more convincing "ethnic" sounds out of a children's Casio keyboard.
  4. Boy did I get excited. MM-1 is $69 though unfortunately.
  5. Please just shoot me to Mars.
  6. This is just the base price and they've had base price + 20% off before. Patience pays off.
  7. I agree. I couldn't get a usable sound out of this thing if my life depended on it. Everything sounds cheap and tinny. Easily the worst Tracktion synth. This is what physical modeling sounded like years, if not decades ago. I really should get into the habit of demoing, no matter what the dev is (or in this case, really, the publisher).
  8. Wow. Good thing I didn’t even get around to trying it yet. ?
  9. I like how it says it convincingly recreates a lead guitar and then proceeds to sound like a synth patch from 1990.
  10. That is very clearly not what he was asking. ?
  11. I have actually researched about removing them before because I have zero interest in them. It’s not possible. Isolating/exporting them might be a different thing altogether, but I wouldn't be surprised if it weren’t possible either.
  12. World Suite is very hit or miss. Very few instruments (like, around a handful, if even) are deeply sampled and suitable as lead instruments. Some are borderline unusable. It’s very much a „let me put that in the background to fill out some empty space“ kind of library. If you're looking for that, go for it. If you’re looking to add blazing sitar and oud solos or head-on percussion to your music, look elsewhere.
  13. I'll believe it when I see it. In fact, I will never see it because when I owned this a while ago, it was so incredibly bad that I sold it with a 60% loss.
  14. Extra 20% for your first order with Welcome20
  15. While you're at it, try looking into some other things wrong with IK: - an installer that installs the full content of plugin packages every single time you update and bombards hard disks with trash in 6000 different places - absolutely atrocious quality control on your hardware products, specifically the MTM speakers - SE products, or anything below MAX, really, being incapable of not displaying presets with modules you don't have licences for, making you click some pop up every time - your online shop adding VAT to prices that are the prices with VAT ALREADY INCLUDED in every other EU place where you can buy IK - your support taking literal MONTHS to solve my extremely simple request to re-assign a licence to my account Oh wait, that's right, you only came here to sarcastically talk down a bargain hunter for bargain hunting and boast about "30 new products" of which, by the way, like 2 are actually interesting.
  16. The cello sucks. The guitar too. I regret those purchases. I also think this dev doesn't have anything for you, to be honest. I can however generally recommend Gypsy Squeeze, which is a nicely gritty and growly accordion, as well as New Orleans Brass, which is a similarly gritty brass section great for layering with more "hi-fi" ones, and the only sample library I'm aware of to feature a sousaphone.
  17. https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/search/?jsf=jet-engine:main&meta=price!range:4_6&tax=source_websites:599 edit: how about this? https://www.bestservice.com/en/modular_explorations.html?aid=7wQapZlepeFQ2Hb2 I don't own it, but Sonora is cool.
  18. Deal price for TS4 is §349.99 "Maxgrade" from owning TS3.5 is $299.99 What the ***** is wrong with them
  19. Oh well. Guess I won't buy the 3rd piano library of today.
  20. Well that's extremely easy to resist then, luckily.
  21. I didn't get this despite being a good customer and being subscribed and everything. Maybe it's only for people who haven't bought anything in a while or something.
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